Author Topic: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me  (Read 67702 times)

Offline Liz

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #465 on: May 04, 2010, 21:03:08 PM »
Not such much nervous wrecks but shredded individuals if we get the you are going in this box approach wrong thats why we still have 6 in crush cages :shocked:

Some of our lot just freeze at the vet and we always ge them wormed to somehow they never have a go at the vet but parents can be shredded or worse end up having another cat eat the worming tablet cause we dropped it  :evillaugh:

Sunny the baby BC has also been known to help the cats out during this function :rofl:
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #464 on: May 04, 2010, 20:48:58 PM »
Pleased that Charlie didnt scratch you to pieces and his eye is doing so well  :rofl:

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #463 on: May 04, 2010, 18:56:19 PM »
OMG Liz, i don't know how you do it!!!!   :Crazy:   I've been stressed enough about Charlie and my stray-i'd be a nervous wreck with your lot!   :rofl:

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #462 on: May 04, 2010, 18:33:08 PM »
Glad the visit went well - I felt like I lived there with Turbo's coming and goings with his eye and Floddy to then Minmin got in on the act then we had to take 7 for boosters and Program! :rofl:
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Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #461 on: May 04, 2010, 17:50:15 PM »
Managed to get him there tonight and vet said it's healing really well! He said it will be a bit sore sometimes still while it's healing, hence the watery eye-awwww!  :hug: :hug: I'm defrosting some prawns as a treat for him later-he was as good as gold in the vets again, but i honestly think he's frozen in fear!   :hug: :hug: Have to take Chuch in a couple of weeks for his injections-i might as well move in there!   :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #460 on: May 04, 2010, 07:02:31 AM »
Charlie's due back at the vets today, but i think he's getting a bit wise to being cornered!   ;)  His eye looks much better (after not so good on Sunday and a panic i might have to go to emergency vet!   :what: )  Fingers crossed for getting him in the carrier without being ripped to shreds    :rofl:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #459 on: May 01, 2010, 18:42:14 PM »
It sounds good for Charlie  ;D

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #458 on: May 01, 2010, 17:18:42 PM »
LOL Teresa, i hope so!   :hug:

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #457 on: May 01, 2010, 11:13:48 AM »
I think he realises which side his bread`s buttered. :hug:

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #456 on: May 01, 2010, 08:26:32 AM »
Thanks Teresa, i just worry he'll get scared and run away (with Chuchy giving him the evil eye a lot   :rofl:) tho after being here 6 months on the 11th, i don't think he will, lol  :hug:

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #455 on: May 01, 2010, 07:34:19 AM »
The trip to the vet will have set him back more than the anaesthetic, hes survived most of his life on his nerves , so you are still earning his trust. Think you have worked wonders for Charlie so far, you just need to be patient  :hug:

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #454 on: May 01, 2010, 07:11:33 AM »
You're right, of course, Teresa!  I hadn't thought of it like that-he's been pushed from pillar to post since last March-Cramar, escaping, being caught, escaping againfor 5 weeks, being caught, rehoming, escaping and being missing for 11 weeks, then coming to me and being shut in a room for 5 weeks (where he was amazing!)  :Luv2: :Luv2: He's now having a wash and brush up on the floor nest to me-awww!
Last night he slept on the computer chair, the first time for weeks, from 8.30pm and stayed there until 5.30 this morning! Of course, i'm thinking there's something wrong and kept waking up worrying ( and with the pain in my hip) so he can't win   :rofl: He seems back to his normal scaredy, but a bit fuss-potty self now! Maybe the anaesethetic HAD sent him a bit loopy and now it's out of his system? He's now lying on the floor, yet the door's open!   :Luv2: Needless to say, i look and feel like a zombie-hope i can stay awake for my night out tonight, lol  :hug:

His eye looks fine, thank God, hope it stays that way until he's back at the vets on Tuesday!  :hug:

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #453 on: April 30, 2010, 14:36:20 PM »
Shirley over the years Iris became the sweetest most lovable girl so medication wasnt too bad, Charlie is enjoying the best of both worlds outside in milder weather confident in the knowledge he has his own wonderful home for when he is cold, tired or hungry and the day will come for when he needs his mom to cuddle him too.
He has coped with an enormous amount of change over the last year so its still early days for him. :hug:

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #452 on: April 30, 2010, 13:47:40 PM »
Thanks Teresa, poor Iris-but you did manage to treat her tho?   :rofl: at theimage of you in your nightie calling her!  I don't know why he's still so nervous with me-he's known me all his life!
I've just got back from my old workplace (where he was born and a year today i was made redundant from!) and he came in for a bite to eat for 5 minutes, then hanging on the beading again! Don't know why he's suddenly started doing that!!!! He's out in the rain now, tho there are 2 shelters but one of them's probably soaking wet now!

