Author Topic: PLEASE HELP!!!  (Read 22064 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #42 on: November 10, 2015, 22:20:57 PM »
I got Misa and Sasa from CP there were 4 and 7 and had never met until theywere in thr back of the car side by side in their carriers.

Misa tried dig his way out and Sasa was very calm..................They hadnt told me she was semi feral! Both were terrified of people and had been badly treated especially Misa. Hime and his friend were taken to be PTS at 4yrs old cos they werent wanted and the vet saved them.

They have been with me 10 yrs now and when they arrived the CP lady just opened the carriers and they had the freedom of the house and they got on from day one............well with each other LOL

Misa used to hide under the recliner and just come out to eat but he did like strokes and gradually trusted me although he will run and hide if anyone comes to the door and stay hiddeen until ant visitor goes.

Sasa also hides.

Lupin came to me at 10 months and is now over 5 yrs and a birman who at very clever and intelligent. I still had one of the birman brothers that arrived a couple of years after the other two. The birmans and Misa and Sasa also only tolerated each other but apart from 3 legged  Ducha attacking Misa early on , I think he thought that Misa was hurting his brother and cornered him on the stairs and went for his neck..............Misa was 6kg plus and Ducha about 3.5 LOL.

Things werent that straight forward with those 4 but cant remember the details but only kept them seperated for a short time cos the bros had been kept in a garage cos nthey were scared of dogs owned by their owner who also run a dog grooming business. Consequently they had learnt to howl for attention and Napoleon let me hear his howl straight away and they hated being shut in a room unless I was there too.

Napoleon tried to claw his way out and clawed up the carpet during the night and I couldnt open the door and get in!

After  a week or 2 of that I let them out and straight upstairs they went and took over my bedroom from Misa and Sasa.

They were gorgeous and when Napoleon went to the Bridge I was heartbroken but wasnt getting another cat! I missed him so much that I started looking for another seal point  birman wanted one about 8 years old but ended up with 10 month Lupin!

He was still unneutered and had never seen a vet since he left his breeder, so was neutered etc as soon as he arrived. He was a typical kitten and still is ...........sigh.

I tried to do things properly and kept him seperate for a while but thatb upset the other two big cats and I allowed him to mix with Ducha who was then 17 yrs old. Trouble is Lupin was about the same size and heavier and he would pounce on Ducha and pin him down, was forever having to save him but he was so good natured by then and gentle.

 Sadly Ducha went to the bridge the following year but here is pic of them on Duchas 18th birthday and a norty Lupin ones around the same time. Last one of Ducha and Napoleon, not very good but all pics on other lappy.

Lupin and Misa and Sasa get on OK now apart ftom some of Lupins kitten like stuff but one forgets early problems once everything is mostly OK  :innocent:

It can be made to work to at least tollerance level I believe and its just btrying to get the timing right for allowing the cats to mix and I beieve that if its left to long it will be hard to do.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 22:22:36 PM by Gill (sneakiefeline) »

Offline Oana

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« Reply #41 on: November 10, 2015, 20:48:54 PM »
Yours must be really funny!!!! Are they all together for a while, I suppose...? I suppose with the age and time, as they realise that's the home, that's the life... they stop genuine fights. Here it was hell when we firstly housed Alfie and Witzi. They were fighting all right, they could not stand each other! Now... they accept one another but not fully: if Alfie comes upstairs, for example... there's trouble.
Well... I do believe they are all about the same age: 5-6-7...? And I suspect in this order: Dragster 5, Witzi 6, Alfie 7. I don't quite know their certain age, only by what the vet assessed by the look of their teeth... As I said, they were rescued, basically, and I include here Dragster too, despite the outcome, first hand, from the streets, that's why I am not really certain about the age.
Also there's a health problem: I don't know Dragster ins and outs in terms of health I didn't do all tests and investigations, firstly to make sure he'd be able to co-habituate with these two I need to know he's perfectly healthy. I can't put them together before that, and everything's about time now: I am awaited at Hula, as they keep the place for him. It was totally unexpected, I need time now, which I haven't got... :(

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #40 on: November 10, 2015, 20:37:04 PM »
Its very very hard but you may find he gets on fine with one or both!

How old are the other two and if he is just a kitten they play fight all the time.

