Author Topic: Mid-teen girl, Newark (staying with fosterer)  (Read 19373 times)

Offline JackSpratt

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Way to go, Edna!

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline cazzer

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That is good news!
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Offline jezebel

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Fantastic news - what a feisty girl!

 :Luv: to Edna.
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Offline madamcat (Edd)

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That is great news - hope she has a good recovery overnight  :hug:

Offline MarleyMoo

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Mid-teen girl, Newark - home needed, op successful!!
« Reply #61 on: September 26, 2011, 17:51:34 PM »
My nurse friend just text saying Edna's had her first food since the op... and it was a food with lumps, not a pate that I give her!! She'll eat anything at the mo because she'll be so hungry!!!
She's doing absolutely fine, bless her.
Yeah, I'll maybe do a local newspaper article too, that way I can check who has her. The newsflash section would be fab, thanks.  I could ask the local rescues, but I know a lot of the local ones a full to the brim with young and old alike, so I doubt they'd send anyone my way.
Weird in the office without Edna...
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 08:24:09 AM by MarleyMoo »
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Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Brilliant news  ;D Go Edna! Hope she has a comfortable night :care:

Once your back from your hols and Edna is fully recovered we could put her in the 'newsflash section' at the top of Purrs. Just need a little write up and a few pics.

Also, is it worth asking rescues local to you that if anyone asks specifically for an oldie (some people do) and they don't have any suitable candidates that they consider passing your details to the enquirer?

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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supherb and a great older lady  ;D ;D

Offline MarleyMoo

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YAY!!! Edna's absolutely fine  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
She was a RIGHT bag this morning... firstly, she was NOT happy that she could't have breakfast and followed me around yowling with displeasure  >:( and then when they took bloods, she was good, but when they tried to place the catheter in her leg for her drip, it took 3 of us to hold her down  :naughty: She scratched the vet and the other nurse, and was being a total angry madam...
Her blood results were perfect!! You have a low, normal and high range, and hers were all perfectly balanced in the normal range, so her liver and kidneys are in perfect nick for an old girl  :briggin: which is very good to be honest! So, whoever she gets a home with, she's looking like a pretty fit and active old girl!
Her thyroid did have a cyst on it, as when I palpated it the day before yesterday I could tell the shape and form had changed. This was due to the cyst, so it took longer to remove than normal. We clipped her nails, cleaned her ears and cracked the tartar from her teeth... we half expected that when we removed the tartar there may be rotten teeth or roots/holes showing, but she has fab teeth underneath, so another bonus for Edna!! I think she's about 15+ (looking at her eyes/grey flecks on the black fur, but she's a very healthy 15+
She woke up quickly, and when I fussed her just before I left she was wobbly but rubbing her face against me for chin rubs and fusses  :Luv: I'm leaving her in overnight so she gets the full benefits of the bag of fluids. I'll pick her up in the morning. She's having long-acting anti-b and pain relief jabs, so no more tablets for Edna to pick out and spit in the dish!!
I'm on holiday from Thursday for a week, but I've now gotta find her a home. When I get back everything will be well-healed, so if anyone can rehome a very fit older lady as an only cat (or possibly with only one other older cat) PLEASE let me know. We've gone through all this, and I'd love he to find a forever home to relax and enjoy her retirement...
I'll update more later.
A very relieved Liz and a naughty, groggy Edna! xx
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Offline cazzer

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hope it goes well for her x
Slave to Kalle, Kyrre, Karlo, Kaisa, Kassiopeia, Keshet, Kgosi and Ginger

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Lots of good wishes for Edna tomorrow  :hug: :hug:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Will be thinking of her (and you!) tomorrow  :hug:

:crossed: everything goes smoothly for her

Offline Jiji

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Will be thinking of you and Edna tomorrow  :hug: :hug:

Offline Greenlaner

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  :hug: :hug:Good luck for the op and hope Edna has many more happy years in front of her :hug:

Offline Rosella moggy

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This is all very heartening and will be thinking of Edna and her nervous mum tomorrow  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline jezebel

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Sending lots of vibes for Edna - I'll be watching this space tomorrow!

(And  :hug: for you too MM!)
You can't change the world by rescuing one cat, but for that one cat you are changing its world.

Offline MarleyMoo

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A little update...

I am REALLY pleased to say that after being here about 2+ months, Edna has made a little progress with the other cats. Some of my cats are getting braver, and yesterday 3 came into the office (Ned, Forest and Gladys) and Edna sat, watched them closely, grumbled a bit but didn't charge and attack them!! Was quite shocked, in a pleasant way! Also, Gladys, my little white girl, comes in every day (mainly to see if there's any left-over food she can steal!) but it's like Edna's gotten used to her. Gladys can sit about a feet away from Edna, and Edna has actually now started to ignore her! Hopefully a sign of her softening a little of the tension and aggression is subsiding.

