After a long nailbiting day and I couldnt face going to work so I lost a days pay, I rang the vet at 3pm. They were just in the process of xraying Silvie and she was under GA. I knew if the vet rang in the next 10 mins it would be bad news. She rang me at 330pm and said they couldnt find a bad tooth, no eye abscess but they were some suspicious areas in her brain. An MRI would give them more details but I can't afford another £3k

There were 3 options, 1) referral for MRI, 2) PTS or 3) bring her round and try her on steroids which may help reduce any inflammation. As all her blood tests were fine as well as blood pressure she was fine under the GA. I opted for the 3) option. Vet did say she couldnt tell from the xray but she was disappointed it wasnt a tooth/eye infection. She thinks there is some sort of brain lesion there but possibly could be infection/infllammation. I went back to collect Silvie who looked quite bright. They still think she is def blind but she does seem to see a bit. She has been wandering round my room most of the evening, keeps going into her litter tray but not doing anything. She hasn't eaten since tues pm but I left 2 dishes of food and she has actually nibbled some of it so thats a good sign. I always thought with brain lesions cats had fits, but vet said not always. So its back to vet tomorrow for another steroid injection. She said sometimes they have a rapid improvement with them so fingers and toes crossed it does help her. Then its just a waiting game. I am hoping it has just been some sort of infection that has gone from her nose to her eye and then brain and the long lasting antibiotic injection helps clear it. Hoping for a miracle really : Today's little visit for a drip, xrays and meds was £495. (Total vet bills this week £1250

Thank you for all your good wishes