Lupin is 5 now and he still pounces or tries to pounce on the other two but Sasa hisses and he is a bit scared of her so we get a lay odff or sit off and neither will go past the other one. Misa now will stick out a paw when Lupin walks past .................sigh

Offline Oana

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« Reply #39 on: November 10, 2015, 20:30:11 PM »
That's the problem, these other two spoiled clowns are not getting on well even now, after one year and almost a half of continuous life indoors only! Alfie is still based in the living room and Witzi upstairs in the main bedroom and office. While at work we still keep them separated, to avoid situations and fights, as they still get one another sometimes when we are supervising them!!! We leave the doors open and they can 'enjoy' each other's presence only when we are at home. Say we can try accommodate Dragster too with them, but when we are not at home... where to place Dragster...??? :( What to do... I don't know.
I shall try Hula and see what's in there, how is he getting on for a week. If he is not happy there, we'll buy him back. My partner says Dragster can live still in the hut outside. No, sorry, this is not an option. He will share the house or we'll try hard to find genuine people and try for a home of his own. It's sooooo bloody hard!!! And especially when it comes to this... I really wonder... how that supposed owner, seeing him in the hut, when she firstly picked him up, how wasn't she alarmed...??? If it was one of mine, I thought I was mad, I was keeping him in giving him anything he wanted: play, love, attention, apart of food, warmth and cosiness, only not being attracted to go other places anymore!!!! I am really distressed about this situation, about him, he's such a lovely little kitten, one has to be really insane to abandon him... :(:(:(

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #38 on: November 10, 2015, 16:16:33 PM »
You have to go with your gut feeling on he neutered?

If he is and things between the othertwo are Ok you could try him in the house but would suggest scent swapping first

Offline Oana

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« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2015, 13:42:46 PM »
Yes, yes, yes, I know what you mean about the ginger one... I have NO IDEA whatsoever how it is like at Hula. I have never been there BUT... BUT... HONESTLY, I DO SWEAR: IF ANYTHING WHATEVER IT IS I don't like there... I shall TAKE HIM BACK on the day. Even re-homed... who the hell knows what hands he will fall into? Who knows what will he eat, where will he go, and so on...? I don't know, I don't know, I don't know... Alfie and Whisky seem very sad at the minute, they feel Dragster took a step forward to the house, I mean he lives now in the conservatory, now it's all right being mild, neither too cold nor too hot, but this is just a November measure! As soon as the temperatures go down... the conservatory becomes a freezer and as soon they go up, in the summer, it becomes an oven, it's impossible to survive there in the summer!!! This is because I am on a principle they have to stay in the house, not wondering and getting themselves into trouble: poisoned, trapped, and so on, so many dangers out there...!!!
I don't know, I don't know... I don't know what to do... My partner says they will be too many in the house, they will fight (very possible), they will fight also for attention and play, it is difficult... But I want Dragster happy and safe, and of course... I only trust myself I can provide them all that, that's why I believe they have been attracted to our place... I can't help myself not crying and I don't know what to do.... :'( :'( :'( :'(

Offline Dawn F

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« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2015, 09:54:10 AM »
that is wonderful news Oana - he has so much to thank you for but of course can't so hopefully we can  :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #35 on: November 10, 2015, 09:43:00 AM »
Its very hard to let a cat move on, but you are going to take good care of him despite him being at Hula and thats really wonderful  ;D ;D

I had a stray move in over a 9 month period in London, was terrified of me it seemed. A gogeous light ginger and then on Chrismas day slunk into the Kitchen while Kocka was having her turkey.

I put a dish of turkey down for him and he stayed round the corner not touching it until Kocka had finished, then ate.

The next thing I knew, was sitting in a beanbag, and he was on my lap purring away and from then on was just a total lapcat, I adored him.

Kocka however didnt and started attacking him, he was so placid he just let her lash out and she made his ears bleed. So I contacted CP and they came almost straight away and took him to be rehomed....turned out they had someone on their list that had been waiting for a ginger for a long time and he immediately went there.

They said when they left he was already on the knees purring.

But it totally broke my heart for a long time and even asked for him back!

