Author Topic: Dipping a toe in the water..  (Read 34178 times)

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #119 on: August 18, 2016, 09:33:55 AM »
I've got 2 nervous cats that don't go outside. If we are having work done on the house etc I move them to the bedroom with food and cat litter trays. Saves the stress of them running for their lives on laminate floor and doing the Scooby-do run. If he's not too nervous of new people he will be fine.                           
                                                                                                           One of the joys of cat ownership is worrying.

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #118 on: August 16, 2016, 22:43:31 PM »
Caring and worrying are part of the same spectrum. You aren't weird at all Helen, and some very good advice offered.

I hope your Birthday do goes well, and as long as he has somewhere quiet to escape to I am sure he will be fine. :hug: :hug: :hug:
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Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #117 on: August 16, 2016, 18:15:07 PM »
Aw thanks  :hug: I went to a few of the neighbours today (those that were in) and they were all fine, so feel a bit better about him wandering now they know where he's from :)

I'm hoping if we stick to our current routine during the garden work, and we will let him out early morning/afternoon when the workers aren't here, then get him in during the day. But a very good point about checking vans just in case, duely noted!

I just hope if he does need to hide, it's going to be upstairs and not outside anywhere!!

I suppose worrying = caring, so I'd rather worry than not from that perspective!  ;)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #116 on: August 16, 2016, 11:57:38 AM »
You're not a Worrywort.  You're a good Cat Mum.   :hug: :hug:

Ours generally take off if we're having any work done or if we have visitors.  They go out, or seek out a hiding space until all is quiet again. 

If you hang out in the garden occasionally whilst the works are underway, he'll see that you're not concerned, and hopefully it will help to calm his nerves, if he has any. 

Which leads me to another thing....  :shify: :shify:  I would ask your workmen to keep their van doors shut whilst not getting stuff in or out of the van, and ask if they'd mind checking the interior of the vehicle before leaving each day, just in case.  I'm dreadful like that.  So's my OH, but better safe than sorry.  :hug:

Who said having cats was "easy?"

Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #115 on: August 16, 2016, 11:23:39 AM »
Thanks ladies :) x Nice to know I'm not being totally weird in thinking its worth doing! We have already told our immediate neighbours, as they have the dogs LOL, but now he's venturing a bit further I thought it would be worth doing, for exactly those reasons.

Can't wait until all this settling in part is done, I'm a worrywart at the best of times, so this is driving me nuts LOL  :Crazy:

Hoping he will be ok over the next couple of weeks - timing is a bit pants but we have someone coming in to redo our garden next week (been in the diary for ages as he's hard to get hold of) so I hope Buddy doesn't freak when things get dug up and moved about a bit :/ Also have a big family BBQ planned for my birthday on the BH weekend, and hoping he won't get freaked by too many people being over, even though he has met them all now. Am sure he will be fine, and if not he can now go upstairs so he can hide up there is needed I guess!

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #114 on: August 16, 2016, 10:42:43 AM »
Really sensible idea Kay. 

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #113 on: August 16, 2016, 10:18:20 AM »
I kept feeding someone else's cat along with two regular strays because I didn't realise he had a home, so I think it's an excellent idea to let your neighbours know there's a new kid on the block

in fact, a little leaflet with his photo on and your contact details would be really good, in case he ever gets lost in someone's garden - and you might find some cat-loving friends that way, who you could swap feeding duties with to cover holidays
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #112 on: August 16, 2016, 09:43:21 AM »
Sounds like things are going really well Helen.  I do understand how worrying it is, and my own view is that we let all our neighbours know about our cats - even the ones who don't care for cats very much, as they can be very helpful in letting us know whether or not they've been round and about.  I would tell them and introduce yourselves.

Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #111 on: August 16, 2016, 09:25:33 AM »
Well all is going ok still with His Knibbs going out, he's avoided the garden with the big dog since the tree incident at the weekend, so all good there!