She's being pampered rotten today as from 9pm it's starvation time for the op tomorrow... So PLEASE send good thoughts that Edna's thyroidectomy goes smoothly, that her bloods and heart are good, and that she has a smooth anaesthetic and recovers well so she can come home and recover with me spoiling her... Had a good feel of her thyroid yesterday, and it's quite large, very palpable and moves freely, so hopefully Helena will have it removed in no time. Also gonna get her a quick nail clip and ear clean, and hopefully a mini dental so she'll feel like a new girly...

She is a feisty old lady who's been through so much and deserves to be in good health and find a forever home...

I'll be a ridiculous bag of nerves tomorrow... always am when it's mine or ones I'm caring for...

Good Luck Edders!!! And thank you again to everyone who donated towards her op... you're wonderful!!

Liz xx
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Well done and agree this makes being part of Purrs all worth while.

I hope the op goes great and Edna can get a home asap  :hug: :hug:

Offline Jiji

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Fantastic - it's things like this that make me so proud to be part of Purrs  :)

Fingers crossed that the op goes smoothly for her and she recovers quickly, I don't think you'll be the only one on tenterhooks come the day of the op  :hug:

Next step: Operation find Edna a home!  :hug:

Couldn't have said it better  ;D

Offline Rosella moggy

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Heart warming  :) :) :).  Think this deserves a speshul PURRS


Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Fantastic - it's things like this that make me so proud to be part of Purrs  :)

Fingers crossed that the op goes smoothly for her and she recovers quickly, I don't think you'll be the only one on tenterhooks come the day of the op  :hug:

Next step: Operation find Edna a home!  :hug:

Offline Greenlaner

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 :hug:  very nice , just seen the news on facebook

Offline MarleyMoo

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That's it!! We've raised the full £220 in a day!! Thank you all so much.
I'll obviously keep you all updated about Edna and the op, and in the meantime, if anyone hears of a possible home for her, please let me know.
Now I'll be loitering in the op room for the whole time being a worrying foster mum  :scared: I've done lots and lots of old cat ops, but when it's yours, or in this case, a foster girl who needs a real break, I'll be nail biting the whole time! Helena is a fast, efficient vet, so she'll had the thyroid off in no time. She's also the queen of getting bloods and placing catheters, so Edna'll be in the best possible hands.
Thanks eveyone  :Luv:
Liz & Edna xxxx
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Offline jezebel

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What a sweetie!  :Luv2:

Wishing her all the best.
You can't change the world by rescuing one cat, but for that one cat you are changing its world.

Offline MarleyMoo

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Dear everyone,
Thank you SO much for your fab donations...  :Luv: Now I can get rid of this naughty thyroid that is the size of a pea! I am quite good in the vets (even though I have to be wrapped in a towel!) and I will be extra good for my bloods, heart check and when they put me on a drip. I know it is all for my own good. And I am sure that I will be ready for dinner as soon as I wake up  :briggin:
Me and my foster mum are amazed and gob-smacked and so grateful for all your help... I hope I can find a forever home to retire in after the operation is over and I'm all better, as the other cats are really nice, but I just don't like em' and it would be nice to relax and not feel the need to chase and swipe as they walk past me minding their own business  :shocked:
I have just had a nice dish of pate (my fourth today!) so time for a snooze in my bed...
Thank you all... you've helped save an old lady who's been through quite a lot  :Luv:
Love Edna xxx
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Offline madamcat (Edd)

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Just about to donate - will see if I can do it by paypal or not. Will p/m you in a minute or two!!

Offline MarleyMoo

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Thank you! That's now £185!!! We're almost there!!! I think another lovely lady is about to donate, too. I though I'd end up paying a decent amount for her, so thank you all very much  :Luv:

You're all amazing  :)

Liz xx
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Offline Jiji

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Donation sent via Paypal  :)

Offline MarleyMoo

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 :Luv: Massive Thank You!!!! That's £165 now!!!
Edna would come on and type a thank you, but she's just had yet another half can of Gourmet Gold pate, and is currently lied in her bed cleaning her paws  :)
Thank you!!
Liz xxx
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Offline jezebel

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£20 from me sent via Paypal to

Good luck Edna!

ETA: The payment shows as "Payment To About Fact Portraits & Prints" - is this right?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 13:36:09 PM by jezebel »
You can't change the world by rescuing one cat, but for that one cat you are changing its world.

