Hello all
I was at the vets yesterday with my guinea pigs for a check up and took the opportunity to ask the vet about Silvie and her issues. I told her that I'd found the vetergesic impossible to administer properly. She asked me if I'd be happy injecting it. Afraid I don't fancy doing that, unless Silvie's life is depending on it! She said that the vetergesic can be given with food but that it just won't have quite as much effect as it won't have as mcuh contact with the gums etc for absorption. I will start trying this tonight.
I also asked what they might find if they X-rayed and what they might do about it. She said that arthritic joints might have a bit of extra growth around them and that can sometimes get chipped with the chips then floating around in the joint which can cause pain. However, these chips can sometimes dissolve on their own in a few weeks and they likely wouldn't consider surgically removing them anyway. I let her know my reluctance to put Silvie through being X-rayed if the likely result was confimring what we already suspect and that nothing could or would be able to be done about it anyway. I explained that I didn't think the injury was currently serious enough to warrant it all (Silvie can still jump up and down from the kitchen work surface when it takes her fancy, even if she does have a bit of a limp and sits with one paw held up!) Current cold weather also won't be helping. I think she understood.
The vet did suggest trying the Hill's Science Plan prescription diet j/d and sold me a couple of tins
http://www.hillspet.co.uk/en-gb/mobility/cat.html - I'm happy to try that, nice and easy for both her and me! It looks and smells vile - like minced offal in gravy - but Silvie seems to like it! So I started that last night and will give it a proper go - says it can take around twenty one days to show results and you have to introduce it slowly over a week.
I have also finally got around to looking up green lipped mussel which someone recommended -
http://www.arthritissupermarket.co.uk/Pernaton-Green-Lipped-Mussel-Extract-350mg-caps. Silvie is due at the vets around Christmas time for her booster so I will ask the vet about it then, once we've seen how the Vetergesic and the new food is working - to check if it's OK alongside everything else (the diet, Metacam and Seraquin). I might also ask about acupuncture, although I have to admit that I am also reluctant to go down that road - not becasue I'm a sceptic but because it will mean taking Silvie regularly to wherever does it, which she will not like. I don't expect she'll enjoy it any more than going to the vets which she hates!
We'll see, I'll keep you updated