He's been pretty good at coming back home, although we did have a scare this morning as he disappeared off in the other direction for about 40 mins, during which we heard a distant cat fight!  :shocked: Luckily he appeared about 20 (very nerve wracking) Mins later, as cool as a cucumber and seemingly fine!

I'm wondering if I should go knock on more neighbours doors though, and just let the nearby ones with gardens he's likely to go in know who he is? We aren't especially chatty with the houses more than two doors down, and DH thinks I'm being daft and worrying too much and don't need to, as no one else ever does that. But I'm thinking if they know where he's from, they might be a bit kinder if they spot him, and also if there are any incidents they know where to come?

Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #110 on: August 14, 2016, 10:41:04 AM »
Well this morning was interesting - DH was up a ladder at 8am helping Buddy down from our tree!!  :shocked:

He adventured over the fence to next door yesterday afternoon but their dog was out for his walk so Bud had a safe nose around and then came back to us - luckily! However of course this morning he thought it would be a good idea to do it again! Then next door let their dog out LOL! One bark and a scrabble later, and he was up our silver birch, which is right next to the adjoining fence! DH did his best fireman impression and climbed the ladder to fish him out bless him!

Buddy was ok after his little ordeal, although a tad scared and big eyed, but he is now still meowing to go outside so it can't have been too traumatic! I just hope that was enough to stop him going over there again! (Ha ha)

Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #109 on: August 13, 2016, 14:13:16 PM »
LOL  :thanks: The things we go through for our furry family members!  :shy:

He's chilled out again now thank goodness, not hassling at the back door, and fast asleep on the armchair at the moment :)

Letting him out again around 5.30pm, before his dinner around 6pm.....! Fingers crossed for another good foray into the great outdoors, and a return to the house for his dinner!

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #108 on: August 13, 2016, 13:51:32 PM »
It was a good start, and you can build on that gradually.  I so know how you feel though - I think we all do, when our cats go outdoors.   :hug: :hug:

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #107 on: August 13, 2016, 11:34:46 AM »
That was a good start though Helen.

It'll come. :hug: :hug: :hug:
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Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #106 on: August 13, 2016, 08:53:02 AM »
Phew, well that's done! He was out for about 20mins in the end. Had a good sniff around the garden, ate some grass and even ventured out the front of the house a tiny bit too. Looked up at the hedge and the tree, but thank god he didn't try to climb up (I'm sure that's to come though!!)  :scared:

He kind of ignored us for the most part, but did come over to me a couple of times, although treats suddenly weren't so interesting!

He came back inside on his own after DH rattled his breakfast bowl though, which was a good sign!

Only problem now is that's he's meowing away at the back door loads - he's not made this much noise since we got him!  :shocked: Now terrified that when we let him out again later has not going to come back LOL! Ugh so scary, felt nauseous the whole time, and still do a little! Wish I could fast forward to a point where he's all chilled and settled into going outside and I don't have to worry every time!

Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #105 on: August 13, 2016, 06:58:31 AM »
Well today's the day, we are letting his Highness out this morning - wish us luck!!  :shocked: :scared: :shify:

Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #104 on: August 09, 2016, 20:45:18 PM »
That's a good point actually Mymbles, we were already planning to keep him in at night anyway, so fingers crossed that will mean fewer "presents"!!

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #103 on: August 09, 2016, 15:21:08 PM »
Cats do a lot of there hunting at night so it's worth getting him used to coming in and then closing the cat flap in the evenings. My parents do this with their cats and seems to work well. They would like to go out at night but have gotten used to the rules as haven't known anything else since they adopted them.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #102 on: August 09, 2016, 08:44:23 AM »
We have bird feeders in the garden.  For the most part, the birds and the cats manage okay together.  When they have had birds - or mice - they're often from further afield to the rear of us.  Good hunting grounds alas, as lots of rough ground and attractive trees, shrubs and undergrowth.

I always prefer our cats to wear collars even though they're all microchipped, but I'm afraid Moray is the only one who is a good lad and will tolerate a collar, so I've given up with the others.  Am not altogether happy about it, but hey-ho.  In the scheme of things......

