Author Topic: Chatting about the Cat Show  (Read 62122 times)

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Chatting about the Cat Show
« Reply #177 on: May 28, 2011, 15:25:31 PM »
OK so I've voted  :wow:.  ..... Utterly impossible task ..........

You're so right Rosella.  Its taken me two days - two very enjoyable days I hasten to add.  ;D  So many entries this year and all of them of them wonderful.  Have to say my favourite category is the cat positions. :rofl:

Thanks to all who entered and to you Rosella for all your hard work - and it aint over yet.  :evillaugh:

Offline Tigerlily (Allison)

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Re: Chatting about the Cat Show
« Reply #176 on: May 27, 2011, 20:10:30 PM »
Did all my voting yesterday and like you Rosella I had to do a couple then come back to it. It's very hard to chose.  :-:

RIP Simba ~ 16/04/02
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If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I would walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Chatting about the Cat Show
« Reply #175 on: May 26, 2011, 23:01:17 PM »
OK so I've voted  :wow:.  Taken most of the day on and off due to dithering  :innocent:

Had to bite off piecemeal.  Utterly impossible task ..........

Just blown away by the fab pics and the more I see 'em (and believe me I've seen 'em all many, many times) the more difficult it was to choose  :loon:

Offline ASThompson

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Re: Chatting about the Cat Show
« Reply #174 on: May 26, 2011, 17:09:07 PM »
Just been looking at the entries, it is soooooo difficult to decide who to vote for, will have to study them a bit more I think xxxx

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Chatting about the Cat Show
« Reply #173 on: May 26, 2011, 12:08:27 PM »
 :omg: that was so hard! Sooooooo many beautiful pics  :Luv:

I opened the same page in two tabs so I could scroll down the photos on one page and then flick to the second tab to check the box of each one that I chose to save having to scroll back up and lose my place... still took 40 minutes  :Crazy:

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Re: Chatting about the Cat Show
« Reply #172 on: May 26, 2011, 12:02:50 PM »
I had a wonderful morning choosing my favourites. This was very hard though and I wish I could have voted for every one of them.  :Luv:
Fabulous entries and thank you everyone for sharing and Rossella for organising  ;D
souf by Lynne Blair, on Flickr

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Re: Chatting about the Cat Show
« Reply #171 on: May 26, 2011, 11:54:24 AM »
Voted -good luck everyone
Valerie and all my pets

Offline Groucho

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Re: Chatting about the Cat Show
« Reply #170 on: May 26, 2011, 08:47:34 AM »
Ma asked me ta goo in an vote for her coz she got no time but hav had to giv up .... can't even decide on LOLcats... 

Will ave ta tell ma me paw urts or summat  :shify:
I love Dweemies .....

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Chatting about the Cat Show
« Reply #169 on: May 25, 2011, 23:40:26 PM »
Ooooooooooooooooooooooo its nearly time and if you cant see a picture click on the file name below it and that should open it  :thanks: :thanks:

My fingers are itching for midnight  :wow:

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Chatting about the Cat Show
« Reply #168 on: May 25, 2011, 23:36:46 PM »
OK peeps.....  The 2011 Purrs Cat Show will open for voting just after midnight tonight  :wow: :wow: :wow:,131.0.html

PLEEEZ remember that Voting on the 1st  Classes Round closes on THURSDAY 2 JUNE at 8pm (Ignore 2012 closing dates at bottom of polls  :shify:)

Now it’s your turn for some hard work coz… so many stunning pics;  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:  You got ya work cut out but it's all in fun to help the cats so hope ya enjoy  ;D.