I hope he keeps out of trouble as well!!!  Until recently, he'd spend a lot of time asleep on my bed with Chuch, now he wants out all the time (could be something to do with it not being so cold!)  :hug:

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #451 on: April 30, 2010, 09:13:52 AM »
Shirley reading of Charlies in/out activities took me back more than 10 years to when I used to wander round the garden in my nightie in the middle of the night calling "Where are you pretty Iris, please come to your mummy who loves you"  :rofl: Iris was a feral who came to us under very sad circumstances just as Charlie did to you, I used to worry myself sick over her,she used to suffer rodent ulcers and was a madam to treat and at times so difficult to get her to return to the house; I think sometimes its their way of telling us that things will progress on their terms. Iris eventually settled so well you could set the clock by the time she came and went.

Forget rescue remedies and the like all he needs is time  :hug: hope your wounds soon heal and Charlie keeps out of further scraps  :hug:

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #450 on: April 30, 2010, 08:58:22 AM »
Well, after my awful stress and worry with the stray cat i found (see 'old, tabby male found in Bradley Bilston) my Charlie had to have an op on his eye yesterday! He's come in the day before with it half closed and, as he won't let me do anything to him, i couldn't even look at it properly, never mind try to bathe it!! Somehow i got him into the carrier (after earlier getting a 2" scratch on my ankle which took forever to stop bleeding, when trying to grab him to look at the eye!) The vet said he'd damaged the cornea and needed a flap of skin cutting off-eeeurgh!!!! He said he was very lucky as, had the claw gone in a bit more, he would've lost his eye!!!!! £211 bill later and you wouldn't think he'd had an op!! Within an hour of coming home he wanted to go out, but i resisted. Later tho, he was literally hanging onto the beading round the window on the door (he's never done that before!) so i let him out! He came back but wanted out again so i gave in yet again-this time he wouldn't come back in and just stood outside the door while i was trying to get him back, so he was out all night! (Only the 3rd time in nearl 6 months he's done that!) Needless to say, i had another rubbish night, getting up to see if he'd come in! This morning, he's fine, in and out like a jack in the box while i'm sitting here freezing to death! I've now shut the door and put the heating on! The last time he came in, he was here for a minute, had some fuss and was hanging off the beading again, 'sigh' I wonder if he'll ever calm down-think i'll have to give him some of my Diazepan!   :rofl:

I feel so sorry for him cos he hasn't got a nasty bone in his body, doesn't fight and freezes at the vets-wish i could do something to help him. I've tried the Bachs stuff, but seemed to make him worse!!!

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #449 on: March 24, 2010, 09:04:25 AM »
Aww thanks Teresa-coming from someone like you (an expert!) that's praise indeed!   :hug: :hug: I think it helped that i've known him since he was a baby and he loves me! :evillaugh:

Hope you're feeling well at the moment. :hug: :hug:

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #448 on: March 24, 2010, 08:51:21 AM »
Just got to say that you`ve worked miraclesl with Charlie, Well done you and Well Done Charlie

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #447 on: March 24, 2010, 08:05:44 AM »
Aww bless Pep!  :Luv2:

Cramar is a wonderful place-wish there were other places like that with a feral area.

Thanks Jane, i hope i can get the car sorted-i'm hoping ex can just shove it back but, with my luck and no money coming in, it'll cost an arm and a leg!!!   :(

Offline Janeyk

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #446 on: March 24, 2010, 07:43:48 AM »
 ;D Glad all went well for Charlie, bless him!  :Luv:

It must have been lovely to go back to Cramar and see all the kitties, it sounds a great place.  My Pep does the paw in the water thing - when his cup has hardly any water in and he can't stick his head in  :innocent:

Sorry about your car though - hope you soon get it sorted  :hug:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 07:44:31 AM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #445 on: March 24, 2010, 06:22:40 AM »
Charlie had his first visit to the vets yesterday-and he was brilliant!!!!   :Luv2: :Luv2: I picked him up while he was asleep and put him in the carrier  :sneaky: He never made a sound in the car-the vet is only about 10 mins away-and let the vet fuss him!!  :wow: He checked him over and said he's a healthy, slightly overweight (oops!) cat! I told him he didn't really eat much so he said he must be eating elsewhere!  :-[ I had to hold him while he got his jab ready and i thought, now is when he would try and make a break for it, but no! Think he must've been frozen with fear! :shocked: He was no trouble going home either and i expected a peaceful evening watching tv, but he decided he wanted to be outside, in the rain  :Crazy: Couldn't get him to come in so i was up and down like a yo yo, worried he might be in trouble, but he eventually did come in, then out, then in  :grrrrrr: He was ok at bedtime tho!
Same thing again in 3 weeks, so need to get a carrier before then-top opening, wire one (borrowed the one last night from Cramar) so if any one knows of a (cheap) one anywhere...........