It's natural for us to worry abut our cats when they're indoor/outdoor, and I know it's not easy to do otherwise.    :hug: :hug:

Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #101 on: August 09, 2016, 08:23:15 AM »
Sounds like we are on the right track then, we will let him out before breakfast on Saturday, and will both be going out with him - I'll remember to take a few treats as well to keep him within bounds (hopefully!). I can't tell if he's going to stay close or leg it at the moment, he looooves looking out and he's definitely nosy, but he does hide at sudden strange loud noises, so it's hard to tell!

We also have a silver birch tree in our garden which he looks at longingly, as the birds perch in it. Sadly it's on the boundary with the neighbour with the bigger dog - I can already imagine him getting up there and either getting stuck, or just teasing the dog  :shocked:

I do feel a bit daft asking them to do the leads, and they don't have to but I'm being a big worrywart LOL and trying to minimise possible problems! Plus we are at least making them aware that he will be going out now, and can show them his pic etc so they know who's he is.

We weren't planning on a collar either, he's not worn one and I've heard so many stories about them causing injury? He's chipped so hopefully that's ok?

I'm sure he will be fine, he's lightning fast so I'm sure he can get out of trouble, but if he gets spooked I just pray he will know to get back to us and not panic and run off!

Also worrying about hunting - I know it's part of normal cat behaviour, but our last cat never did anything, so I've never had to deal with that before  :sick: At the back of our garden is a big Hawthorne hedge so it's full of birds and probably small furries - I hope they learn to steer clear when his Highness goes on the prowl, he's been watching intently from the windows....... :shify:

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #100 on: August 09, 2016, 06:51:13 AM »
Buttering their paws doesn't do any harm, but it doesn't make them stay close to home particularly, either.  That boils down to what they have there, and how adventurous they are. 

I'd begin letting him out when you're able to be with him for a decent period.  Start when he hasn't been fed, so he has a vested interest in staying close to home.  Leave the access door open, so he can retreat when he feels the need. 

At first, Moray and the Gurlies would venture out a little way, then a sudden noise would drive them back to the door, but with Mac, Ross and Tinks, they were explorer kitties, who were off at the first opportunity, checking out the neighbours and following interesting trails.  :innocent:

I would take some treats and toys out with you to engage his interest and to give him an opportunity to have fun in "his" space before going further afield.

Our neighbor has two dogs, but thankfully, both are very good around the cats.  We did however have a neighbor who had a visitor with a large border collie that loathed cats and would hunt any cat it got a glimpse of, intent on maximum damage.  Most cats will be quick at assessing potential danger (save for roads - some do and some don't) but as with Emma's experience, our cats Paddy and Flynn used to wind up our neighbour's two Pulis by sitting on the backyard wall and "baiting" them   :-[

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #99 on: August 08, 2016, 23:04:01 PM »
Buddy sounds amazing!

Nearly everyone in our street has cats or dogs - I never thought about asking those next door to put their dogs on a lead. It is such a worry, but you just have to do it!

I'm sure Buddy wont venture far at first, and will gradually expand and find out where his own safe territory is. Our 3 regularly sit somewhere they know they are safe, but know the dogs can see them just to annoy them!  :rofl:  :evillaugh:  :rofl:
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Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #98 on: August 08, 2016, 18:40:18 PM »
My neighbours have two spaniels that will chase the cats if they are out in the garden and can see them. The cats just usually avoid that side although they do come over occasionally. It's a good place to release the (few) live mice I rescue.
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Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #97 on: August 08, 2016, 16:40:18 PM »
Well, we are rapidly approaching the next little hurdle with our lovely Buddy - letting him venture into the great outdoors!  :shocked:

He's still being a absolute cutie, and is totally king of the castle! He's been with us four weeks now, and I can't believe how quick that's gone, seems like he's been part of the family forever!  :Luv2:

He has now met nearly all of our family, who adore him too LOL! The latest was our 14month old niece, who he was a little wary of (lots of noise for a tiny human!) at first but he wasn't too phased and ended up sat on the back of an armchair while she was on DHs lap playing.

