Author Topic: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)  (Read 190017 times)

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1115 on: November 25, 2017, 01:05:52 AM »
A few of our latest haul Aged 4 weeks please meet the Mognificent seven, Bernie, Adam, Britt, Chico, Tanner, Lee and Harry Luck 

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1114 on: November 25, 2017, 00:12:31 AM »
Paula, all contributions via social media or electronic giving sites come into CP with a "Waltham Forest" Tag on them.
There's a quarterly trawl that scoops up every single donation across the entire CP estate and all donations bearing our Tag get shunted directly into our bank account.
We see this as (e.g.) Qtr2Donat £*** on our Branch bank statement, and then we have to wait for the breakdown from CP of how £*** is made up.
It's not easy but so far we've found every donation that has been pledged - it does take some digging though.
Hope this explains things.  :thanks:

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1113 on: November 24, 2017, 22:59:28 PM »
Eye iz confuzud. On one hand it tells me that I only contribute through certain conditions through my Tesco delivery shop, but it always asks me if I want to go through easy fundraiser. Obviously I say yes, do you actually get anything Sheila?
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1112 on: November 24, 2017, 13:09:11 PM »
Great news Sheila! :yayyy: :narna dance: :chicken: :dance: :hug:

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1111 on: November 24, 2017, 10:26:41 AM »
 :wooooo:  well done for persisting Sheila.  I know how much this means to you and it must be such a relief for you and your family and such good news for the cats.  Go girl.  ;D

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1110 on: November 24, 2017, 00:10:09 AM »
 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance: :dance: :congrats:
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1109 on: November 23, 2017, 22:50:51 PM »
If it's possible to cram more good news in, here it is.   :innocent:

I appealed the decision on my career break. I've got it. Starting January. This means so much to me, my family and of course the people I now count as my friends in this realm. So happy.  :briggin:

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1108 on: November 21, 2017, 22:30:35 PM »
Sorry to bang on about it Lyn, but if you had bought online from Wallis 2.5% of the price would have been donated to Sheila from easy fundraising if the recipient was Waltham CP. ;) ;D
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1107 on: November 21, 2017, 22:15:45 PM »
Another great update Sheila! You have done so much this year, the Welsh exchange system sounds inspired  ;D

The picture of Belle is beautiful  a mother and 2 babies who are doing well thanks to your care. RIP baby Nicholas, I am sure Santy Paws will not discriminate against those who never drew breath in this world.

If there in any thing I can do to aid your efforts, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1106 on: November 21, 2017, 06:49:07 AM »
Bless little Nicholas.  His coming, and going, were not unmarked, and his light isn't lost.

And bless you and your fabulous co-workers for everything that you do.  I agree - the feral exchange programme is really innovative, and so pleased it's working.

Sending gentle snoozles for Belle, Armani and Versace.  :cat rub: :cat rub: :catlove2: :catlove2:

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1105 on: November 20, 2017, 21:33:48 PM »
Oh Bless, I couldn't see the pic this morning.

Thanks for your message Sheila, I'll get onto it, what a fantastic idea. You never know when the proverbial bus will strike. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Tigerlily (Allison)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1104 on: November 20, 2017, 20:07:33 PM »
I'll second that! You are amazing Sheila.

Beautiful pic of Belle and her babies.  :Luv: :Luv: RIP little Nicolas  :'( :'(

RIP Simba ~ 16/04/02
RIP Tiger ~ 25/08/02
RIP Lily ~ 03/04/10
RIP Molly ~ 04/11/16
Always in my thoughts, forever in my heart

If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I would walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1103 on: November 20, 2017, 09:31:52 AM »

OMG Sheila  :'( :'( :'( :'(  RIP darling baby Nicolas  :( :( :(

The feral exchange programme sounds simply incredible!!!

How on earth do you do and your merry band do it all?  You're all simply amazing  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1102 on: November 20, 2017, 09:15:13 AM »
Apologies for the delay in posting, notwithstanding my "just moved house" and "work full time" excuses, I'm prostrating myself on your wonderful tolerant natures.

Thank you Paula, yes Easyfundraising is vitally important, many folk don't realise you can get massive bonuses for us simply by going in to Easyfundraising before you book your holidays with Expedia, and of course all the major online retailers like Zooplus and Amazon, e-bay and John Lewis participate, so as Christmas is a-coming please do register and choose Waltham Forest Cats Protection if you don't already have a chosen charity.

