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Thank you Souffle, somehow I missed this at the time.
Beautiful.   Play hard at the Bridge little ones xx
Rainbow Bridge - In Loving Memory / The night before Christmas at the Bridge 2023
« Last post by souffle on December 24, 2023, 18:18:19 PM »
The Night Before Christmas 2023

Rainbow stirred and stretched.
Was it that time already?
There were newbies ahead of him so Monty waited
They were excited and tumbling around
On the night before Christmas

Rainbow called him and Monty came?
Come my friend you know the way.
Monty stood while he climbed up his silky fur.
The key jingled and the cats and other animals ran forward!
On the night before Christmas

Monty set off towards the gate
He knew the way now and his heart raced
Rainbow held tight as he bounded towards the glowing light.
The stars shone and they all flew together filled with hope and joy
On the night before Christmas

She wasn’t first this year his Callie
She knew the rules – there were others more needy
She waited patiently while they surged forward
She knew he would be there
Monty, said Rainbow, will you lift me up now to the gate
On the night before Christmas

So he lifted the little one and in the key went
The gates swung open wide and the magic was sent
The cats all ran through and were united again
With their loved ones, their homes and their families and friends
On the night before Christmas

She stepped forward and he came to her
They came together and she told him the news of friends old and new
They snuggled and talked and he sent his love to his family
One day he knew they would all be together again
On the night before Christmas

Love flowed like rivers
To takers from givers
Love lasts forever
It always delivers
On the night before Christmas

In memory of all those who walked the path over the bridge this year x
General Cat Chat / Re: Female Cat Spraying
« Last post by dawnf on December 18, 2023, 14:13:47 PM »
General Cat Chat / Re: Female Cat Spraying
« Last post by Stuart on December 13, 2023, 03:53:59 AM »
Thanks Dawn, that sound very similar to Rosie, sept she screams for Scotland  :evillaugh:
General Cat Chat / Re: Female Cat Spraying
« Last post by dawnf on December 07, 2023, 11:08:27 AM »
our amber used to to this, she was spayed but a bit under confidence so marked territory in the garden and could scream for england if another cat turned up on the fence (the garden is cat proof so they never came to blows)
General Cat Chat / Re: Female Cat Spraying
« Last post by Stuart on December 01, 2023, 09:09:42 AM »
Hiya Desley, We acquired Rosie round about June, that's when her lovely owners took her to the vet to be PTS because she meowed all the time  >:(
and it was one of my neighbours who knew we'd lost Robbie put me in touch with the vet.

The story of meowing turned out to be a load of lies and Rosie is a typical cat (apart from the time she almost bit clean through my hand coz I rubbed her belly for a second too long  :doh:

Not sure how unspayed females usually act, just know they do additional things, I haven't seen Rosie do anything weird, she just gulps when she is purring (guessing she's swallowing excess saliva)
General Cat Chat / Re: Female Cat Spraying
« Last post by Desley (booktigger) on November 30, 2023, 19:38:33 PM »
I have known spayed female cats do that, though it often doesn't include urine, unlike males and is normally a territorial thing, which seems to fit with what you've said about her. I can't remember how long you've had her, but guessing it is longer than 9 weeks, so think you might have noticed if she is unspayed.
General Cat Chat / Female Cat Spraying
« Last post by Stuart on November 30, 2023, 13:45:54 PM »
Hi Folks, it is I, I haven't left  :evillaugh:

tho it has been a while  8)

Ok, wee update on the Madam known as Rosie, basically she has turned into a female version of Robbie, out most of the time, when she is home, just sleeps, she has fairly made herself known to the other neighborhood cats and made it perfectly clear that the presence of other cats will not be tolerated  >:(

I haven't seen her fighting and she has yet to come home with scratches/scabs etc, but by jove she can scream  :shocked: I haven't heard her in a while tho next doors Bella still frequent's the garden  :shify:

Rocky our Lhasa Apso is a little shite and will chase Rosie at any given opportunity, I keep telling Rosie to stop running and he will stop, but I think she likes the chase  ;D stupid dog...

anyway, we come to the main point for this post, I was in the garden not 20 minutes ago and observed Rosie spraying against a fence (like a boy)  :shocked:
I didn't know they could do that, this makes me worry tho, is she just simply marking her territory or is she on heat  :scared: although I asked the question multiple times if she was dressed, I never actually got an answer... I'm guessing they would act different if they were on heat? yowling and such, thankfully, I've not seen any strange behaviour  :briggin:

Picture of Rosie checking over the fence  :evillaugh:

General Cat Chat / Re: Getting a partly feral stray to the vet
« Last post by Ladymissk on November 28, 2023, 12:14:37 PM »
Sorry, I'm not risking frightening him to death, he's been abused enough...the pom poms stay, until hes settled properly..if not I'll just have to put up with them!
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