We have got all his Petlog and insurance details all sorted - and now it's time to let him venture outside......! I'm terrified LOL! We are planning to have the first go before his breakfast on Saturday, so we are both around (for moral support  :shocked:) and so we can hopefully tempt him back in after a little exploring with his food.

Any advice or tips would be hugely appreciated though! Everyone we've mentioned it to has said about buttering his paws, but I've always assumed that's a bit of a wives tale??

Also need to coordinate with our neighbours - they have dogs, so I'm hoping we can ask them to let them out on leads when we let a Buddy out, so that he learns they are there and not to go over that way, but so he's in no real danger!?

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #96 on: July 22, 2016, 15:10:47 PM »
Your little lad is doing sooo well, credit to all of you  ;D

Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #95 on: July 22, 2016, 11:06:20 AM »
LOL! I might resort to a onsie come winter! :D

He is doing so well so quick, it's been really lovely! We are very very lucky, he's definitely a good'un bless him!  :Luv2:

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #94 on: July 22, 2016, 10:14:45 AM »
Aw, Buddy's making fantastic progress Helen.  The reading and kneading is his way of showing affection as well as scent marking you both.  I'd take it as the compliment it is and make sure you're wearing old clothes.  I have a fetching (not) onesie which I keep for Barley Gurlie's treadling sessoins, and OH has a "snuggy blankie" which he uses for Malt's treadling sessions.   :Luv:

What a lovely boy you've adopted.  Aren't you both very fortunate?   ;D

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #93 on: July 22, 2016, 09:47:54 AM »
We'll at the end of week two, Buddy is well settled in! Definitely got more confident/cheeky this week, with a little more boundary pushing and adventures! But he is such a good boy in general!  :Luv2:

I think he thinks he's a dog though, as he does actually seem to respond to some commands!? So far he's got the hang of sit, down, window (to hop up onto the living room window ledge!) and release! That one happened as a bit of an accident, we were playing with his Da Mouse, which he loooooves, and he started to grab the mouse in his mouth, and walk off with it, taking me with him LOL! I was trying to get him to let go, said release and he dropped it immediately! Tried a few more times when he did it again, and it pretty much works 95% of the time LOL! Fab news for when he does head outside hopefully, although a live mouse may be more difficult to let go!  :shify:

The treading and kneading has decreased over this week, but he still does it to us everyday, and especially when we come back from being out, but it's nowhere near as constant as it was the first week so he must have fully scent marked the house by now LOL! And he's regularly using the cat scratcher too, so our carpets and furniture are breathing a sigh of relief :)

We've ordered a new bed, which hopefully he will take to, and we are also getting a hidey cat house pole thing, for him to play on, as he does seem to like being off the ground, so hopefully this will give him lots of stimulation and a nice perch to rest on!

DH has ordered some of that sticky paws tape for us to try on the work tops, as he is still getting up there, although not loads admittedly. Hopefully the tape will put him off!

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #92 on: July 19, 2016, 14:32:50 PM »
Merlin still has large pockets even though they have been 'picked'. if you didn't know you'd think he was an entire Tom.

Glad the car wasn't too traumatic for either of you :hug:
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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #91 on: July 19, 2016, 08:32:05 AM »
for a moment there I thought the 'they do grow back you know' comment was about his man bits :shify:

So did I.  :rofl:

And me.   :rofl:

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #90 on: July 19, 2016, 08:18:02 AM »
glad it went well and the bits you didn't want were gone!

Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #89 on: July 18, 2016, 19:29:49 PM »
 :rofl: :rofl: Hahahaha!!