Offline MarleyMoo

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Wow wow wow!!! Thank you all SO much  :Luv: I have now got £145 in the Edna fund, so only £75 to go!! I am waiting for confirmation from the vet that Monday's ok for the op... I'll be so worried about her... as I always am! Helena, the vet, is fantastic with cats... I trust her ability and judgement completely, and loved working with her. Edna will have pre-op bloods to check liver/kidneys, and a thorough heart check. She'll be on I/V fluids from the minute she goes in, throughout the op, and for the rest of the day until I go fetch her to ensure she will be as stable and recovered as possible. I am sure Helena will do a little dental on her for nothing, mainly to remove the thick tartar, and she hopefully won't need any removing.
I'll keep you updated through the week... Even though she's old, I know this is the best thing to do, as she won't have to go through regular 3-weekly blood tests and daily medication. She hates the tablets now, and I have to watch her like a hawk to make sure she's not batted the tablets away!! Plus the ongoing expense... to date this has cost about £70 for the bloods and meds, and who knows what feeding the little piggy on the only thing she'll eat, which is luxury pate!!
She's a feisty little cracker!!!
Liz & Edna xx
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Offline Rosella moggy

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Have just sent you 20 squid Edna (C/O yer mum's Paypal account).  Spend it wisely kiddo  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 10:45:43 AM by Rosella moggy »

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Edna  :Luv: :Luv:

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Hi Liz hun

Sent £50 from Buster fund and some more from me to your paypal address fro Darlin Edna's op.

I so hope a loving home can be found for her and her op can be done.

Sending all my love over


Offline MarleyMoo

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Yes, donations can be sent direct to the practice. It's Avenue Veterinary Centre, 35 Avenue Road, Grantham, Lincs. NG31 6TJ. My account is Stokes, 78 Grove Street, and Edna is currently on my account. Any funds can be added direct to her account. Their phone number is: 01476 564490. All the staff know me, and Edna now!
Thanks so much in advance. Also, the items on Facebook include photos, should anyone wish to bid.
Liz x
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Offline madamcat (Edd)

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Have sent you a p/m. Can donations be sent direct to the vet practice?

Offline MarleyMoo

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Thanks Helen... I feel for her so much too. She is a really sweet girl needing to be in an only cat home so she can relax and really find herself. To see her cower away from certain things, and be afraid then aggressive towards my other cats is so sad. I only wish I could keep her, but it's upsetting my gang. All she's gone through from being a stray, to a new home with other cats, to being hyper T and then soon the op, she really, really deserves a lovely retirement home forever.

I will help any cats I can... I always will, but, unfortunately, I'm not an endless bank, so any funds helps massively. I have another oldie being fostered by my vet friend until a slot opens here when Edna finds a home. The day I became a vet nurse was the day I started working to pay for the rescue animals!!! And when you have other nurse and vet friends, I get contact phone calls about all species   :sneaky: especially the old cats, which I can't see PTS through no fault of their own.  :'(

Anyway, fingers crossed the auction raises some funds... I've donated 3 really lovely prints painted by my boyfriend - 2 domestic cats, 1 tiger, so everyone have a look on Edna's Facebook page!

Liz xx
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Offline Tiggy's Mum

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My pleasure, I was lucky enough to win the Purrs monthly draw so it's like 'recycling' my winnings  :) Still £165 to raise though so would be fab if people could chip in a little - even if it was a £1 every little helps  ;D

I really feel for Edna, she is so lucky that you stepped in and saved her - fingers crossed she can find herself a fab home once she's had her op  :)

Offline MarleyMoo

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WOW! Thank you SO MUCH for the huge donation... I appreciate it so much! A big thank you for Edna and me  :Luv:
Liz x
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Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Mid-teen girl, Newark, Moving this to urgent...
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2011, 19:58:51 PM »
I've donated my Purrs draw winnings which was £55 so a quarter of the way there  ;D

Edna is so lucky that you took her in (and probably saved her from being put to sleep) but she really deserves a home of her own now, hopefully once she's had the op she'll be much more 'appealing' to a potential new home as taking on an elderly cat that needs daily meds is a big ask.

As any donations are for a non-registered Purrs rescue use we have to add the usual disclaimer:

It is up to the individual member to donate their money to a donation or fund request and Purrs advises strongly to carry out full checks that funds would be used for the stated purpose.  Purrs cannot be held responsible for members private donations to a request that is not an Official Purrs fundraisier or collection.

Offline MarleyMoo

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Re: Mid-teen girl, Newark, Moving this to urgent...
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2011, 19:31:02 PM »
Yes, she's still with me. I have just started fundraising for her on Facebook. I've got to sort her a home as soon as she has had the op (hoping I raise the funds!) She needs to be an only girl desperately, but is coming on leaps and bounds with me, including climbing up onto the chair when I'm working for fusses and chin rubs  :Luv:

Anyone able to donate anything towards the £220 cost of her thyroidectomy, my paypal address is: and any funds would be gratefully received.

Also, anyone able to donate an item to the auction, it can be added on the Facebook page. I've just added some prints from our business or cats and wildlife.


Liz and Edna xx

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