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General Cat Chat / Re: felix is so smelly when Storm has a bowel movement
« Last post by Helena on July 09, 2024, 16:34:40 PM »
Hi Helena,

Hopefully you have managed to find a less smelly food for Storm :) Sorry for not responding sooner.

How's Storm settling in?

Hi Sam,

After this Storm started leaving the jelly so I tried her on the Felix in gravy only to find that she was licking the gravy and leaving the protein, so I went back to the jelly to find she wouldn't eat ANY of it. I'd been in contact with the Cats Protection because she was going stir crazy to the nth degree, and told them about her eating habits and they said that as she was eating the Purina Pro Plan dry food to just give her that. so far that's working......

As for settling in, she is so laid back that even after a couple of jaunts (allowed) today she isn't really fussing to get out which is good  as it's been a performance every time anyone went outside or came in.

That is as of this afternoon.. My experience with Bubz taught me never to assume and Storm is carrying on the teaching!
Hi Helena,

Hopefully you have managed to find a less smelly food for Storm :) Sorry for not responding sooner.

How's Storm settling in?
Oooooh how exciting.  Welcome to the Purrs family Storm  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
Health & Behaviour General / Re: Our cat can't meow properly
« Last post by Sam (Fussy_Furball) on July 09, 2024, 12:13:25 PM »

So sorry for the delay in respondig to your message.  As you can tell the site is very quiet these days :(  I'm sorry we can't really suggest any medication as Louie really needs to be seen by a vet to see what the issue is.   There are a number of reasons and really a vet is the first point of call.

This link will give you an idea of possible causes.  Please seek vet advice asap.

Good luck  :hug:
General Cat Chat / felix is so smelly when Storm has a bowel movement
« Last post by Helena on June 26, 2024, 14:31:59 PM »
I experienced this with Bubz so am reasonably sure its not a one off. Is there an affordable and less pungent option to Felix pouches? Storm is eating the meat in jelly at the moment. She doesn't like the smell any more than me and my PA do, but I'm reluctant to mess around too much with her food at the moment. Moving out of Cats Protection having arrived there heavily pregnant with litter #2, the change is unsettling enough without me messing around with her food.
Rescue & Rehoming General / Re: I'm adopting (or is it being adopted?) tomorrow
« Last post by Helena on June 24, 2024, 07:47:33 AM »
Cats Protection do that for all the cats as default, Liz. It's part of the rehoming process. I'd get it done anyhow anyway.
Aww, congratulations
Rescue & Rehoming General / Re: I'm adopting (or is it being adopted?) tomorrow
« Last post by Liz on June 23, 2024, 20:15:07 PM »
Helena she is gorgeous look forward to her taking over your life x
Rescue & Rehoming General / I'm adopting (or is it being adopted?) tomorrow
« Last post by Helena on June 23, 2024, 16:15:33 PM »
Her name's Storm and she's been living at a Cats Protection shelter while she had kittens. This is her yesterday and my finger got a good "grooming"
Health & Behaviour General / Our cat can't meow properly
« Last post by CarterUSM on June 21, 2024, 09:06:21 AM »
Our cat Louie, a 12yo female, is seemingly unable to meow properly at the moment. Instead of the typical meow sound, she is currently only able to make a rather raspy, squeaky sound, and this has been ongoing for the last week or so. Otherwise, she appears to be perfectly healthy; she is eating and moving normally, is displaying no external signs of pain or illness.  (We don’t think it’s laryngitis, having examined the various symptoms, but obviously don’t know this for certain). Unfortunately, she is very difficult to catch; she is resolutely an outdoor cat who refuses to come inside our house.
We have thought that the recent very hot weather may have been a factor (we live in Cyprus, where no appreciable rain falls between April and October), but our other cat has not experienced the same problem (although she is much more of an indoor cat than Louie).
Our veterinary clinic has advised us that they really need to examine her physically in order to make a proper diagnosis, but for reasons stated above this is not practical.
Would anyone be able to suggest any medication which may ease this condition, without requiring taking her to the vet for examination?
Very many thanks in anticipation of your assistance.
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