I did ask about that, he said they will have been removed, and the 'leftover bit' will shrink eventually! Apparently he may have been rather well endowed, hence why it's so visible still  :shocked:

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #88 on: July 18, 2016, 19:07:24 PM »
for a moment there I thought the 'they do grow back you know' comment was about his man bits :shify:

So did I.  :rofl:

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #87 on: July 18, 2016, 18:51:22 PM »
for a moment there I thought the 'they do grow back you know' comment was about his man bits :shify:

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Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #86 on: July 18, 2016, 15:57:22 PM »
We are back. And all still in one piece!  :wow:

He was *not* happy about getting in his box again - veeeery wriggly, with legs everywhere!! Managed to get him in with some bits of webbox stick in the end, tummy won out lol! I did end up with him on the back seat, as I had the same thought as I was taking him out to the car, and he was actually pretty good bless him. There was quite a bit of shouting at first, but I think the Feliway must have kicked in after a little while and he ended up lying down with his front laws out the front bars of the box  :Luv2:

The vets was very abrupt/brief, makes me glad we don't have to go back there again, and appreciate our vets even more LOL! He was a good boy in there though, the hardest part was stopping him trying to go adventuring all over the vets room! Got a very sarcastic 'they do grow back you know' to my request for his claws to be trimmed (err yes I do know that!?!) but he did do them, so no more prickle paws for a while - yay!

Feel like I need a large Pimms now though, too hot and stressful for a Monday afternoon LOL!

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #85 on: July 18, 2016, 14:27:44 PM »
Loving Biggles piccie.   :Luv2:

Initially I'd try Buddy in the back seat, as seeing you change gear may be a visual stimulant and could upset him.  If he's okay in the back, then next time or on the way back, you could put him in the front.

Half an hour to your vet has my absolute sympathy.  We have a 5 minute run to ours, and it still feels like an eternity. x

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #84 on: July 18, 2016, 13:42:18 PM »
Aw love the pic of him flopped out the front of the bed lol!

Just a quickie, am off to the vets in half an hour - for a half hour drive there - yikes! Getting nervous about how Bud is going to react, and not sure where to put him in the car. Schmoo used to go on the back seat in her carrier, but I'm wondering if he will be calmer on the passenger seat so he's closer to me, or if the back seat is better so he's less distracted? Totally overthinking it I know!

Got a couple of towels, the Feliway and his box all ready, so just hoping he stays calm. Last time I transported a cat that far on my own was when we moved to this house and Moomin freaked and started really panting and getting very upset, so I can't help remembering that :/

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #83 on: July 17, 2016, 15:51:44 PM »
Lovely photos of Biggles!

So glad that Buddy was OK when you got back.

Alfie likes a covered bed. Sometimes he uses his travel basket, which is always open behind the sofa, especially if we have visitors. He also adopted his cube to sleep in, I put a soft pad in the bottom of it for him. That actually lives in our wardrobe now (with the wardrobe door open)! Other than that, he sleeps where he likes - he's currently stretched out at the bottom of our bed, I'm at the top end of it  ;D

I haven't bought Sky a proper bed yet, want to see what she seems to like first.

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #82 on: July 17, 2016, 13:06:33 PM »
Yep, let the vet chance his arm (hand?) if he's getting a check up tomorrow anyway.  ;) :evillaugh:

 :rofl: :rofl:  It takes a while for boy bits to shrink if they're neutered when fully developed so if he's only recently been done then I wouldn't worry but no harm in checking since he's going to the vets anyway. 

Re: the beds, you mentioned that he's a long cat so he might like one of the round  beds with a cutout.  Biggles isn't a big cat but he is loooong and he loves this pink spotty bed that I bought for Bunty because he can stretch out as well as curling up. Of course it's not the only place he likes to sprawl.  :evillaugh:

« Last Edit: July 17, 2016, 13:07:27 PM by CarolM (Wendolene) »

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #81 on: July 17, 2016, 12:32:56 PM »
Yep, let the vet chance his arm (hand?) if he's getting a check up tomorrow anyway.  ;) :evillaugh:

Offline HelenD

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Re: Dipping a toe in the water..
« Reply #80 on: July 17, 2016, 12:14:30 PM »
Hahaha  :rofl: Um, I'm not feeling that brave just yet!!!

Hmmm....they don't look very, erm, deflated?! I'm taking him the to vets tomorrow though, so I'll maybe asked them to double check?  :shocked:


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