Just over a year ago I lost my 2 year old cat, Suzie, to Acute renal failure. Now I think it might be happening all over again with my 3 year old, Oscar
We took him to the vets this morning as I had noticed that he's been drinking excessively and urinating alot more. The vet did a physical examination andd said she could feel something solid in his guts. He has been kept in for blood tests and an x-ray to find out what the cause is. I'm just so worried that it's happening all over again. I can't stand the thought of losing him aswell
He seems absolutley fine in himself and is still eating which is different to how Suzie was. She was very poorly when we took her in to the vets. I guess on this occasion we have learnt to look otu for the signs. Is it possible that it could be something else? Or if it is the early stages of kidney failure can it be reversed?
I really don't want it to be what I suspect