(If ya can't view all the pics when ya 1st look, it might help if ya look again later esp if ya have wireless connexion; don't ask me I don't unnerstan'  :innocent:

Every member is encouraged to come in and vote (esp unborn kittens except ya need to post at least once 1st  ;)) and thanks everyone who entered for your brilliant support  :clap: :clap: :clap:. All of your wonderful furries are stunning; you all know that so have fun.................   BUT


Each Class has a different amount of votes e.g. first Class has 7 votes as there's lots of pics but second Class only 4.  So make sure ya look at the top for how many votes you get in that section  coz once ya vote there's no goin' back  :-: :-: :-:

The voting gets harder in the semis and then in the final is utterly impossible but ya just gotta plough on ...........  :)

PLEEZ  vote cos all the cats entered deserve to get loads of votes   :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
« Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 08:05:49 AM by Rosella moggy »

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #167 on: May 25, 2011, 23:31:36 PM »
You will need to start a thread in the Cat Show thread for promoting your entry for votes LOL.............if thats what you want to do.  ;D ;D

Only half an hour to go  :wow:

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #166 on: May 25, 2011, 23:27:09 PM »
Rosella / Gilly are we doing the promotions for the votes this year - the bit where we can promote our cats to get some votes in this thread?

D'ya wanna start the promotin' Tan to show em how it's dun?  ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #165 on: May 25, 2011, 22:15:57 PM »
yes mee too Si. It is always my biggest concern as i would never want anyone to feel upset about a fundraiser we do for the needy ones.  The thing is without you wonderful lot we wouldn't be giving nowt to the needy babes in rescue so each one of us and all our stunning babes are winners in our eyes  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

It's why it's best if noone knows what all the results are except for the ones that get through to next round. 

If ya all think that your gorgeous babe is loved by us all (as he or she very much is  :Luv: :Luv: ) and that they have helped needy babes because their entry  :Luv: :Luv: and the voting bit & winning is a small bonus on top.   :Luv: :Luv:
To me you have all already won  ;D

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #164 on: May 25, 2011, 22:05:06 PM »
Thanks Gill and Tan. That is good to know. I know I will probably vote straight away but if votes had been received and a gorgeous cat was "straying" in votes I would feel awful and actually I think that was my biggest concern about the show. Everyone's baby is precious!  :Luv:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #163 on: May 25, 2011, 21:28:57 PM »
Too late I think Tan cos voting starts from midnight but I think its up to Rosella to decide.  ;D

Pushing the buck  :rofl: :rofl:

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #162 on: May 25, 2011, 21:24:29 PM »
Hi Si hun

We decided from when we did the very 1st cat show a few years back now that  we would feel awful if anyone felt upset if their gorgeous babe (and i really mean it they are all gorgeous   :Luv:) didn't get through. So we don't disclose how the voting is going and then only the cats that make it through to each round.

This is the hardest bit for me as i worry too much that anyone may get upset if their babe didn't make it through.  Definitely would never want to upset anyone esp as it has been because of all who entered that we have raised the money for the needy cats.  :Luv: :Luv:
The cats pic a really stunning  ... all of them and all of them are winners cause they have helped the needy ones  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

Rosella / Gilly are we doing the promotions for the votes this year - the bit where we can promote our cats to get some votes in this thread? lol that was fun when we did it before lol

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #161 on: May 25, 2011, 18:24:33 PM »
No you cant see any info except your own votes  :innocent:

Apart from the cats who are going through from each round and will be announced, no info can be seen for a year..............we just cant upset anyone cos all the cats are so brilliant and the voting has to be so brutal or the show would go on all year.

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #160 on: May 25, 2011, 18:17:29 PM »
Aha! Thanks Gills. Can you see how many people have voted or erm....well not voted! I can see me wailing "you're beautiful" to my two at some point when they come last! :rofl:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #159 on: May 25, 2011, 17:20:40 PM »
Its your lucky day  ;D

Only instruction is in the title of the thread you are voting in AND do not click that you want your votes gone until you are sure you have voted up to the right amount, cos if you one short you cant go back.

The threads have polls on them and you tick the boxes where you want the votes and then press send or vote or what ever BUT BUT BUT if you want to vote for the full number allowed make sure you have ticked all of them............yes I know I am repeating myself but this is so important cos you cant change your vote once you have voted.

Basically its just like doing a poll.

Any more questions aske away  ;D

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #158 on: May 25, 2011, 17:10:39 PM »
Rosella, I know this will be clear tomorrow but how do you vote? Do we message you our votes or is there something to click.