It was great to be back at Cramar-haven't been since i had Charlie last Nov-had a walk round the feral paddocks, just amazing, with beautiful, clean cats  :Luv2: :Luv2: One of them came up to me (looks like a younger version of Chuch and has been there all the time i've been going over there) He had some fuss, then decided my leg was a scratching post-ouch! Another one was in the sleeping area eating, but picking it up with his paw and another was sitting on the side of the water bowl (like a washing up bowl) dipping his paw in to drink-just sooooo cute! :Luv2: :Luv2:

The only downside to my visit was that i've damaged my car!   :stupid: I hit the kerb on the car park and somehow, got it stuck!!! When i reversed it made a crunching noise, so i got out and had a look, couldn't see anything, so tried again. This time it moved and i saw a graze on the grill thing under the number plate, not too bad, i thought. When i got home, i was telling my friend and she pointed out the REAL damage!!! I've somehow separated the wing from the bonnet!!!   :grrrrrr:  Rang ex hubby and he said i've probably pulled off the clips that hold the panel on (!) He's coming to have a look tonight or tomorrow after work, depending what time he gets back! Fingers crossed it's something that can be fixed easily and cheaply!!!!   :sigh:

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #444 on: March 13, 2010, 07:59:47 AM »
Who's a good boy then??  :shy: Last night i was going out and my friend was drying her hair as i opened the back door, so Charlie wouldn't come back in!  :scared: I asked her to leave the room and tried again-he looked terrified but came just inside the door, but dashed out again as i went to close the door behind him!   :grrrrrr: We were running late so i couldn't wait much longer and had to leave him outside   :sick: The longest he's been out before without me being here is 2 hours in the daytime!  :Sad Bye: Needless to say i was worried to death (still had a fantastic night even tho i think my left eardrum has been shattered   :rofl: :rofl: !!) Came home at 12.30 this morning to find him waiting by the door...awwww!  :Luv2: :Luv2: He'd been out for 5 hours!!!!   :wow:
« Last Edit: March 13, 2010, 08:01:33 AM by Shirley »

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #443 on: March 10, 2010, 16:43:51 PM »
oooh yes - much nearer Trigger's build than Tosker's

Tosker is really more like a teddy bear than a cat :Luv:
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Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #442 on: March 10, 2010, 09:04:22 AM »
Chuch didn't wake me this morning-i woke up at 7.15 thinking he must be poorly, but he's fine, now on my lap!   :Luv2:  :Luv2:

Here's the pic i promised! Not standing up, but think you can see his tail!

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #441 on: March 09, 2010, 20:01:07 PM »
he's just come down

he's funny on the bed at night - he sleeps right at the bottom, but if I put my hand outside the duvet he gives a little cry and comes rushing up for fuss - when I put my hand back in he goes back to the bottom again

how's that for training - and I didn't even know I was doing it :evillaugh:
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Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #440 on: March 09, 2010, 18:44:42 PM »
He'll be going in the next couple of weeks................

I wish he'd sit on my lap (like Chuch is doing as i type) but he'll only lie next to me, with his back to me!!   :( He'll sleep on my bed during the day but won't come in the bedroom at night, when i'm in bed, even tho' the door's open???   :Crazy:  He does let me sleep till i get up (usually about 7-7.30am) which is more than Chuch does-he has me up at anytime from 4am to let him out!   :tired:

Has Tosker come down from the wardrobe yet? I'll try  and find a 'standing up' pic of Charlie so you can see he really isn't his twin after all  :'(
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 18:52:35 PM by Shirley »

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #439 on: March 09, 2010, 18:25:02 PM »
Charlie and Tosker  aren't twins then after all :(

Tosker is small, decidedly plump (the only word I can find which sums up his little round hard barrel body) with very short legs and a short thick tail

his favourite pose is on his back on my lap with all four legs stuck straight out in the air

though not today - today he is in a basket on top of the wardrobe staying well out of my way - I think he's spotted I came home with the bottle of the eardrops the nasty vet insisted on putting in his ears :evillaugh:

hope you are forgiven more quickly than me - when is Charlie going to the (whispers V E T S)?
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Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #438 on: March 09, 2010, 18:04:51 PM »
 :rofl: :rofl:

The description of Trigger is like Charlie (well, before he put weight on!) In fact, that's how the CDS's used to describe him 'having a long, thin tail'   :Luv2:

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #437 on: March 09, 2010, 17:59:50 PM »
Trigger is a Russian Blue and is nothing like Tosker - long-limbed, slender body, very long thin tail, small narrow head

