Hi guys, I could really do with some sympathy right now...
As some of you may know, I'm originally from Sweden , and that's where I have all my wonderful family. They really are great

, and I love them dearly and miss them every day. Seriously, I don't know anybody who's got a greater family, and each and every one of my four siblings are my best friends.
Normally, OH and I would go home and visit (well, home for ME) a few times a year - a weekend here and there, and a week or two over the summer and X-mas. So although I was missing having cats for several years, at least we could do anything and go anywhere we wanted.
But since Poppy's arrival last August, things have obviously changed a bit. In the past 15 months, I've been home to Sweden just the once, and that was only for a couple of days. Apart from that, we've been over to visit OH's family in Ireland for a week, when the cats stayed at a cattery. And then I've flown my sister over from Sweden twice to catsit for us for a night or two. (Yes, it works out a bit expensive, but it's a perfect solution! Cats get to stay at home, and baby sister gets an all-expenses paid trip to her favourite place!)
Later this month, we're heading off on holiday for two weeks, and although Monkey and Poppy are going to a great cattery, I obviously still feel guilty about it. But OH really really really wants to go on a proper holiday, bless him, so I suppose it's only fair we go. My problem now is that as X-mas is getting ever closer, I am starting to wish I was going to spend it with my family. We couldn't go last year because of the cats, and we weren't able to go over the previous year either. And I miss X-mas with my family. And I miss snow. But we're only back from holiday on the 6th of December - I can't really put the cats in cattery AGAIN so soon afterwards. And I feel guilty for even considering it, no matter how briefly.
I don't for a second resent the cats for the occassional inconvenience they might cause - the joys of having cats far outweighs anything else!

And I think you all know I'm completely crazy about Poppy & Monkey. So I don't want you to get the wrong idea here.
I'm actually getting quite teary sitting here writing about it all. In the past 18 months, I've been over to see my family ONCE. I know that's not unusual for some people, but I actually think I might have the best, most close-knit family in the world. My mum's been quite ill recently, and all I want to do is jump on a plane and go see her. And then there's my grandparents. They are just the best, and my grandmother is really one of my best friends. I've been so close to them all my life and I am very aware that as they're now in their 80s, they won't be around forever, and I want to spend as much time as possible with them before it's too late.
I do take pet ownership quite seriously - I think that it's an important decision to make, not just a god-given right, to have animals in your family. I'm responsible for Poppy's and Monkey's well-being. But I sort of feel I have responsibilities towards people as well. To my OH, who likes to travel and must be feeling a bit bored. And to my family - they are feeling rather neglected. Now I feel like I'm caught in the middle, having to choose between letting down animals or letting down people.
Grr, we weren't supposed to be having these problems! When we got Poppy, we thought we were going to be moving to our new house in Sweden within a 6-12 months, where we'd be surrounded by people who'd be able to help out with cat sitting without the need for stressful catteries. But those plans are very much delayed at the moment...

Well, at least we know that once we have finally made the move, we'll never have catsitting problems again. Joy.
Sorry for rambling on like this... just feeling very sorry for myself.