Blimey, I knew I was way behind with my Paws Inn posts but I didn’t realise it had been so long.

I was sure I’d posted when Cornelius and Rosalind left us for their respective pastures new because it was such a cause for celebration, but it looks like I didn’t.

We get regular updates on both of them and to our delight both are really settled and happy, as are their respective slaves.
Corny has got his feet under the table – literally, and has his own place setting at the table for days when there’s chicken on the menu.

The only complaint we’ve ever heard about him is that he can be
too affectionate and wakes her up for cuddles during the night.
I always thought that Rosalind would be a lap cat in the right home but she’s exceeded even my expectations.

Much of that is down to her female slave who is well used to feisty cats. She’d been visiting Rosalind for ages and we knew she would be perfect, but her husband wanted a lap cat for a change and Rosalind came with no guarantees.

Our first update, after just one day, was a photo of Rosalind contentedly cuddled up on hubby’s knee.

Clever girl, she was obviously listening when I told her she had to behave and be especially nice to hubby. Our most recent updates show Rosalind enjoying a caravan holiday with her new family.
After that, the film stars went to lovely homes, followed by two of hisspits and then Mr Cledford, which enabled us to de-commission most of the collapsible pens scattered about the house but only created one vacancy in the permanent pens, which was instantly filled by Noor and Roshan. If the names ring a distant bell for any of the long-term followers of the Inn then yes, it’s two of the litter of 6 tiny kittens that Teresa rescued way back in October 2007 and nursed through flu.,8676.40.html They have a very interesting history in that they were originally sexed as female but subsequently found to be hermaphrodite, which meant that after neutering they officially became male,12357.msg211331.html#msg211331 I think it must have been fate that gave us an empty pen in their hour of need.
Big boy Noor looking wide-eyed on arrival

…and much smaller Roshan hiding

Sadly, rehoming stalled around Eastertime and nothing going out meant that nothing could come in. I haven’t spent much time at the Inn over the summer (been boating

) but I returned in late July from one of my trips to find that there had at last been a bit of movement. The lovely Toby and Marmite have found their forever home

and we now have kittens,

FOURTEEN of them to be precise, plus one mumcat (obviously they’re not all hers). That’s 2 out and 15 in just in case you think you must have read it wrong.

I don’t know how Rob and Debbie managed to shoehorn them all in, but they did.
We still have Bootsie (he of the rectal prolapse, now fixed but not insurable) and his brother Smudge, who have grown into absolutely adorable, lovable cats. Also still with us are two of the Hiss-spits, Poppy and Pablo, who will soon be adult. Their sleek, black coats positively glow with health and they take my breath away every time I look at them (I

blacks) so I can’t understand why they’re still with us, unless it has something to do with the fact that Poppy is still a bit of Madam.
Millie (mum to Ben kitten, the Bunty look-alike if you can remember that far back) is finally coming out of her shell and playing, but she’s still inclined to box you when the mood takes her. We find it funny because she doesn’t use her claws and the accompanying look of irritation on her face is priceless, but unfortunately its not the sort of behaviour that endears her to potential adopters, not that there are any right now.
Pansydora is as lovable as ever but for some time now she has been toileting inappropriately. A medical cause has been ruled out, and prior to having the tests we had already been through all the easy things like trying different litters, using stuff that is supposed to attract her to the litter, giving her various stress-busting things like Zylkene etc etc but nothing has worked. The solution, I’m sure, is a forever home with constant cuddles and playtime but her problem isn’t helping her to find one.

Pansydora stalking a feather

Dainty and Fontaine are adjusting to life without their friends and neighbours Toby and Marmite. We used to let them mix when we were doing a deep clean and they enjoyed exploring each other’s pens and getting up close with each other. I think Dainty was in love with Toby.

She’s tried making advances to the new neighbours through the bars of their cage when we let her out, but Noor hisses and growls at her if she gets too close while Roshan just ignores her.
I think that’s it, except to say that Anastasia’s nose is still looking good and she enjoys a stroll round the garden when its not too sunny.

Oh wait a minute, you’ll want to know a bit more about the kittens won’t you.

There are four different litters, three of which are motherless while the fourth came in with mum. They’re all named after comic-strip characters and briefly we have the 5 Beano kittens, the 4 Popeye kittens, the 3 Dandy kittens, and mum plus her 2 kittens are the Flintstone family. I have some not very good pics that I’ll post tomorrow. In the meantime are there any guesses on colours?