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it certainly sounds like you've got it under control.  As long as your furbabies have dry food and water they will not starve ;)

What are their names? 

Health & Behaviour General / Re: Cats not eating what I think they should
« Last post by papa cat on March 26, 2024, 05:55:13 AM »
For the time being I have decided to take my cues from them.
As previously written they were given 4 pouches a day, often all at the same time, plus an unlimited amount of dry (due to a sleep problem I have, I often can’t feed them twice a day)
They are not perturbed if the wet food is many hours old if it is still wet and not dried up, as sometimes when I feed them the next day I will leave the previous day’s leftovers out and they will eat that as well as the fresh food.
I have recently been putting down 2 pouches once a day, and that is almost all being eaten, also they still have an unlimited supply of dry food.
General Cat Chat / Re: Hi furiends!
« Last post by Stuart on March 23, 2024, 09:06:12 AM »
I just joined in case I need some cat advice and just to talk. Hope everyone has a wonderful day  :hug:

Hiya  :welcome:
I would leave good quality dry food out in a bowl- for them to graze on all day.  I would then only offer wet food once a day to start with.  Offer a small amount and if they are hungry they will eat it.  Most cats like their food fresh, straight from the packet.  My guys get wet food in the morning and again at tea time.

Good luck

Let us know how you get on
Health & Behaviour General / Re: Cats not eating what I think they should
« Last post by pandorawarlord on March 22, 2024, 17:56:39 PM »
agree with wet food twice a day and dry just out down once
Health & Behaviour General / Re: Cats not eating what I think they should
« Last post by papa cat on March 22, 2024, 15:08:30 PM »
Thank you for your suggestions. :thanks:
I would leave good quality dry food out in a bowl- for them to graze on all day.  I would then only offer wet food once a day to start with.  Offer a small amount and if they are hungry they will eat it.  Most cats like their food fresh, straight from the packet.  My guys get wet food in the morning and again at tea time.

Good luck
I would limit the dry food if you want them to eat more wet, and even though the food is covered, it might not seem fresh enough for them, which could be putting them off.
Health & Behaviour General / Cats not eating what I think they should
« Last post by papa cat on March 12, 2024, 17:22:26 PM »
I have two female cats both four years old.
I put out four pouches of wet food food daily (sometimes only once a day, sometimes twice) into two microchip cat feeders that open and close automatically when the cats approach or leave, that means the food is covered when not being eaten and stays fresher.

They also have an unlimited supply of dry food from a gravity feeder that they can free-feed from.

Often they don't eat all the wet food, sometimes a considerable amount is left.
I have tried various brands and types.

I do wish that they would eat more of the wet food so that is not wasted.
What do you think I should do ?
1. Cut down the wet food and let them free-feed on dry.
2. Limit (or even remove) the dry food.

However, the last thing I want is for them to be hungry!!
Health & Behaviour General / Re: hyperesthesia
« Last post by dawnf on January 22, 2024, 12:48:38 PM »
I took one of mine to the vet years ago to discuss this, he said most cases of the rippling back were just fleas
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