Author Topic: Blocked bladder - Need advice desperately  (Read 6363 times)

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Blocked bladder - Need advice desperately
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2020, 00:25:37 AM »
What is going on with Belle now Karenjet? I am really hoping for a good outcome. :hug: :hug: :hug:
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Offline heather sullivan

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Re: Blocked bladder - Need advice desperately
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2020, 23:14:13 PM »
If he is happy and healthy in every other way, then I would pursue anything that could help him. If your vet is not keen, then maybe get a 2nd opinion? How is he doing now?

Offline Frances

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Re: Blocked bladder - Need advice desperately
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2020, 13:58:18 PM »
Karenjet, I’m assuming that, like everyone, you are not able to have a face to face discussion with your vet and that everything so far is being done over the phone.  While this is okay for anything that is straightforward, I think most pet owners would struggle with a lot of new, possibly complex, information relayed through a phone call.  I agree with Lyn that you need more information.

I suggest that you email your vet and set out:

•   the bits you do understand – eg Belle’s problem is not down to crystals

•   the bits you don’t understand/are not clear about/need more explanation – eg exactly what tests have they done so far, do they know where the blockage is/what it is or is likely to be

•   what are the options for removing the blockage

plus anything else that you can think of.

Ask them to reply to you by email because you need time to digest the information and you can’t do this with a phone call.  (And remember, lots of people, with or without mental health issues, prefer written information they can refer back to!)

This should give you more, clearer information and help you decide what you want to do and whether or not you want a second opinion.

Belle is currently in safe hands in that his problem in peeing is being managed by the vets.  Given that he appears otherwise fit and healthy, I don’t consider you are being cruel in wanting to explore all the options.

Please come back and let us know how you get on.

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Blocked bladder - Need advice desperately
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2020, 12:41:11 PM »
What a horrible situation for you!  :'(

Maybe the vet flushed the bladder out via a needle? They are obviously having to use this method to empty his bladder if he can't pee and they can't get a catheter in. I guess the question is, where is the blockage and how easy (or otherwise) would it be to remove?

Can you write down a list of questions to ask your vet? I don't think I would be able to make a decision without more information . . .

Offline dawnf

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Re: Blocked bladder - Need advice desperately
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2020, 10:32:39 AM »
I'm sorry I have no advice, but do remember someone years ago who's cat had this operation and it was a success - I did have a cat who suffered with struvite stones but it was controlled with diet - fingers crossed they can do something

Offline karenjet

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Re: Blocked bladder - Need advice desperately
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2020, 02:57:21 AM »
Forgot to add. I’m also a bit confused. If the blockage is so big they can’t get a catheter in, how were they able to do the operation to flush it through? Would the blockage not have stopped the fluid flushing through it?

Offline karenjet

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Blocked bladder - Need advice desperately
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2020, 02:29:02 AM »
It’s been a long time since I posted, but I’m desperate for advice from people who know.

I’ll apologise in advance because this post will be long.

My cat, Belle - whose birth I posted about on this board 😻 - has had issues with struvite crystals. He had a bad episode with them 10 years ago, but we got him through and he was fine for 10 years. 

About 6 months ago the signs started again. It took about 3 months but, again, he seemed to be fine.

Late on Sunday night I could see he was trying to pee with nothing coming out. I took him straight to the emergency vet. She was unable to get a catheter in, so had to sedate him and empty his bladder with a needle.

So, on Monday he had an operation to flush his bladder. They said it was successful and he came through it ok. They’ve done a scan and said he’s not got stones or crystals. It will be a week or more until there are urine test results.

Yesterday the vet rang me. He’s still not able to pee on his own. They still can’t get a catheter in. She said they would give him a few days and then we would have to have a “frank discussion”So I know what that means.

To give a wee bit of background. I have serious mental health problems. I had a nervous breakdown and I have so much trouble talking to people.

It sounded like she wanted to give up on him. And I’m not able to question or argue.

I know there is an operation that removes the penis, which would cure the problem. Is that a very advanced operation? It’s a small country vets and I’m not sure they’d be able to.

He is 13 now. But other than this blockage he’s completely healthy. On Sunday evening before I realised how bad he was, I fed him and he gobbled it up. When I pet him he was purring.

Is it worth me arguing for him to have this operation? Or even taking him to another vets who will? I’m scared of them thinking I’ve been on google and now think I know more than they do.

I paid his bill for Sunday night first thing on Monday morning. So they aren’t aware he has insurance. Will it be different if they know he has it?

10 years ago when he had the struvite crystals I claimed on his insurance. But as the crystals aren’t the problem this time, will I be able to claim for this?

Am I being cruel to want to put him through this operation? He’s such a happy, healthy cat otherwise. If I can’t claim the insurance I’m still willing to pay for it.

I would appreciate it so so much if anybody could give me any advice. I’m desperate. I’m terrified of losing him and especially letting him down by not being able to speak up for him. If anyone prays could you please please mention him ❤️❤️


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