Offline Oana

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« Reply #34 on: November 08, 2015, 18:23:10 PM »
This is what I believe too... he needs a home of his own... and I should leave aside or more to the point WE should leave aside our emotions (we both, me and my husband, shall take half a day off to bring him at Hula), and think of Dragster's wellbeing. We had on Friday a terrible day, I cried and still cry a lot because he won't be under my direct supervision, but... honestly, supervision is too much of a word: I used to feed him and after feeding a little fuss after putting him back in the hut. This is... again, this is not ownership. It's not right for him. We took to him, but using the brains for a change, instead of heart, when seeing this wind outside for example, and the weather was really kind so far, let's face it, I think we do the right thing, giving him this chance.
We won't let him go just to go: he'll have the food provided from us, warmth and care until he'll find the appropriate home. We'll visit him weekly and take photos I shall place on the Purrs in Our Hearts facebook page, and we shall all know how is he doing.
Say in the instance anything occurs and I won't be able to go to Hula one weekend, I shall keep contact with the staff, at least two times a week. But I shall try my best to see him every Saturday.
Thank you so much for the encouragement, that you all agree I'm doing the right thing... I still... don't look forward to part him. I didn't do that if I hadn't had these two, or if we had a bigger house! He was well off with us. I believe he deserves a better life though: he's been through too much. Literally... if we were not around... he was totally abandoned. :( poor kitten...
My mission is not ended: until they'll find THE RIGHT PEOPLE to offer him a home he deserves I shall monitorise his life. Fingers crossed...

Online Lyn (Slugsta)

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« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2015, 17:54:51 PM »
That's great news! It's lovely that you have done so much for Dragster, but I do agree that he really deserves a loving home of his own  :hug:

Offline Oana

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« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2015, 15:32:45 PM »
Thank you so much!!!! :) DEFINITELY I shall keep tabs of this post, and I shall try to keep everyone posted... I HOPE from all of my heart he'll be all right, and as I said... I won't let him down: if the worse comes to worst, I shall have him back, in the house... and we'll see then how we shall manage. But a chance has to be given, for him having a great life, not only being the 3rd cat in the household and getting as and when the right fuss and attention.
At the minute, me and my husband have certain tasks: he is Alfie's fusser and sleeps with Alfie downstairs, plays with Alfie and so on, I do fuss and play occasionally with Alfie, that means twice an evening, but I live with Witzi upstairs: Witzi sleeps with me in the bed, we play, fuss, he's MY boy. :) When it comes to feeding, I feed them both, Alfie on the kitchen's worktop or on kitchen's windowsill... and Witzi eats in the bed. MAD :D, I know... but... well... I love to see them more than spoilt. :D
Providing we go both to work in the day... I don't know when one would have the time for another boy. BUT once again: if the worse comes to worst, we'll be here for little Dragster.
THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH INDEED, and I shall definitely keep you posted!!!!


Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2015, 15:12:28 PM »
Thank you for the update and hope Dragster gets the forever home he deserves  ;D ;D

We do not close threads so if you ever want to give us any more updates it will be ready and waiting...............Just remembered that this one maybe closed cos of the section is it in but check anyway

Offline Oana

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« Reply #30 on: November 08, 2015, 13:53:57 PM »
Hi Everyone

First of all, I want to THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT regarding my story with Dragster...
After all the struggle, to start with the outcome, Dragster will go to Hula Rescue Centre next week, where a place became available for him. That was fantastic news with the winter on its way, and only this past Friday we knew about this opportunity!!! We were prepared to keep the timber hut for him, well insulated, but nothing can replace the comforts of indoors!! He won't be any cat, won't be on his own: we shall supply the monthly food for him, support his vets fees, anything to keep him happy, let alone them 4 or 5 beds acquired and the toys. We shall visit him weekly and I would, personally, like to know the potential new owners myself, even if Hula staff are very conscious about when choosing owners, and they try the perfect match. I want him to be as cared of and loved as our Witzi and Atzi aka Whisky and Alfie are.