This is probably explained somewhere but reading instructions has never been my strong point!  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline KumfyKatz

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #157 on: May 25, 2011, 09:21:14 AM »
Aw OK. Story of my life -- too keen LOL

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #156 on: May 25, 2011, 08:38:17 AM »
We are still on XP at work and I still had the problem. Haven't tried on lappy yet which has windows 7. I can see them if I click on the title tho so that's ok x

Is it the same with the videos in class 3?  Just wondered.....

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #155 on: May 25, 2011, 08:36:09 AM »
Don't worry Gil, you'll be able to vote from tomorrow........... it was just important for me to be able to correct any mistakes I had made before the poll is operational as once the 1st vote is cast, no corrections can be made  :)  Just to recap..........

OK folks ....  Drum roll......................  :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

I am asking Gill to unveil the Classes in the Cat Show before she retires for the evening  :wow: :wow: :wow:

Please bear in mind this is only for peeps to review and let me know of any errors by 9am Wednesday morning to give me time to correct anything.

Not open for voting until Thursday 26 May

Meanwhile prepare to drool  :drool; :drool; :drool; :drool; :drool; :drool; :drool; :drool; :drool;

Can I just mention again that the standard of entries is incredibly high and, whilst ALL CATS ENTERED ARE STUNNERS :blow kiss: :blow kiss: :blow kiss: , only one of the over 300 entries can win. 

Please don't be too disappointed if your gorgeous furry guys/gals don't manage to reach the next round  :hug: :hug:. It's a bit of a brutal process with only roughly one in four getting through to the semis.

I know how crestfallen I have been in the past but I've picked myself up and muttered a lot about how peeps have no appreciation of true beauty mutter mutter mutter   :innocent: and consoled myself with the knowledge that the entry fees are going to help cats in need  :yesss: :yesss: :yesss:  so hang on to that thought and well ..... enjoy the show  ....

If purrhaps the gorgeous furry(ies) that shares your life is lucky enough to reach the next round, it's just a bonus   :wooooo:

Thank you so very much for entering the Show.  Don't forget to vote from Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #154 on: May 25, 2011, 08:29:47 AM »
For some odd reason, we can't vote!

Is it cos we've got entries I wonder?

Offline Ann Clarke (Tabby cat)

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #153 on: May 25, 2011, 08:01:41 AM »
We are still on XP at work and I still had the problem. Haven't tried on lappy yet which has windows 7. I can see them if I click on the title tho so that's ok x

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #152 on: May 24, 2011, 19:33:31 PM »
We have Professional due to OH's business.  No idea whether that makes any difference though  :-:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #151 on: May 24, 2011, 19:31:41 PM »
i dont have professional. only home premium

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #150 on: May 24, 2011, 17:47:39 PM »
I have Win 7 Professional and use Google Chrome.  Haven't had any problems seeing pics  :-:

I can tell ya now I would be best friends with the men in white coats by now if I couldn't see the pics  :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #149 on: May 24, 2011, 14:42:56 PM »
The pic problem has existed here since I got Win 7 and I load quicker than before and have faster speeds.

I usually dont even get a red cross just a blank space with a name underneath.

The pictures are fully loaded and its the same pics missing all the time and I put up the work around probably while you were typing Helen, funnily its Tans pics I am having the most probs with and they show up at this end as IE 5 LOL.

Nothing makes any sense cos Rosella put them all up the same way and sure she is not using IE 5.

I think its a win 7 thing again and just hate it so much.

I can comfirm that newbies can see the show and vote and some of the entries were by newbies 4 weeks ago lol

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #148 on: May 24, 2011, 14:38:59 PM »
I sonetimes cannot see all the pictures - that is generally on Purrs and not just the cat show pictures. There was a topic on Tech problems a couple of months ago which people said may be the speed. Found this on microsoft:

Hope I get to see all the pics cos the ones I have seen have been great and voting will be so so hard.

