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Health & Behaviour General / Re: Flea treatment Comfortis or injection?
« Last post by Desley (booktigger) on September 02, 2023, 19:12:03 PM »
I've only used the tablets, but when I used them, each tablet was only for 2kg, so the choice was either 2.5 tablets for my 5ish kg cat, or half a dog one, I've not used it on a cat since so don't know if that has improved, he had a reaction to spot ons, so we had to use an alternative, I personally prefer spot ons to the tablets.
Health & Behaviour General / Flea treatment Comfortis or injection?
« Last post by cathycat on September 02, 2023, 10:06:49 AM »
Hi all.
My cat Alfie has just recovered from a mild dose of cat flu (he is vaccinated). He's well but it has left him with sensitive eyes. I had delayed his Advocate spot on flea treatment this time for 3 weeks while he was recovering. The delay has meant fleas have emerged :sick: so I decided I really needed to give him his Advocate but because his eyes are sensitive he freaked out (the smell of it?) and I don't think any treatment actually made contact with him but I'm not sure.
 I don't want to use it again on him in the future as it really upset him so I'm looking into either Comfortis tablets or the injection that lasts 6 months, I'd love some feedback on either of these if anyone has experience.
Do I need to wait a month before giving him either of these because I'm not sure if any Advocate made contact with him?
Health & Behaviour General / Soiling outside the litter box
« Last post by papa cat on August 27, 2023, 23:28:38 PM »
I recently got 2 cats from Cat's Protection to replace mine that died (at different times) a while back.
Both are female, a bonded pair, 3.5 years old, named Panda (black and white) and Nancy (tabby)

I was advised before they came that Panda had the habit of pooing outside the litter box. For about 2 weeks she didn't do that, but she has started it now and always in the same place, behind the front door on the door mat
I have tried putting a covered then an uncovered litter tray there and a then very shallow plant tray with litter in it, in that spot, but she did it next to it on the mat.
She is using the litter trays to pee in. ( I have 4 in total throughout my flat)
To enable me to clean it up easily I moved the doormat and replaced it with a plastic carpet runner so I can scoop it up easily. She hasn't done it on the doormat since, she is doing it on the plastic runner, so it would seem that it's the locaton that matters to her and not the door mat.

I should add that in every other way they are both very happy and contented and affectionate so I don't think it's an insecurity problem

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might solve this problem ?
General Cat Chat / Deleted
« Last post by papa cat on August 27, 2023, 23:23:54 PM »
Posted in the wrong place
Only just seen this Francis and so sorry to read the news.

He had such a wonderful home with you and I know he will leave a gap.

James always seemed such a laid back boy and it is wonderful how much the acupuncture helped him in later life.

Thinking of you all :hug:
Health & Behaviour General / Re: Felimazole dosage
« Last post by alisonandarchie on August 22, 2023, 20:33:02 PM »
Archie has 2.5 morning and night.

It has made such a difference to him over the last few weeks. He is beginning to put weight on and his heart rate has gone down. Still a bit of a murmur but vet is hopeful this will go
It has made such a big difference to Archie who is 17. He has arthritis and wobbly back legs.

It is obvious when he needs his next injection and thankfully the insurance are paying.
Health & Behaviour General / Re: Arthritis and wobbly legs
« Last post by alisonandarchie on August 22, 2023, 20:28:50 PM »
Archie has been on Solensa injections for the last few months due to arthritis and wobbly legs. It has made such a difference to him cannot praise the drug enough.

He is 17 and hopping about all over the place again.

All the best
Health & Behaviour General / Re: cat flu advice
« Last post by cathycat on August 19, 2023, 17:34:22 PM »
Thank you! Kittens are booked in for Tuesday and their notes from the rescues vets should be winging their way over to my vets, Unfortunately one of the kittens has developed a "gammy" eye, This doesn't bode well but at least I will be able to have a frank chat with the vet on Tuesday and work out what to do for the best.
Health & Behaviour General / Re: cat flu advice
« Last post by Lyn (Slugsta) on August 19, 2023, 17:32:09 PM »
I agree with Frances that you haven't done anything particularly wrong here. I have learned from experience to be a bit suspicious of the claims that rescues make after they told us that Sky was 'a bit shy' which turned out to be a huge understatement - but I think they are so keen to get the cats to good homes that they maybe tend to be over-optimistic at times.

I really hope that all 3 cats are given a clean bill of health and, in time, become good housemates.
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