Now, what I meant by 'struggle' at the start of this message, was the woman who was supposed to be the owner DID NOT CARE AT ALL ABOUT HIM. She came once, picked him up, next morning Dragster was back in the hut in our garden. We tried to encourage him to go back: no luck at all, and seeing him as miserable and sad, we could not do otherwise but sheltering and feeding him well, daily. When this opportunity with Hula came across, I rang the 'owner', firstly asked whether Dragster (his original name 'Socks') had visited her lately. The answer was NO and she put it to me bluntly: I think he needs to be rehomed. Well... so I have had her agreement with no trouble, as she didn't care anyway where the cat was on this earth, whether he was with us or others or not at all. In a lovely manner, she cut off the phone conversation when I said thank you and I was going to say good bye.
Once again she tried to outline that Dragster is Witzi's brother (imagine, Witzi has been acknowledged by Scotts Vets as a stray, he was full of fleas, etc, and I suppose the vets at Scotts have seen a stray before), as she claimed Witzi as 'hers' too. Perhaps she wanted us having Dragster too (ohhhhhh... I would've loved to!!!!!), but I can't take her word for granted in terms of brotherhood, as Witzi and Atzi divided her spaces, territories, and once again, we can only keep them separated in the house. I don't want to bother these two's microclimate and bother Dragster as well, what was I suppose to do in the event of fight while we were not about?? Sending Dragster outside in the hut again?? No way, this is not a choice!!!! So we chose Hula.
My mistake was that I mentioned to her about Hula and she said her son's girlfriend or something like that, works there. Well... I don't know how to prevent it, I quite doubt she'll go back there and redeem Dragster again, but my mind was better at rest if I did not mention the place. She didn't want this poor boy anyway, why should she go back there and claim Dragster back... well... Anyway... this is the story.
In any case, if any situation occurs... providing I shall be always there for Dragster, we took to him a lot, we'll take the risk of fight, scratch, etc... and so on... and we'll bring him back in our home. But for the time being, I think the best to do is to give him the chance to get a loving, indeed a loving home as he craves for, someone to love him only. Every cat needs their share of attention, fuss, love, not only warmth, shelter, and food. They need their own spaces, comforts, and they need to feel they are loved and number one.
Thus... I believe the topic can be closed, but I shall still try to keep you all in the loop with little Dragster's wellbeing... :)

Kind regards.



Offline Janeyk

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« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2015, 08:10:55 AM »
Hi Oana,

Are you still looking for a home for Dragster or shall I move this to sorted now  :)
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Online Lyn (Slugsta)

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« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2015, 16:18:35 PM »
My Alfie and Cleo have shared the house for more than 2 years. We had Alfie first, a large neutered male who was less than 2 years old, friendly but quite timid. Then Cleo came to live here, a small, older, fluffy female who is very confident and didn't want to share with Alfie. He was afraid of her and I hated to see her chase him away, I was afraid I would lose him.

Gradually they got more used to each other, first they were able to walk past each other, stay in the same room, sometimes they will sleep on the same bed during the day. I have even seen them touch noses, briefly.

Now Alfie seems to be gaining the upper hand. If he is in a room Cleo will often go elsewhere. She runs from him, so he chases but he won't stop and we have a bout of fisticuffas most days. Both screeching and hissing, fur flying from both.I hate it  :(

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2015, 18:03:50 PM »
Yes I think the health check is a wise move  ;D

I forgot to say I also now have little monster cat Lupin, it took quite a while for him to integrete cos he is so much younger and pounces on anything that moves!

He is now OK most of time but loves the girl cat Sasa who does not love him interferring with her and runs, so he chases .........sigh

Also for about 3 weeks had a cat that was dumped outside in the snow at christmas and only my late Napoleon knew how to cope...................just ignore her and walk straight past and do what you usually do lol.  she would just perch on high but Misa and Sasa were scared of her.

She now lives up north as a kind Purrs member gave her a home.....................she is so gorgeous  ;D

Offline Oana

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« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2015, 17:52:21 PM »
You are just LUCKY!!!! Honestly!!! We still need a bit of a time, certainly longer than 2 years, it seems, to get Whisky and Alfie all right together, without keeping them separated, each with their half of the house, during the days when we are not home, and nights when we sleep.
So Alfie reigns over the groundfloor and Whiskey over first floor. Alfie sleeps with my husband, I sleep with Whiskey. And they still catch one another in the kitchen, firstly Whiskey was afraid of Alfie, now Alfie's afraid of Whiskey, and so on and so forth, I wonder will they get on well together eventually??
So that was my thought: if these were brothers, Dragster and Whiskey, and also providing that at some point they shared the same house, could they get on quicker than if they were completely strangers...? It's worth a try, but... beforehand Dragster has to have some health assessment, quite thoroughly and then we'll see...
Thank you very much Gill, thank you ALL for all the advice and support, and I shall carry on keeping you posted!!! :)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2015, 14:25:19 PM »
Agree with Dawn.

I have two cats who had never met before being next door carriers in a car coming to me from CP and they got on right from the start.

