He is
I spoke to Sharn on Saturday - she runs a cattery and also has donated 2 of her pens to the branch. She said that running a cattery, hundreds of cats pass through each year, but once in a while, there is a special one that really gets to her and Lazarus is one of those
- she said she would be made up if we adopt him.
She is coming over at the end of the week with Caroline to see him - speaking of which, Caroline said it would be great if we adopt him - however, as Sharon, she thinks we should proceed with caution and make sure that his health stabilises before making any hasty decisions - she said it is still early days and I didn't see the awful state he was in when he first came into the branch.
Anyway, yet again, a nice big poo in the tray this morning. Sharon suggested keeping a diary and OH agrees - but I am watching like a hawk for any
OH informs me that Laz decided 2.30am was a good time to get up and feed him
- he asked if he should give in. There are biscuit but I guess he wants the attention as well. I have suggested keeping a small amount in a tupperware or a pouch and dish handy