Hi Everyone
First of all, I want to THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT regarding my story with Dragster...
After all the struggle, to start with the outcome, Dragster will go to Hula Rescue Centre next week, where a place became available for him. That was fantastic news with the winter on its way, and only this past Friday we knew about this opportunity!!! We were prepared to keep the timber hut for him, well insulated, but nothing can replace the comforts of indoors!! He won't be any cat, won't be on his own: we shall supply the monthly food for him, support his vets fees, anything to keep him happy, let alone them 4 or 5 beds acquired and the toys. We shall visit him weekly and I would, personally, like to know the potential new owners myself, even if Hula staff are very conscious about when choosing owners, and they try the perfect match. I want him to be as cared of and loved as our Witzi and Atzi aka Whisky and Alfie are.
Now, what I meant by 'struggle' at the start of this message, was the woman who was supposed to be the owner DID NOT CARE AT ALL ABOUT HIM. She came once, picked him up, next morning Dragster was back in the hut in our garden. We tried to encourage him to go back: no luck at all, and seeing him as miserable and sad, we could not do otherwise but sheltering and feeding him well, daily. When this opportunity with Hula came across, I rang the 'owner', firstly asked whether Dragster (his original name 'Socks') had visited her lately. The answer was NO and she put it to me bluntly: I think he needs to be rehomed. Well... so I have had her agreement with no trouble, as she didn't care anyway where the cat was on this earth, whether he was with us or others or not at all. In a lovely manner, she cut off the phone conversation when I said thank you and I was going to say good bye.
Once again she tried to outline that Dragster is Witzi's brother (imagine, Witzi has been acknowledged by Scotts Vets as a stray, he was full of fleas, etc, and I suppose the vets at Scotts have seen a stray before), as she claimed Witzi as 'hers' too. Perhaps she wanted us having Dragster too (ohhhhhh... I would've loved to!!!!!), but I can't take her word for granted in terms of brotherhood, as Witzi and Atzi divided her spaces, territories, and once again, we can only keep them separated in the house. I don't want to bother these two's microclimate and bother Dragster as well, what was I suppose to do in the event of fight while we were not about?? Sending Dragster outside in the hut again?? No way, this is not a choice!!!! So we chose Hula.
My mistake was that I mentioned to her about Hula and she said her son's girlfriend or something like that, works there. Well... I don't know how to prevent it, I quite doubt she'll go back there and redeem Dragster again, but my mind was better at rest if I did not mention the place. She didn't want this poor boy anyway, why should she go back there and claim Dragster back... well... Anyway... this is the story.
In any case, if any situation occurs... providing I shall be always there for Dragster, we took to him a lot, we'll take the risk of fight, scratch, etc... and so on... and we'll bring him back in our home. But for the time being, I think the best to do is to give him the chance to get a loving, indeed a loving home as he craves for, someone to love him only. Every cat needs their share of attention, fuss, love, not only warmth, shelter, and food. They need their own spaces, comforts, and they need to feel they are loved and number one.
Thus... I believe the topic can be closed, but I shall still try to keep you all in the loop with little Dragster's wellbeing...

Kind regards.