Well, updates would take me all day, so I'll free some statistics out. So far from January we've rescued 382 cats and kittens. That figure doesn't include the dozens we've supplied free neutering vouchers to, so preventing hundreds of unwanted births and the associated suffering.

This amount is almost twice what we budgeted for, our committed volunteers really have stepped to every single referral, no one has been left without help or support, we are incredibly proud and incredibly knackered!

To continue working at this pace would be madness, our people need rest and our coffers need replenishment so as there's usually a little lull before the dreadful Christmas giveaway (Can't find a Catsitter over Christmas so the cat has to go...) we are turning our attention to getting our paperwork and books in order, ramping up the fundraising and recruiting for next year.

On that level, one or two of you may receive private messages from me, there are little gaps in our admin, media and fundraising processes that need attention and these don't need to be addressed here in the Borough, so I'll be offering some teeny volunteer roles to my virtual and real Purrs pals to consider. It will bring you right into the heart of Cats Protection and all the benefits and information resources that offers, and you get a t-shirt if you want one.

One significant update you will all be pleased to note, we've cemented our relationship with the lovely Welsh and now have a fully operational Feral exchange programme! Cats that cannot be rehomed here because they're too sensitive or naturally people averse often struggle to survive in Cities, where we come across these groups or individuals we try to relocate them into small holdings, stables or farms where they will be supported and cared for in an environment that suits their natural behaviours. In return we can rehome friendly cats that may have been born in these environments but simply don't fit the criteria for outdoor life. Most of these outlets are in the countryside and our friends in Wales have this week officially joined the Beanch as volunteers, which means we can now offer vet support and expenses to those lovely participants and ensure any cats travelling are in optimum health at both ends of their journey.

Last week we moved 7 cats and kittens out to Wales and received 5 back, all of whom are now either successfully placed and in happier circumstances or lined up ready to go to their new, appropriate homes thanks to this programme!

All this costs money but you can see how, if we time these things wisely, we can help 12 cats with one transport run. With this programme in place it also unblocks our foster network which is already groaning under the strain. Donations to the branch help to fund these extra vet visits and fuel costs to ensure these "different" cats get the lives they deserve and the care they need.

So, heart wrenches of the week. Belle was abandoned by a callous family who moved out and left their four cats outside the house without food shelter or water on Halloween. By 2nd November neighbours were getting panicky as the fireworks that never seem to cease around here were cranking up for the dreaded bonfire night. We took them in, of course. Belle was found to be heavily pregnant so came into our midwife where happily she gave birth to two bouncing babies, Armani and Versace. She stoked and seemed to be doing well but after three days it became apparent that all was not well, so she and her family were taken to the emergency vets where they discovered a deformed dead kitten was still inside her and needed immediate surgery to remove the body and to save her life. After a very anxious night, three of us sat upbwaiting for news, gathering ourselves for the prospect of hand rearing Armani and Versace and possibly losing beautiful Belle the news finally came that she was ok and could potentially carry on feeding her kittens herself. You can imagine that yesterday was a little tearful and thanks were given to the small gods for saving this little family, tinged with sadness for the poor soul whose life we could not save and to whom we gave the name Nicholas in the hopes that Sandy Paws will find him at the Bridge.

I'll post this now, as the tears continue to fall for little Nicholas, but I'll see if Purrs will allow me to put a picture of Belle and her babies when they returned home last night. (Pic courtesy of Rockjelly Creations, aka Emma our beautiful and multitalented fosterer, midwife and Branch photographer)

Enjoy this holiday season, my friends, and if you can do please spare a quid or a packet of biscuits for your local Rescue.


« Last Edit: November 20, 2017, 09:35:34 AM by sheilarose »

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1101 on: November 07, 2017, 21:27:11 PM »
If anyone hasn't signed in to easy fundraising for Waltham Forest, please do so. I know it isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things, but it means that since I signed up Waltham Forest have received £211.00 that they wouldn't have had and it didn't cost me a penny. That is a few neuters and vaccinations. ;D
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1100 on: October 28, 2017, 01:13:30 AM »

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1099 on: October 26, 2017, 22:12:58 PM »
Sheila, thanks for the update. I am so glad that you are finally in your lovely new home :) No, I never doubted that Ivanka would be yours, she had clearly stolen your heart.

I don't see any photo though  :Crazy:

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1098 on: October 26, 2017, 22:12:05 PM »
Sheila, thanks for the update. I am so glad that you are finally in your lovely new home :) No, I never doubted that Ivanka would be yours, she had clearly stolen your heart.

