Author Topic: RIP baby Max: PLEASE READ UPDATE THREAD  (Read 72970 times)

Offline swampmaxmum

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No it was ondesteron I think but cerenia is a possibility too. But I think Max may have to go to hospital for one last chance tomorrow. He did not perk up and eat after his sub cuts tonight. He is unhappy and is breathing I think too fast (about 48 per minute) and is nervy. This is the first time ever he's not eaten after his fluids.

I am worried that it's not just his kidneys but his heart as well.  I just can't get my head around how he can have such a glossy coat, his weight be stable and yet be so ill. Plus he was fine and had the same blood nos a week ago. I just don't understand. I am so tired too that making any decisions is so hard.  I don't want him to die in hospital, alone. But if I don't try the hospital, we have as good as given up.
As he was so well just 3 days ago before his fit, I think it may be worth one more try.

Offline Bazsmum

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American CRf group suggested a drug he's not familiar with (used in chemo patients) so they are going to ring north Kent to ask their opinion.

Is it those in the above link Kate? If so my Teddie was on these with no adverse reactions!  ;)

Offline Bazsmum

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He actually sounds like he has started to perk up now! Sending positive vibes that the results are good when they arrive (hopefully this evening!)!  :Luv: :hug: :hug:

Offline Leanne

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 :hug: :hug: :hug: to you and Max, I can't offer any practical support or ideas but I want you to know I'm thinking about you

Offline swampmaxmum

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The vet took bloods to check if his creatinine and urea are the same as last time before his fit. He suggests that we use 1ml of diluted bicarb and Max may have to go back into hospital on a drip until saturday if his readings are the same and we think it may help.  It's a difficult decision. When he is well, it makes us feel awful that we even consider hospital for Max. When he is so very ill, we think that there's no point. But we know that last time the IV treatment plus sub cuts gave him 2 months that the vets didn't think he would have.

 The results should be back this evening then I have to make the decision on the drip. Please send thoughts that if nothing else, I make the right call. Max ate when he came home from the vet, he ate this morning and he was playing with me. I'm not giving up on him but I force the vet to think laterally on how to stop nausea as if we can stop the worst of his nausea, he will eat and he won't fit.

American CRf group suggested a drug he's not familiar with (used in chemo patients) so they are going to ring north Kent to ask their opinion.

Offline Kay and Penny

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the build up of toxins in the blood from kidney failure is known to cause mental confusion and personality changes in people, so it is not surprising if the same happens with Max

glad to know it does pass though
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Offline Gillian Harvey

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I would think its the toxins made him feel poorly and dehydrated, yes,  and the fluids have made him feel better - I know Suzie always used to look and act much better after I'd given her the sub q's.  :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Has anyone else's CRf cat done this? Max spent the whole afternoon and the early part of this evening lying still, breathing badly, eyes black and very tense. AFter his SEB and fluids I gave him Zylkene and a few hours later he came to sit with me very suddenly, then had a big drink, walked better, I could see his eye colour and he has had a little meal. It seems like a toxin related, prolonged panic attack - a version of what he had yesterday.
I just hope he can stay calm tonight and am wondering how to handle this as when he is feeling better he's a different cat. It's like an attack. We thought the end was here tonight he was so miserable. Now he is back to how he was this morning.
Is this something that toxins cause? His urea is high at 30 odd. I am going to give him Zylkene from now on. I have a 1ml syringe of diazepam for seizure emergencies but I don't want to use that unless I have to. My own vet doesn't know Zylkene so was hesitant about my using it. The locum knows it and said to give it to him.

Offline swampmaxmum

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Max is worse tonight. He won't eat. His eyes are full and black and he is breathing shallowly. I am really afraid. He was doing so well until he ate that plant and vomited yesterday I just feel desolate that I let him get near it.

Offline swampmaxmum

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Max seems to be feeling sick. I can't get him to eat even his applaws today. He just shies away. He was doing so well until that fit yesterday, it just tears me apart. Sometimes i just feel at my wit's end (then I come on to here). I hope he will eat after his fluids tonight. Max is a funny little fellow, you can tell from his face how he is feeling. He doesn't have just one "Max" expression, but hundreds. Today he doesn't look well.

Offline Bazsmum

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Thinking of you all Kate and sending Positive vibes your way~~~~~~ :care: :ahh: :ahh: :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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He's nervy and he and Swampy aren't interacting too well right now. I plonked Max into the bed with Swampy as it helps Swampy usually to calm down and there's a heatpad in there (another grey cool day here) but no grooming and just lying next to each other.