Then added two birman brothers, they all never became best buddies but they tollerated each other fine.

This is just my opinion but think you stand a better chance as they are boys cos girls tend to prefer being the only girl!

Offline Dawn F

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« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2015, 13:28:58 PM »
all cats are different I'm not sure family has anything to do with it, but there is just as much chance of them getting on as not - I used to have 4 unrelated adults who got on just fine

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« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2015, 13:20:09 PM »
Thank you, Gill... I shall try and... fingers crossed!!!
Meanwhile Dragster really enjoys his hut :) He's soooo funny!!! After feeding  him this morning, went and picked the bowls thus I could hear only his purr.... :):):) I'll see how we're getting on: if he starts being cold or nervous there, and providing I shall let RSPCA know about the others, we might take him again at Scotts Vets and we'll bring him in... Whisky is looking at him very interested, through the windows. If they are brothers indeed, would they fight if brought back together? Can they feel between themselves some connection, anything? What do you think?
It depends a lot whether we'll take him or not indoors...

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2015, 19:58:05 PM »
Yes go for animals in distress....................hungry, sick, bad condition etc etc

Offline Oana

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« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2015, 17:55:29 PM »
Yes, I think this is an only way, for getting RSPCA involved... The trouble is I have no idea how to do it: they don't take calls it seems, I wonder... should I tackle the option they have on reporting an animal in distress?
I really need to stay on the phone all day to reach them and I can't see this happening as, for example, I type this still being in the office. I shall try on the phone though, in the evening, or... online on their 'animal in distress' option...?
Anyway, the lady seems she's not really in a good physical health as well, to take care of as many, let alone psychological... I shall keep Dragster still in his hut, we have insulated it properly for the winter, hopefully he'll be all right. But something I need to do: the neighbourhood is full of her hungry cats, they don't deserve such a life, and if they receive a crunchy or two at her door, of course they think they belong to her! But does she think the same, I wonder...?
To be honest, there, at her house, it's DEFINITELY NOT a home for a cat! It's a mockery! Everything I care is those souls' wellbeing...
Certainly I shall keep you posted on the matter, and once again THANK YOU SO MUCH for your advice!!!

Offline Janeyk

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« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2015, 15:07:04 PM »
Hi, thanks for the update Oana. Gill and Dawn are right.  Please do get in touch with RSPCA if you are concerned, they will look into it and you will remain anonymous.  Let us know how things go.
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Dawn F

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« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2015, 14:00:32 PM »
Gill is right only the rscpa have the power to do anything, you might be lucky, they might go in and give advice and support that is what they did when I reported someone

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2015, 13:58:06 PM »
My opinion is that if the conditions and cats are as bad as you say you have no alternative but to contact the RSPCA, they are the only ones who can obtain entry under the law.

However before doing that any that you are looking after should be kept away from there as sadly they may PTS any in a bad way.

good luck it sounds a shocking state of affairs  :hug:  :hug:

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« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2015, 13:22:29 PM »
Not just news... A whole saga and a whole novel I need to type here with news!!! I was going to update you in the weekend, so far we have been MAD about this issue with these cats...
Thanks to a paper collar I kept on the white one for a week (meanwhile feeding him), it turned HE WAS OWNED indeed, and Scotts Vets have not been wrong at all!!! More to it, they have been right 1000%, and you'll see why below, in my story...
I have spoken to the owner, I was over the moon, but the lady owner confessed to me she's got 9 cats!!! To cut the story short... Dragster, the black one who resided already all right in the hut in the garden... was owned as well by herself!!!!
Owned...??? What the hell ownership this can be, when they were not fed, that house of hers (I have been there, at the front of the door , several times, to bring the cats back, she lives very close to us) is a total mess, feels cold as a cave, of course Dragster's better off in our garden!!! It even turned that our Whisky was hers as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INCREDIBLE!!!
What this woman's doing? Why does she mock up lives? If our Whisky was hers indeed, but sorry, he was in an indescribable state of neglect, with fleas, bad liver, and so on, and the white one skin and bones, only Dragster looks a bit better as he's been fed by ourselves for quite a bit of time...
I don't know what to do now: with the rescue centres  no luck at all, hunting high and low.
BUT, providing these cats live in a deplorable environment for their own selves, is anything that can be done? Because this way she may have soon 100 and all of them starved and thin and cold, and looking in the neighbourhood for a shelter!!!
Meanwhile Dragster still lives in our garden, after assessing correctly what she's capable to offer, certainly he's better of in a German log little cabin, fed with Royal Canin and Purina. CLEARLY. To be honest... if I won't find a decent family ONLY to trust them they could take care of him... perhaps we'll take him too, along Alfie and... possibly, seemingly... his BROTHER Whisky....???? By what the lady says...
Well...? What do you make of this...? I don't know, but honestly, my brains spin round after all these adventures...
Thank you for writing me!!!! XXXX