.....i did get a bit teary seeing my Effie staring back at me. I obviously knew she was there but   :'(
You are not alone there Si  :( :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: Could not put any in of my boy - still a bit raw and sets me off again :'(

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #147 on: May 24, 2011, 13:55:23 PM »
.....i did get a bit teary seeing my Effie staring back at me. I obviously knew she was there but   :'(

You are not alone there Si  :( :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #146 on: May 24, 2011, 13:52:08 PM »
I can see all the piccies - Rosella, you have done an amazing job. lord knows how I am going to vote what a nightmare!

There are some beautiful cats, although i did get a bit teary seeing my Effie staring back at me. I obviously knew she was there but   :'(

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #145 on: May 24, 2011, 13:49:54 PM »
Thanks for putting on FB Angie  :)  As far as I know, all members can join in.... newbies an all  :)

Anything make you think otherwise? 

Remember everyone, voting doesn't start till Thursday.....

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #144 on: May 24, 2011, 13:29:38 PM »
i've put the show on fb, but is there any point if newbie's can't join in?

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #143 on: May 24, 2011, 13:20:10 PM »
The loaded pics would have saved in your cashe and then the ones that took longer to download would save in cash once all downloaded so hence when ya clicked in again all pics showed up instantly. Say if you deleted your cashe, it would take time to relaod again so red crosses would appear.

Have ya tried connecting pc by lan wire to ya router? Lan connection always gets a better connection & speed than wireless.  I have pc connected by lan cable to router and lappy through wireless card and i always get better speeds through pc than lappy.

Yeah ya both so right the pics are superb and when i was doing the polls i thought gowd this is going to be so hard to vote as all of them are brilliant and gorgeous!  :Luv: :Luv:

Offline Ann Clarke (Tabby cat)

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #142 on: May 24, 2011, 13:08:09 PM »
Having the same problem looking at them on my work pc but again it is more likely to be at this end and pcs not particularly wonderful. Can see some pics but others I just get the red cross like Helen has shown. I can see them if I click on the pic title tho and open them up.

We are on IE8 here.

Such fab piccies, gonna be so hard to choose  :Crazy:

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #141 on: May 24, 2011, 12:32:41 PM »
Both wireless, laptop has a wireless card and PC has a wireless dongle in the back. I switched to O2 broadband recently and am supposed to be getting superfast speeds but apparently not  :tired:

I wouldn't say they are taking time to load though as certain ones just don't load at all. That said I just clicked on the lolcat class again (on PC) and all pics were there instantly - not even a few seconds delay.

I still think it's an issue my end rather than Purrs but there is a quick workaround so no problem. The only problem is gonna be deciding who to vote for  ;D

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #140 on: May 24, 2011, 12:27:53 PM »
does sound like a speed internet thing where the pics are taking time to load?? ie faster on ya pc than laptop if pc has a better connection. are they both wire connected or wireless?

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #139 on: May 24, 2011, 11:52:10 AM »
I'm using Firefox, I don't think it's a Purrs issue as I tried on my PC rather than the laptop and can see more on the PC. The laptop was loading a cm of the pic and stopping, my PC loads whole pics but misses some out completely.

I've found a workaround though...

Click on teh link under the missing pic>a popup appears asking you what program to open the pic in>click OK and abracadabra pic appears  ;D

Pic 1 - what I'm seeing

Pic 2 - pop up after clicking on link

Pic 3 - pic displays

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Re: Queries for Cat Show? Ask away folks!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #138 on: May 24, 2011, 11:40:47 AM »
Hi hun

Are ya still using Firefox or crome?  I using Firefox and all loading ok for me. Is anyone else havin the loading prob?

Thanks so much to Rosella doing all the hard work for our show  :thanks: :hug: :hug: :hug: and Gilly for expert guidance  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope ya all have fun voting (voting starts on Thursday) It's goona be so hard as all the pics are simply stunning  :Luv: :Luv:
Thanks you so much to all who have entered and all who will vote. It's down to all of you that make the cat show happen and for us to help the needy cats with the funds raised. Thank you so much.  :hug: :hug:


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