I don't see any phot though  :Crazy:

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1097 on: October 26, 2017, 22:00:24 PM »
Thanks for the good wishes everyone, we're in! It's lovely to have a little more space and the time to take stock, unpack and relax at last. This week has been probably the most stressful ever, not helped by both Ivana and Ziggy going missing at the 11th hour and resulted in us trapping Ziggy at 12:59 when we had to be out by 13:00 but leaving tearfully without little Ivana (who thankfully turned up on a neighbour's roof a day later, needing to be trapped but no worse for wear). Jeez, never ever doing that again.

So, was Rugrat, then Ivana, is now Elsa  :Luv: (I always like to have Little Else about the place, after my granny Elsa, who would have been 105 but passed 6 years ago this month). Who amongst you ever doubted she would be mine one day? She likes a little cuddle and now all her remaining teeth have been removed she's much more comfortable and her sniffles are much improved. I think she will be much happier now.

I've closed the branch for a couple of weeks. Mark came to visit today and he's feeling better but is still weakened by the prolonged infection. I'm taking advantage of the natural lull this time of year to give him, me and the rest of the team a well deserved rest. Meanwhile we have new recruits on the radar and some admin, finance and paperwork to get sorted out before I reluctantly return to work on Tuesday for what may be my final showdown. Let's see what's happened since I left them with "considering my options" ringing in their ears a month ago.

OK I can't go without mentioning one of my favourite adoptions, that will warm all your hearts. If you remember two years ago, WFCP witnessed the birth of our first litter, Robbie Lola Lorna and Mario. Robbie and Lola were adopted together and they thrived with their wonderful slaves. Well David, one of those slaves came back to us for another kitten and adopted little Chi, the white kitten from Neichi's litter. This photo arrived today of Chi and her beloved uncle Robbie.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1096 on: October 15, 2017, 09:58:33 AM »
Sending speedy get well soon Dave wishes to Mark.

I wish I could help, but I am full to bursting with The Lodgers.

You'll be in the new Tufty Towers now, I hope that you are starting to get straight. :Luv: :hug: :hug: :hug: So pleased that you had a good holiday even though it sounds as if you'll need another shortly. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Ivana looks so much better, thank Gawd for waterproof picnic covers. :naughty:

You and your trusty crew are miracle workers.
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1095 on: October 15, 2017, 09:30:41 AM »
Wow, good luck with all the homes and moves. Am surprised you are still getting kittens, we've had very few this summer
Please spay your cat

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1094 on: October 15, 2017, 08:39:55 AM »

Wishing you all the luck in the world Sheila and your wonderful group of helpers  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Poor Mark  :(  Very much hope he starts to improve quickly.  Do hope he has someone caring for him  :care: :care:

Sounds like you could do with another holiday already but hope New Orleans and the thought of what your future holds at the new Tufty Towers will carry you through.  I would say try not to overdo it but seems little point as it sounds like you already are Mrs  :cuddle:

Wishing all the youngsters happiness in the new homes that you seem to attract as if by magic.  Our vet was just telling me the other day that when she started in practice 20 years ago there we definite kitten seasons but for whatever reason it seems to be kitten season all year round now.

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1093 on: October 15, 2017, 07:38:46 AM »
Busy day today as it's the last weekend before the big move.

Etta and Brenda, the last of the five black semi feral Sister Act are changing fosterers, our lovely Marina will polish them up,

Nate, gorgeous Nate has a new home, vaccinations and adoption this afternoon.

Pearl, feral mum of four beautiful Tabby kittens, has been spayed and is going back out today, finally regains her freedom.

Still looking for homes for two of Pearls babies, Tess and Glayon are 8 weeks old, born in my house, now ready to delight some new slaves.

Millie and Chubster who came in a month ago from a Cats in Danger group plea are also changing fosterer with a very solid offer of rehoming tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Kittens Gem and Baroni are being relocated because their 7 year old master sadly developed an allergic reaction. Homecheck on their new potential family this afternoon.

Another little family of unwanted mum and kittens arriving tomorrow, I've no space for them so I'm having to board them at my vets for now, terribly sad. And yet more on the waiting list... Sigh.

Caz, bless her, is back from her poorly Dads in Manchester, and we are going to ceremonially open the new equipment store at 10am this morning. It's a storage unit and yes, I know it costs money, but until the new Tufty a Towers is ready we've nowhere local fir the traps, crates, baskets and cleaning equipment to safely reside.

Mark is still laid up with something nasty he picked up on his holidays three weeks ago so I'm doing all this without my right hand. It's been a tough week since getting back from New Orleans!

