Silvie went back for her check up today. Yesterday I noticed some green gunk coming out of her nostril again

She has lost a tiny bit of weight, gone from 3.3 to 3.2. No temperature. Vet thought she seemed a bit more subdued today than last week. Silvie prob knew she was going to have a greased thermometer where the sun doesnt shine, her jaw pulled apart, her eyeballs poked, her chest listened to and then a nasty needle in the back of her neck

Vet took a nasal swab to send away, although one of my medical friends that because her last antibiotic covered her for 2 weeks which would have run out weds this week, its possible it won't grow anything. I'm hoping it does. Still could be a sinus/fungal infection, foreign body, or I was looking up fungal infection called Aspergillosis which can be found in cats noses/lungs, especially if they have a compromised immune system. As she had her thyroid zapped with radioactive iodine 2 years ago, I presume her immune system may be somewhat compromised. Should get the results back Mon or Tues next week.