Max did eat a bit but was subdued all night. I went down the passage during the night and normally he follows me but last night he just lay there. I hope to speak to the locum later about him.

Offline Leanne

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How is Max doing this morning?  :hug: :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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he is still nervous and breathing (I think) a bit too fast. He's resting though although he's not eaten much, as long as something is going in then his tum won't be empty which means less stomach acid.
I am sleeping in here tonight so think he will curl up with me, so I can keep an eye on him.

thanks for the vibes  :hug:

Offline Bazsmum

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 :crossed: Sending him tons of positive healing vibes Kate~~~~~~Glad he has ate and is now resting!  :Luv: :hug: :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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The vet said Max is ok, but the next 24/48 hours are crucial and he's not allowed any more plants at all. The vomiting made his sympathetic nervous system kick and he had a little seizure and once they've had one, they are quite probably going to have another at some point. The idea is not to let him get too much tum acid - not so easy with CRF cats and urea at 30! But I'll give him a 1/4 pepcid every day now, not just when I think he may need it. As long as he eats little and often that helps too. He got a thorough check over too.

When he came home, he had a hearty meal and is now asleep so here's hoping that he will be fine.

Offline Leanne

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Sending you all lots of  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Kay and Penny

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have pm'd you re wheat seeds
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Offline Bazsmum

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Im sure this is all a mystery for you and you are expecting the unexpected! Even though you dont give yourself much credit for the fabulous work you have done with your boys....Have more faith in yourself, your vet trusts that you can do things and we all do to!  :Luv: :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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It's an old and tatty looking, chewed to ribbons, plant. I have no idea why now should be a problem either. It's on every list I can find as safe for cats too.

We have some new grass in the garden - just relaid quite a few sq metres - so I will go and collect some later. I'll have to wash it though because foxes pee and poo on it and must make sure that no fertilisers were used after planting (don't think so).

Sorry to be thick but I'm interested in the wheat seeds option. Where do I get them please?

His Maxness just bit me for fun so I think he's feeling better, I hope that's the last we see of any fits. For about 30 seconds I thought I was losing him. It's so odd, I went so calm and just held his head in my hand. When Swampy had his accident I went all calm too. Then afterwards I go HELP! and stress out and eat ch-oc- of course.

Offline Kay and Penny

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I have sown wheat seeds which makes a nice softish grass, and is fast growing
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Offline Bazsmum

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I have no grass in my garden Kate and next door is kind enough to allow me to take some of theirs, There has been quite a few fur balls of late so I know that some of mine have been glad of the grass to get these up!  ;)

Sending more positive vibes for Max and Swampy and of course yourself~~~~fingers crossed everything will be fine!  :Luv: :hug: :hug:

Offline clarenmax

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I always  used to pick grass from the garden and give to Max, he used to love it  :Luv:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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It does sound its what they both just ate but why now?

Katalax or defurm treats does furballslike grass.

Mine are all sick after eating grass and thats what its meant to do.

Offline Dawn F

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are you near any outdoor space Kate, before my boys were allowed out I used to just pick the grass from the garden and give it to them - I know Mary does the same for Bonnie

Offline swampmaxmum

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Max had a fit in the passage about 1 1/2 hours ago. He'd eaten some of his green plant, which is normally fine, just this time it made him repeat vomit and then he suddenly lay down, his eyes flicked from side to side and his breathing was through his nose and loud and faster and then he peed on the rug. I was holding him and it passed quite quickly and then he ate a teaspoon of food (normally, so not a major seizure thank God) and now he is back on his sleeping place in the window sill. He is going down to see the locum vet at 3.30 if all is well before then. She said best to leave him if he has stabilised as extra stress could cause even more problems.

I got such a fright though. Then Swampy (who also ate some) vomited in his bed and became agitated too. The Poisons unit (vet nurse rang them) say occasionally spider plants / cholorophytum can cause vomiting and agitation. They've been eating them instead of grass - which makes them vomit blood - for about 10 years so it's a freak thing, but the plant is going in the bin. Does anyone know what I can give them to help their tums, as kitty grass is too astringent I think? Is there a gentler grass?

It's all a bit overwhelming when 2 of them at once are ill. Please send all the vibes around that Max will not get another attack from going to the vets and that he'll be ok. And that Swampy will be too and that he will start to eat.