Needless to say, if anyone is looking to adopt, please let me know? Our adoption centre is packed full right now so all our Rehoming us being done from the branch which is exhausting and time consuming, but unless we do this we get blocked, good homes are always needed.

So, wish me luck, it's gonna be hectic but hopefully by Thursday evening we can look forward to a brighter future. And maybe get a lie in Friday? Please?  :wow:

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1092 on: October 13, 2017, 21:49:56 PM »
Oh My! Nate is utterly adorabubble  :Luv2:

Sheila, I am so glad that your plans are coming to fruition and wish you happiness and success in the new Tufty Towers

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1091 on: October 13, 2017, 12:39:01 PM »
Well, I guess greater love hath no re-homed old girl, than to pee on her rescuer's bed, to let others know just how much you are now "Hers."

Nate is adorable.   ;D

It's a darned good job you live too far away from the north east for me to worry about sneaking any of your "up for Adoption" kitties into my handbag.

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1090 on: October 13, 2017, 12:33:54 PM »
Oh Sheila - that's fantastic news for you to come back to - am so very pleased for you and OH - and the Tuftyclub too  ;D ;D

(Ps - how is young Nate?)

Nate (below) came round so fast he's ready for rehoming already. Picking him up Sunday from Sally our lovely fosterer.

Here's my girl Ivana, (formerly Rugrat) who now sleeps and pees on my bed, bless her, she's not all there in the brains dept but with a Waterproof picnic blanket her funny little mixed up ways are still welcome here.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1089 on: October 13, 2017, 12:21:24 PM »
That's great news Sheila
Please spay your cat

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1088 on: October 13, 2017, 12:11:42 PM »
Oh Sheila - that's fantastic news for you to come back to - am so very pleased for you and OH - and the Tuftyclub too  ;D ;D

(Ps - how is young Nate?)

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1087 on: October 13, 2017, 12:08:46 PM »
Home safe, the rescue survived my absence. We now have several cats and kittens ready to go so I'd better crack on with some home checks...



We move into the new house on Thursday. All new Tufty Towers is ours!!  ;D

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1086 on: October 08, 2017, 07:14:16 AM »
Sending "safe journeying" vibes for Sheila and hubby.  Thinking too of those poor souls weathering yet another massive storm.  Also hoping Nate can find his feline family and a forever home.  What I'd he look like Rosella?

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1085 on: October 07, 2017, 15:39:40 PM »
Message from Sheila who is having trouble posting on Purrs. 

"Hurricane Nate bares down on New Orleans and surrounding areas.

This is being reported as the biggest storm since Katrina so there's a lot of very nervous people here. We're due to fly home at 3am U.K. time Tuesday morning.  Very much hoping everyone makes it through safely and the roads and airport remain open for us to get home.

Mark's down with proper flu but the girls are doing a fabulous job holding the fort back home.

Caz rescued this little lad yesterday, I wanted to call him Trigger as he's a real lively lad, just 7 weeks old and found alone in a garden. The girls have however named him Nate after the approaching storm ... The search for his mum is on.   

Safe journey vibes Sheila and very much hope the storm loses it's power well before it reaches that beautiful city.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2017, 16:01:32 PM by Rosella moggy »

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1084 on: September 25, 2017, 15:29:47 PM »
Hi Sheila,

I'm sorry that some of your charges have had to leave you to cross the bridge  :'( I know that their last days would have been filled with love  :hug:

I'm also sorry that your application for a career break was refused  :( I really do believe that something wonderful is just waiting for you  :hug:

I didn't know what NOLA meant either, I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1083 on: September 24, 2017, 18:58:18 PM »
Sorry things have gone pear shape many   :hug for the fir babes

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1082 on: September 24, 2017, 10:18:18 AM »
Sorry to hear your career break was denied Sheila, good luck with what decision you make - how easy will it be to get to work from the new house? Sorry that you have had such poorly cats, RIP little ones, fingers crossed for the poorly cats
Please spay your cat

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1081 on: September 24, 2017, 08:48:36 AM »
Am adding my thoughts too, Sheila, for Phyllis and Pamela, my condolences and prayers to the God of Small Things for Mr  Grey and little Phyllis.  :hug: :hug:

Yes, I suspect New Orleans is on the cards too, Rosella. ;)

For what its worth Sheila, my gut instinct with regard to your leave being turned down, is that you're being tested to see whether now is the time for that leap of faith.  :hug:  My fingers are well and truly crossed that whatever decision you make, it will be the very best that you could wish for.   :) :hug: :hug:

Meantime, enjoy your hols.   :)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1080 on: September 24, 2017, 07:25:01 AM »

Sending strongest possible get well vibes for Pamela and Phyllis Sheila  :hug: :hug:  Am so very sorry they lost their brother  :( :(  and sorry too for poor Mr Grey  :(

I think Sheila is off to New Orleans again Paula  :wow: :wow:  Hope the Tufty Club behave for whoever is caring for them.  Hope you and OH have a fabulous time and same to Mark at the Gibbon sactuary.  What an unusual holiday but a change is as good as a rest they say.