I reckon this lady in the queue was sold a pup :rofl: :rofl:
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Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #436 on: March 09, 2010, 17:53:52 PM »
LOL no idea! I've already wasted 6 worming tablets last week (on the 2 of them) and only just managed to Frontline Charlie cos he kept moving his head!   :rofl:

Poor Tosker being so scared!   :scared: I have visions of Charlie doing the wall of death when i take him!  :-[   I may have a solution to the carrier problem but can't say anything till Friday!   ;)

BTW i got talking to a woman in the cat food aisle at Morrisons today (as you do) and she was telling me how she was feeding a stray and that her own 2 had now died. She showed me a picture of one of them........................the double of Charlie and Tosker!! She said he was a Russian Blue and had cost her £150-i said mine was a factory cat and cost nothing   :rofl:

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #435 on: March 09, 2010, 15:16:44 PM »
Tosker is just over 4kg, and the carrier felt as if it was at its limit - not that that meant it was, but I can't  really test it to destruction (though Tiffany would be just the girl for the job!!)

I also have a fabric carrier lined with plush, which is much favoured as a sleeping place by all three cats, and more than once I have been able to just zip it up with the cat already inside!! - they are quite cheap so might be worth a try

poor Tosker was so scared - he lay like a pancake on the vet's table,trying not to be noticed :(

but his gingivitis is now classified as mild, and not requiring treatment, which is good, so apart from sore ears he is doing OK

now do you have any tips on how to apply ear drops twice a day to a very reluctant cat :shify: :shify:
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Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #434 on: March 09, 2010, 13:42:37 PM »
Charlie's never been weighed but looking how tubby he is now, i would say he's almost as big as Chuch, who was 5.2kg last October   :evillaugh:  Would that be ok for him?

Good luck with the vet visit!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 13:58:23 PM by Shirley »

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #433 on: March 09, 2010, 13:39:07 PM »
there's one for £18 very similar to the one I have used for 9 years on the Zooplus site - called Capri

I wouldn't put 6kg Tiffany in mine though, as I am not sure the carrier could cope with her weight - Tosker is 4 kg but he doesn't wriggle like she does :evillaugh:
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Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #432 on: March 09, 2010, 13:28:57 PM »
Er, not a top loader and the closest Charlie gets to my lap is his two front paws!   :rofl: Might have to pop to Cramar and ask if i can borrow one of their's-that's what i bought him home in!  I should really have my own cos i won't be able to keep it forever anyway!  I did price one up at Jollye's the other week and it was £25-can't afford that! Any idea where i could get a cheaper one, or is that about the going rate? 

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #431 on: March 09, 2010, 11:07:17 AM »
Tosker had his first  vaccs three weeks ago, Shirley, and he was fine - in fact he is going back this pm for the follow-up

he doesn't like being picked up, but he loves to be on my lap, so I shall put the carrier, which has already been out open in the front room for two days, right by the sofa later

then all I have to do is sit down, wait until he's on my lap, and pick him up and plonk him straight in it

wouldn't fancy my chances if the carrier wasn't top loading though - what type do you use?
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Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #430 on: March 09, 2010, 09:27:12 AM »
Just put cat carrier into Charlie's room, hoping he'll get used to it ready for his first vet visit......... :scared: He's due for injections, in fact, he was due a long time ago cos, after he escaped the very first time after the original injections on April 1st, he never had the follow ups.................should be fun trying to get him into it  :hairrasin:  Chuch is bad enough!    :rofl:

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #429 on: February 21, 2010, 08:54:09 AM »
LOL, they already are! Chase each other round the  house-why can't they do it outside???   :rofl: :Luv2: :hug:   It was great to see them enjoying the sun yesterday, now we've had snow in the night and they won't leave the house   :rofl:  They'd rather be doing this  :scratch:  than be outside in the  :cold:
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 16:23:37 PM by Shirley »

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #428 on: February 20, 2010, 22:35:46 PM »
Aw Shirley thats a super pic, they are defo BFF's now.... soon to be terror's together!  :rofl: :Luv2: :hug:

Offline Shirley

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #427 on: February 20, 2010, 16:55:52 PM »
Latest photos of Chuch and Charlie-BFF-awww!    :catplay2:

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Re: GB's (or Charlie's) new home with me
« Reply #426 on: February 15, 2010, 22:21:55 PM »
Hi Bazsmum, how can anybody let a cat out to go feral!!!!!    :grrrrrr:  They should be shot!!!   (the humans, not the cat!)  >:(  It sounds like he loves you tho-thank God you trapped him!    :hug: :Luv2:
I think Chuch has a new lease of life too-can't wait till the summer and they can chase each other in the garden instead of from room to room!   :rofl:

Lol Trigger, love your description of Tosker-Charlie is even more like him now-don't know why though, the amount of food i throw away you wouldn't think he was eating anything!   :rofl: :Luv2:
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 22:22:44 PM by Shirley »


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