I am the original poster and felt I should explain a few things after I was very kindly invited here by Sam.

I'll explain the story and why we are so upset but it's a little bit confusing.
Paddy (now called Boris apparently) went missing about a month ago and at first we believed he had gone roaming and weren't too worried as it was warm and it has happened before to some of our other cats. About a week after he went missing there was a family tragedy and although we were still worried about Paddy it kind of went to the back of our minds. After the funeral though we decided we had to concentrate on finding Paddy as it was very strange that he hadn't returned after 3 weeks and we were incredibly worried.
We went to the vets first and they were horrified to realise that the cat they had sent to the RSPCA was ours. They had said that they had tried calling us because they know we have cats and know us well but our phones were down at the time so no-one received any calls. We immediately got calling to the RSPCA.
At first the RSPCA were great but could find absolutely no record of him anywhere, they couldn't even find a record of a cat being picked up from that particular vet. We literally spent all days waiting by the phone, waiting for people to call us back. Finally we got told that it was possible he hadn't been sent to Putney (which we had been originally told by the vet) but probably to Hillingdon. So we immediately rang there and they promised to call us back. They didn't. So after 3-4 hours of waiting by the phone we called again and was told they would try soon. Again no-one called us back, so hours later we called again only to be promised by a different lady that she would sort it out immediately.
About an hour later we got a call from a woman who was a complete b*tch. I apologise for the language but there is no other way to describe her. She was rude and told us he was "long gone" and had been gone for weeks. We later realised that this was rubbish as he was put on the catchat website only a week ago yesterday so couldn't possibly have gone for weeks.
We were shocked to say the least, we were only asking where our cat was and had never been impolite or even short once because we were so desperate for help.
We weren't angry they had rehomed him as it had been 30 days since the accident but today we drove miles to the Hillingdon clinic in search for some help. Before we left we rang the rehoming part of the clinic and they promised to ring us back. We are still waiting.
We got to the centre and the woman just said there was nothing we could do and refused to give us the address of the rehoming centre. She told us to ring and we did again and asked from an appointment to come in and again they said they would ring us back....of course they never did.
We understand why he was rehoused but surely the RSPCA would rather have two cats in homes rather than leaving a family who looked after their cat perfectly well, without their beloved pet while the family (who cannot have had him for more than a week) could rehouse an animal that really is in need of a home. He has been with us since the day he was born and has never known another family apart from us.
We don't want the new owners information just to request that they inform the new owners of the situation, the new owners might understand our situation and help us out. They whole family is just devastated, we love him so much and it isn't the same without him.
It is entirely our fault he ended up being rehomed due to very unfortunate family tragedy (we have no complaints towards the RSPCA in that respect) but we love him to bits and never mistreated him. We just wish they would call us back, and not with abuse like last time. We have no intention of causing trouble so we also don't understand why no-one will talk to us or give us the rehoming centres address so we can talk to people face to face. It's like a nightmare.
We are happy to, and have offered to pay any medical bills the RSPCA incurred as a result of his injury.
We will do anything to get him back, anything.
Edit - we went to the Clinic and rehoming centre and they claimed it was a different department and refused to tell us where it was and that we had to call them. We have done several times and they will not call us back.