What a bummer about not getting the leave.  Often these things turn out to be for the best though as I imagine you would not have looked forward to going back to something that gives you so little satisfaction.

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1079 on: September 24, 2017, 06:13:08 AM »
Oh Sheila, I am so sorry that your leave application was turned down, a year to recharge batteries would have been just what you needed. Even Superwoman needs a little less to do every now and again. You constantly amaze me with all that you do and achieve. :care: :care: :care: :blow kiss:

I am so sorry for your losses as I know that you invest so much and feel each one keenly. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Your successes are admirable though, when I say your, I do mean the whole team. Tad will be extraordinarily proud, wherever she is.

Good luck with the move and NOLA, whatever that is, now up I am off to use google.

Please take care Honey, I am forever grateful for my furbabies that you have seen to lighten my life with, they are a constant source of pleasure, even if Pirate does mither the life out of me for his beloved Felix Crispies. :naughty:
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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1078 on: September 24, 2017, 00:28:11 AM »
Marks on his hols getting a well deserved break... Well perhaps as he's volunteering at a gibbon sanctuary somewhere in Thailand. Not quite the holiday he deserved but certainly what keeps him happy. Good on ya pal.

We've reached the final stages with Neichi, the nortie tortie with the most adorable kittens. She's coming in for spay as the babies are 8 weeks and it's my job to get her in a basket tomorrow! 😑

Sad news, our feral transfer programme left us with two very sick cats. Poor Mister Grey was PTS as his jaundice (noticed on arrival) turned into Triaditis (I had to look it up too) which took his life on Thursday night and more distressing we lost little Philip on Friday at only nine weeks old. A beautiful white/red boy with love to burn just faded away. His two sisters are mortally ill as well, prayers and vibes needed for Pamela and Phyllis please?

Happy to report two of the Sistas - Tina and Etta - hav gone up for adoption centre attention along with little Sammi Montague II who is the junkyard kitten with bush baby eyes 😻

We also adopted out Snowy, the girl we found with the prolapsed uterus who lost her babies. She also lost her tail but found the most amazing little family who adore her, and she them. Good luck little Snowy. Xx

Hobo is doing well on hi flu antibiotics,  he's gorgeous so won't hang around long once he's fit to go.

Caspar, our FIV herpes boy us equally adorable and I'm hoping the passes muster for an indoor home on Monday at his vet visit.

In with me, Pearl the feral and her four 5 week old dilute Tabby kittens, ivana who has a worrying case of the snuffles and Gerry feral kitten  from the nursing home grounds, who ran rings round his fosterer 😑 so is in with me for flooding and discipline. 

On a personal front I'm afraid My application for a career break was turned down, so I'm in a stick or jump position at work. butter. Contracts on the house move are ready, but as we leave for NOLA on Saturday there's nothing moving this side of the holiday. At least the Tuftyclub cats will be in familiar surroundings whilst we're away and I get time to ponder things to come.

Thanks to you all for keeping the faith. Me and the team appreciate the support, as do the 37 kittens and cats currently in our embrace.

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1077 on: September 17, 2017, 14:18:54 PM »

They're delishuss little bundles Sheila  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: Wishing them all very happy fureva homes  :wow:

I hardly dare say that I had to google the whereabouts of Essex  :-[ :-[ :-[  I'm utterly useless when it comes to UK geography esp down sowf.  From what I can make out, the border of Essex isn't a massive distance from Walthamstow but it's a big county.  I do hope one day to come visit Sheila and chill out with whichever four legged furries you are sharing with at the time  :hug: :hug:  Meanwhile I send every possible good wishes for your plans to fall into place as soon as possible.

Well done Caz.  Dealing with the paperwork for gift aid whilst TNRing a local colony?  Jeez; are you another superwoman? 

I've made your post larger so Gill can read it Sheila as I know she will be delighted to hear news  :)

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Re: Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)
« Reply #1076 on: September 17, 2017, 12:26:16 PM »
Good luck with everything,hope you can get to a more relaxed pace
Please spay your cat


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