Agree with
Angie about shopping and transporting unnecessarily.
But I do think the indoor/ outdoor thing needs addressing, and potentially needs prospective slaves to be able to 'shop around'. Ditto whether a particular cat can or cannot be left whilst you are at work (part or full time). I haven't found it easy to find a suitable indoor cat, yet there are a thousand potential indoor homes in my city centre alone.
Just looked on the local RSPCA website and all the thirty two entries refers to dogs, cats and children but only one nervous pair who have been in the cattery since five weeks of age say they can go as indoor cats. Several of the rest need to be an only pet and no kids - are there really that many homes with no pets or dustbin lids but safe outdoor space in a deprived city?
I don't want to be thought of as an exceptional case, and I know from speaking to others (on and offline) that many singletons and child-free couples are sick to the back teeth of politicians and organisations pretending we don't exist. So there.