Offline Bazsmum

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I do hope the majority of the results have put your mind at rest Kate....He is an absolute star! Love and prayers and everything I can muster for you and the boys!  :Luv: :hug: :hug:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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A protest puddle?  :)  If he's well enough to protest with puddles, then there's still cause to smile, I reckon.  :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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his results are back. Creatinine 385.7 and urea 30.5.  His potassium, phosphorus, albumin, ALT, PCV are all ok and calcium and sodium at the upper end of normal. Glucose slightly raised but the vet thinks this is caused by stress of having the bloods done. I am to keep doing what I am doing as to cut some fluids may make him worse and the only way to find out is too scary.

His numbers are quite similar to those sent off to the lab when he was discharged from hospital in terms of creatinine (22 May it was 367). But his urea is much higher (he's eating more but it's almost double). Vet says to mostly worry about creatinine though.
He says as it's now 2 months, Max has to a certain extent stabilised on high nos. But we must still go day to day.

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the vet said how well Max was looking and how it was amazing, given how he was in hospital. I didn't say much but just that I don't give up that easily especially when his weight was stable and his coat good and he was playing but he owes what time he's had and may have left to the sub cut fluids and to the advice I got on that on the american yahoo support group site.

I am so nervous about the numbers although no decision would ever be taken just on them, but on how he is doing. So nervous I ate a whole bar of the dark and milky stuff (disgusting but think some women on here may understand!). Max came home and ate quite well, bit of an adrenalin rush I think. My friends have gone  :( but it means I will spend more time with him. He made a protest puddle on my duvet last night, which he's never done before (I'm sure it wasn't Swampy), the minx. He didn't like the cat sitter that came for 2 hours as she had been dog walking and smelt of The Enemy.
I just hope he doesn't repeat it!

Offline Bazsmum

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Sending tons of positive vibes for Max's vet visit~~~~~~Hope you and Swampy are keeping well too!  :Luv: :hug: :hug:

Offline clarenmax

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Best of luck today  hun  :hug:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline swampmaxmum

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Max is going to the vet tomorrow for the first time in nearly 2 months (after the vet said he only had a 10% chance of more than a week to live btw). I'm very nervous as he will have bloods done and I hope the stress doesn't make him deteriorate. He's been nervy today as I have been out a lot. We just thought that as it has gone on for 2 months, we should know if he is anaemic or has high phosphorus as he won't eat any renal or even senior food, just Hi life and applaws and a mouthful now and then of RC dry.
Please send vibes for him and calming thoughts for his nervous mum too. When Max is nervy he won't really eat and it's difficult to know if it's that or if it's his kidneys. We also need to see what difference the current level of sub cut fluids has made.

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Here's hoping that Max got his overnight munchies again and is feeling well enough to still enjoy his sleeps with Swampy!  :Luv: :hug:

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that's great - thanks.  I do it slightly differently in that my 2 move, so I use the butterfly needles. They allow a bit of movement without falling out as they have a cord between the syringe and the needle and the needle can (butterfly!) move backwards and forwards. I use the size 21 which seems to work. I give up to 110mls in one site and change day to day from left to right side but a certain amount of overlap is inevitable.

Max is back in the bed (I put the heatpad on because of our lovely summer!) with Swampy which has made a huge difference. I just hope it lasts. The minx got me up several times from 3am onwards because he was hungry, now of course he won't eat at all this afternoon. I hope tonight.

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I did a sort of illustrated guide with Tiffy if it helps.,6964.0.html


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 :thanks:  I don't know if there's an illustrated guide to giving sub cuts with the syringe method (like Helen on the Crf site did as well) as I've done both methods and the syringe is so much quicker and easier imho. Especially if you don't have a cat that is happy to just lie there. It only takes a minute to give 100mls, although the prep time is longer.
Max got into the bed with Swampy again tonight although he wouldn't do that last night or all day. I hope hope hope hope that he is going to do that more and more as it's hugely comforting for Swampy especially now he's not feeling at all well.

Offline Bazsmum

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Sams just posted some new info on giving sub cuts Kate, after a quick scan I noticed a part where it mentioned about a lump from the needle site to which I know you questioned before, I know you must be super qualified in this now but maybe there is something in there that is of help!  :Luv: :hug:,

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Glad that Max has started to eat again (phew) he obviously enjoys laying with you so that has gave him comfort!

Keep up the good work Max.....Love to you all!  :Luv: :hug: :hug:

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Glad Max is eating well and moving about normally.  Do you think the drops have had effect?  Korky is moving much better now and has no hesitation jumping on and off chairs and the bed and he can manage the stairs, having found a different way of approaching them.  Hope the howling settles  :hug:


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