Offline Janeyk

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« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2015, 08:35:21 AM »
Any news Oana?
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

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« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2015, 13:29:04 PM »
DEFINITELY WILL take him to the vets!!!
Exactly, who knows, there might be a chance, even within that percentage 0.00001 out of 100%, I was thinking of... We'll try to do this this week, I hope the work will allow...
If no owners at all... we'll keep him going through the winter in the timber hut, also indeed I plan to buy a heated hut to place inside the timber hut, however we'll do all the layers necessary for thermal insulation and damp proofing. Ginger's hut is a bunker, no drop of water gets through, and despite of being open (he comes and goes as he pleases...) he did not suffer at all of being cold in the winter. But Ginger is another kettle of fish: this hut was a life saver for him, he has no idea what it means to live indoors... :( whereas Dragster I am sure he's very familiar with living in a home...
Two things here: finding his owners (slim chances I believe), and / or finding new owners, only people who care and he can become indeed another member of their family... Tough task... as I said...



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« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2015, 08:53:09 AM »

I was just about to update news about Dragster... He's still with us, we have ordered a German fully insulated timber hut for him, we are still looking for NICE people to offer him a home...

Unfortunately we haven't had the time to take him to the vets and see whether he's microchipped, honestly chances are 0.00001% for him having a chip!!!, but... who knows. We'll do that ASAP.

I still ask people I still look for a decent home, people who want a lovely little boy, he's so affectionate!!! I am a bit reluctant to let him to any shelter or charity body, I know for certain he's far better cared of with us than any other place (there are so many people who apparently want a per, be it a cat or a dog, and they abandon them... we don't want this happening to him again)... on one hand... on the other, if he won't be able to cope in the garden... I don't know what to do... :(

Thank you ever so much for asking about him, he's still safe with us, but I am still open to ideas and suggestions!!!

Oana :)

Hi, Thanks for the update, I would def take him to check for a chip ASAP (def before he's rehomed) even if you think the chances are slim, you never know someone could be missing him a lot.
Best of luck!   
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 08:56:39 AM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

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« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2015, 18:52:05 PM »
It sounds like he is doing really well with you and the hut should keep him dry and warm...........when its cold you could add a neat pad for him  :hug: :hug:

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« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2015, 13:34:28 PM »

I was just about to update news about Dragster... He's still with us, we have ordered a German fully insulated timber hut for him, we are still looking for NICE people to offer him a home...
Honestly I try to make as comfortable a life for him, obviously he's been owned, let alone he's neutered, but I can tell by what he fancies in terms of his diet: Royal Canin only, the adult Instinctive, wet food, red pouch...
Anyway, we're waiting for the hut being delivered, which we'll place in our garden. We'd love to take him in too, but we already have two clowns indoors, both boys (I don't want to imagine what fight might occur if him, the third, will interfere), who are still getting one to another at times, even there's over a year since they became house cats!!!
We're planning to keep him warm in the timber hut (fingers crossed he'll be all right, as we have another hut there with the garden cat, Ginger), and fed appropriately until we find someone... Tough task...
Unfortunately we haven't had the time to take him to the vets and see whether he's microchipped, honestly chances are 0.00001% for him having a chip!!!, but... who knows. We'll do that ASAP.

I still ask people I still look for a decent home, people who want a lovely little boy, he's so affectionate!!! I am a bit reluctant to let him to any shelter or charity body, I know for certain he's far better cared of with us than any other place (there are so many people who apparently want a per, be it a cat or a dog, and they abandon them... we don't want this happening to him again)... on one hand... on the other, if he won't be able to cope in the garden... I don't know what to do... :(

Thank you ever so much for asking about him, he's still safe with us, but I am still open to ideas and suggestions!!!

