Author Topic: Neutering Male Feral  (Read 3028 times)

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2012, 08:10:27 AM »
Give him lots of time and he could become a sloppy pusscat. You never can tell with feral-types.  :hug:
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Offline kathleen21

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2012, 11:46:56 AM »
Just wanted to say thank you for the advice.  Hobbes seems back to his bouncing self and already seems a little more friendly and has been sittiing in the same room as me instead of running and hiding.

The smell is fading and he does not seem to have been overly traumatised by his first human contact other than me and my partner - and he doesn't like us that much!


Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2012, 00:41:19 AM »
I dont know why he is smelling but think the smell will gradually go and you have to remember that his hormones will take a few weeks to die down so it mught be his own smell.

Offline kathleen21

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2012, 23:11:25 PM »
Well, my Hobbes has put in an appearance - came in eaten and wanted to be out again - am relieved he has come home and although more nervous than usual - doesn't seem to have fallen out with me altogether!!

But he has come back from rescue place with a v strong smell of urine and is rather a smelly little ginger cat - is this normal??  Im wondering that as he has been neutered as part of a programme that he has been in a cage next to other cats?

Is this normal and will it pass??

Offline Sootyca

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2012, 20:43:46 PM »

I am hoping he might become a bit touchy feely when he has been neutered ... I'm so desperate to be friends!!!  Was he OK after the neutering - I've been a bit worried about aftercare when he can't be touched...

PS - can I ask what your outside cat lives in?  I've had a purpose built cat house put in - but of course he wont use it preferring a little plastic kennel instead!!... and I've been really worried him being warm enough...

Initially caught him to treat an eye infection.  As I couldn't guarantee when he would be around to keep putting drops in his eyes and he needed them daily a rescue took him for 2 weeks and treated him so he was neutered when he was there.  As soon as he got "home" though he did the same - darted off and didn't see him for about 24 hours.  After that he came back and hasn#t been away since.  Yours will still be hormonal at the moment i would imagine - his tummy will bring him to you.

He lives in a wooden kennel. In summer it has a padded bed in it, in winter i pack it with hay and straw along with his bed.  When it gets really cold i open the shed up for him and all the other marauding tom cats!  Being outdoors he does get a good winter coat as well.

Offline kathleen21

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2012, 20:30:00 PM »
I hope so - he is a teenage boy - so lets hope he is having a sulk - and like all teenagers will come home for food..

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2012, 20:18:33 PM »
I am so pleased that things went well and am sure he will be knocking on your door soon  :hug: :hug:

Offline kathleen21

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2012, 20:15:36 PM »

He was collected last night, spent the night at the animal welfare shelter, neutered this morning and brought back this evening.  As the trap opened he came flying out, ran over the garden, over the wall and must be somewhere sulking!

the man running the feral programme who brought him back to me assures me he is fine, has been to loo and has had some food before being dropped off.  He also said that its normal for ferals who have not been used to being confined or handled to go running off and assures me he will return when hungry.  I of course am paranoid that he now hates me and will never come home... :'(

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2012, 22:54:48 PM »
Dont you have somewhere you can bring the trap into over night, its nippy out there and the trap will also be very drafty.

Offline kathleen21

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2012, 22:43:59 PM »
Thanks so much for the feedback Sootycat - that sounds similar to my boy Hobbes - his mum was a stray when he was born and he was about 4 month old before he came across me as his first human - its taken a year for me to hand feed him and he will play with me - but no stroking and although he will scoot past me to come in the house for a few hours ... he runs off to sleep for a few hours in a den that I've created for him where he can hide away in a quiet bit of the house.

I am hoping he might become a bit touchy feely when he has been neutered ... I'm so desperate to be friends!!!  Was he OK after the neutering - I've been a bit worried about aftercare when he can't be touched...

PS - can I ask what your outside cat lives in?  I've had a purpose built cat house put in - but of course he wont use it preferring a little plastic kennel instead!!... and I've been really worried him being warm enough...

Offline Sootyca

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2012, 22:19:52 PM »
Our outdoor cat was nervous and scared when he was a full tom.  Suspect he wasn't a true feral but he wouldn't let himself be stroked or anything, just tolerated eating in our presence.  When we caught him we had to leave him in a cat carrier overnight which he was absolutely fine with.  As soon as his bits were gone he changed into a fusspot and won't leave the garden now.   Doesn't want to come to live inside but is quite happy with his life.

Offline kathleen21

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2012, 20:41:06 PM »

Mum has been neutered for nearly a year and has well and truly made herself at home.

Her poor boy is sitting in the feral trap cat outside in my garden waiting to be collected to be neutered at some point tonight - and I am getting increasingly anxious ...

God being a human to cats is stressful ...

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2012, 20:30:49 PM »
He will be fine and hope they dont use ketamine cos this makes them hyper.

The  boys op is much easier and quicker than the girls so once he is completley around you can more or less continue as normal.

Dont let him outside until you are sure he is fully round.

He will need a litter tray over night and have you got the instruction for feeding and water for tonight?

Can you get some bedding into the cage so he is comfortable?

Once he is settled then I would cover the cage with a large towel and hopefully he will settle down

Loads of good luck  :hug:

Is the mum cat now neutered cos she reallt should be for many reasons?

Offline kathleen21

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Neutering Male Feral
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2012, 20:01:45 PM »
Hi All

Advice and reassurance needed to wobbly cat owner.  I've been feeding and befriending two feral (mum and young male) cats for about 14 months.  Mum is fine and is now well and truly a house pet cat - but the little un has remained scared, wary and unhandable.  He will come into house, eat and find a corner to hide in for a few hours before wanting to be out.

I've been pondering how to get him to vets to be neutered and checked without ruining the tenuous bond we have which has been v hard won!  Anyway, whilst working with local animal rescue centre to catch another feral cat in the area - I had agreed for them to leave a cat trap in my garden and when Ive got him from work my boy has got himself in there and is crying his little heart out.

Cat rescue people are going to collect him and get him neutered - I know its the right thing but am v wobbly at how scared he is and how he will be when he comes him tomorrow.

Can someone tell me he will be OK (I know im being stupid!!!), and how I can best look after him when he is brought back tomorrow?? :scared: :(


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