I only use mine on Merlin's poorly paw. Mine are all outdoor cats so wear their own claws down, mostly on next doors fence.

It was only a cheap set from our local pet shop, about a fiver, but perfectly adequate. I don't know if Xander is a lap cat? but I wait until Merlin is draped across me and just very gently and quickly nip the ends of the claws (his grow back into his foot). You can't be hesitant, but you must be careful just to take off the very tips.
Cats have a blood vessels going to about two thirds if the way down their claws, if you sever it, it will bleed like mad. Luckily their claws are white and you can see it. I have been known to use a big pair of toe nail clippers as well.
I do make a point with all of them to fuss them including touching their feet so that if they get burrs (soldiers buttons, as Sue calls them) etc. I can remove them without too much drama. Merlin is not fond of having them done, but he only has three left on that foot, sometimes I have to wait and do them seperately, but it is more the noise of the clippers than anything.
Gill's cats have corrugated cardboard scratchers that they use a lot and are flat, don't take up much space. They seem to help, I haven't dared to try and clip their claws though, I think Gill takes them to the vet to have them done professionally. If you are at all unsure that is the course of action I would take.
I hope that helps.