Oana :)

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« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2015, 07:40:30 AM »
Hi, any news on Dragster please (btw my hubby has a dragster lol  :evillaugh:)
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

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« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2015, 21:14:13 PM »
I haven't tried Toddington, but I will! I have some nice responses from some rescue centres placing him on a waiting list AFTER we'll take him to the vets (Friday he's booked at the vet where we take ours, at Scotts), to assess his situation, in case he's got any owners.
The idea with the collar is brilliant, I shall make one, and add a note, who knows, indeed, there are all sort of 'owners', but what makes me think he hasn't got any at the minute is that he's sheltering himself into the bushes at the front of our house, on one hand, and on the other he came with a 'beautiful' scar on his cheek, nasty and bloody, obviously has been beaten. So... if he had any owners... what owners would leave him in this condition and not do anything about that? (I have disinfected it... :(

I shall go on that chat, thank you Sue!!! Hopefully... there might be someone TRUSTWORTHY to want him... Gumtree no... or... only IF they let us visit them, to see what type of people are. Because... otherwise he might be far better off in a little house we're going to order and put up for him, the only problem is Ginger who already has one there, he knows the garden is HIS place and that hut was a life saver through the winter, insulated and with a cosy bed designed for cats...

I shall try ALL THAT, and once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your advice!!!! I shall keep you in the loop what is the little Dragster doing... THANK YOU!!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXX

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« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2015, 19:31:43 PM »
Have you tried Stray Cats Rescue at Toddington?

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« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2015, 15:54:00 PM »
Did you see if he's chipped yet?

It might also be worth putting a paper collar on saying 'is this your cat please ring this number' you can just make one and fasten it with sellotape (if he lets you put it on of course!). If he's been neutered he might have a home (although not such caring owners.....) Sue had that situation with Tinks where the poor thing was often locked out and left to his own devices  :(

Wont any of the rescues put him on a 'waiting list'?

Last resort if he is friendly and pretty rehomable you could put him on (dare I say it....) Gumtree....
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« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2015, 14:27:11 PM »

Oana, have you tried any of these - I've posted a link taken from our sister website called "Cat Chat" - there may be some there who can help.   :hug: :hug:  It may help as well if they know that you're happy to act as a temporary fosterer by allowing him to shelter in your garden, whilst they're looking in case they cant find accommodation for him in their actual rescues at the moment and he had to go on a waiting list for admittance.   I've got my fingers crossed for you and this little boy, as he sounds lovely, bless his paws.

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« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2015, 13:36:57 PM »
Thank you very much... If you have any ideas, however, about trustworthy people who'd like to give this poor boy (Dragster, as we have named him, as he jumps for a fuss), please let us know, please leave a message... And this including any cat rescue body, we want to pay for his upkeep until he gets a home, the only thing is I don't want to see him in the winter shivering cold, or wet, or... anyway, any ideas are more than welcome... THANK YOU!!!! XXXXX

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2015, 19:51:14 PM »
seconded  :hug: :hug:

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« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2015, 16:25:45 PM »
Oana, you obviously have a big heart! I wish you luck in your quest to help this little lad.

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« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2015, 13:43:54 PM »
Thank you so much, Sue, for your reply!

We live in Kempston, Bedford, by Hillgrounds Road, close to Sainsbury's, actually is Gulliver Close. I have contacted as many rescue centres as I could, most of the staff were nice enough to respond, but no constructive result came about, as it seems they are full to the rim: people abandon their cats and they have not enough of anything to house more in their shelters.
We're going to bring him this week to the vets and see whether he's microchipped (but I don't hope too much, chances of him being lost are one to a million), however we'll do that for our peace of mind. I have asked before whether vets could help anyhow, but it's understandable, they are just vets... I don't know what to do with him, I feel for him a lot: he's neutered, so obviously had owners, had a home, perhaps he knows the comforts of a home, and now he hides in the bushes at night in front of our house, it's terrible!
The last of the last option would be making him another shelter (another little house) in the garden, but I am really uneasy about that, providing the other male, hut owner in our garden, might have a good go at him, as he sees his territory is invaded, and that can happen any time of the night, for neighbours' delight...
After taking him to the vets (fingers crossed we might get hold of some owners) I shall keep you posted of what's going on... I need to move fast, a couple of months of summer which are left seem nothing in terms of time left, to find him a good warm cosy shelter... :(
Thank you so much for your reply, I really hope we can find a place for the poor kitten, as he's not too far from kitten age... I shall post a photo here soon, too.

Kind regards,



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