Author Topic: Covcats - the luckiest black cat? maybe not.....  (Read 30747 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2011, 17:51:45 PM »
This is such a hard thing and without insurance very high costs, sounds like the ownwer cared a lot and was just struck dumb at costs.

Who did the xrys Angie cos it cost me £156 for 3 xrays the first being £100! for Duchas leg. Were they subsidized by your vet if done there?

I hope Mog recovers well  :hug: :hug:

Offline Angiew

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2011, 17:49:22 PM »
Re xrayed and things not looking as positive.

Skull fracture is as before and hopefully will cause no problems. Diaphragm and insides all seem to be intact.

Its his ankle that is quite bad.

Broke the bottom end of his leg bone, a couple of fracture in the foot bone and the achilles tendon is pulling at the sticky out bit of his ankle. So prognosis there is may be able to fit an external bracket thing or his leg may have to come off. Not suitable for pinning or just a cast. They will make a decision next week.

Hes got ABs and metacam to go.

He hasn't weed and his bladder is quite full so if he doesn't go overnight he needs to go back in morning to have his bladder emptied.

Booked in at 9-30 on monday to get his dressing changed.

Just put him in pen and he's a bit spaced out at the moment so will leave him for a couple of hours to rest (as long as he doesn't shout the house down and spook everyone else).

poor mite.

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2011, 16:12:23 PM »
Hope poor Mogs gets better without any more  problems very soon.
He is lucky that you went out for him and got him treated  :hug: :hug:

Online Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2011, 14:41:16 PM »
Ahhhhhhh poor boy ... I guess the fact that his owners have phoned again and are checking up on him probably means they can't pay.  They sound like they care.

Sending lots of love and get well soon vibes for Mogs xxxxx
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Offline Angiew

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2011, 13:56:23 PM »
Poor Mog, I do hope he'll be alright. :(
It really pulled at the heart strings when you said he cried when he heard his owner's voice.  Do you think it is a question of can't pay, or won't pay?

don't know - it may have just been shock.

Offline Jasmine

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2011, 13:41:24 PM »
Poor Mog, I do hope he'll be alright. :(
It really pulled at the heart strings when you said he cried when he heard his owner's voice.  Do you think it is a question of can't pay, or won't pay?

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2011, 13:24:19 PM »
poor boy, a factured skull killed my Algie so he is very lucky

Offline Angiew

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2011, 13:21:33 PM »

vets now have been good in the past in that they have lost a couple of visits - mind you they have been when we have taken in a dying kitten so perhaps they just ignored it. I do live in fear that something like this will bring that to their attention. :shify:
They do charge full price but what has also happened in the past is that they decide not to itemise some of the work (I'm thinking of a kitten with a prolapsed rectum we took in).

His previous owners have indeed just phoned (woke me up) and asked if they can see him again and how he is and they went through the "you take him , fix him up and then put him up for homing...." and I can fully understand the madness of it as he has owners .... I would feel the same way if he was mine (though of course I would not have hesitated at the cost).
I think they were shocked that they were quoted £600 for the nights stay and asked if it was a normal sort of cost which we on here know is for the emergency service.

 Anyway, I told them that we have no choice in rehoming him, as mad as it sounds, as we have to protect ourselves. Else I would be getting early morning calls all the time to deal with these sort of emergencies and we would just be funding everyones emergency vet bills.

 I also said that if they do want him back maybe we could come to an arrangement about repayments but now was not the time to have that discussion. (The one time the group did that, I don't think we ever got all the money back).

So after that I phoned the vet to see if there was any news. He said the xrays were not taken how he wanted them but it looked as though no bones are broken but all the ligaments torn. They are redoing some of the xrays.
If that is the case it will be support and rest that will heal him. They have also found that he does indeed have a fractured skull, so that is the more serious injury, but it looks as though it is over the sinus and the fluid/gas they can feel is actually from his sinus so he may also be lucky there.

up to now costs have been

the estimated £300 at vets now and £250 today. And it pisses me off totally that the vets always charge a consultation fee on top of what was paid overnight >:(

anaesthesia/sedation £80, consult £21, hospital £14, assorted materials £10, bandage £28 and xrays £90 if anyone is interested (and I know some of you will be).

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2011, 09:53:42 AM »
 :hug: :hug:

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2011, 09:50:20 AM »
well done with the night time rescue! he sounds lucky indeed to have you come to his rescue, hope he recovers soon!!
do the owners have any right to claim him back after you have treated him, ?

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2011, 09:40:39 AM »
So tell me Angie.  What are the chances of you handing him back to previous owners?

Will Vets Now charge Covcats full price?

Have everything crossed for this poor boy  :(

Offline madasacatter

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2011, 09:29:15 AM »
Yes Angie don't remind me.  Had just spoken about that to OH and he said if he was away and something had been in his model room as long as it was fine that would be okay.  He had better not go away then!  Suppose you won't be coming to meet up with Vikki then today as per my earlier email - before I saw your earlier one to me!

Well done, glad you got there as well as the larger charity.  Well done Gill as well!

I hope the cat makes a good recovery.  :hug:
Coventry Cat Group

Offline Angiew

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Re: Covcats - the luckiest black cat?
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2011, 09:26:00 AM »
Mog is now at the vets.

He has a broken hock but otherwise seems in good shape. He will have an xray to see if the leg is repairable.
Told them we would not want the cheaper option of amputation at this stage.......

There is a bit of head trauma but I guess he won't get a good looking at until he is under.

The angry puss of this morning has become a docile boy with a big miaowwww....

keep those vibes going....

Offline Angiew

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Covcats - the luckiest black cat? maybe not.....
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2011, 05:18:24 AM »
Here was I, at 2am, deciding if the get a few hours sleep before taking OH to the airport when the phone rang.
It was the police.
Someone had reported an injured cat and the police were phoning round to report it. Apparently they were told the cat was lying in the middle of the road and when they got out to check it growled and crawled away with an obvious injury.

The RSPCA had said they couldn't get out to it and as much as I didn't want to go out I said I would.
Luckily knowing Jill would be up I rang her to go out with me. In any case the cat was not far from Jill and as it happens she was worried it might have been her black bengal who hadn't come in.

Picked Jill up and as we drew close to where the cat had been seen a nice RSPCA man drew up so all three of us went looking for this cat. We found it under a car and it was obviously hurt and badly distressed and growling like mad. The RSPCA man had to use his grabber to get it out from under the car. The RSPCA man said while he was talking to the person who found it, he could here the cat screaming in the background.

Jill and I took the cat to vets now while the RSPCA man phoned to say we were on the way.

The cat was found to have a chip and they phoned the owners who were reluctant to come out at first but then the man agrred to come out. Mog, the cat started crying when the owner went into the surgery so he obviously recognised the sound of his owner.

The upshot is the cat is not insured , the man said he couldn't afford treatment (Vets now quote £600) and he signed it over to us. Not a word of thanks for being out at 3am in the morning but I think he was probably too embarrassed and he rushed off. Though he (or his wife on the phone) did ask if they could get the cat back from us once it was treated.

Just got back in now, we are not sure of Mogs injuries and I shall have to fetch him at 8am to take it into the day vet. The good thing is , as its so late Vets now said they are unlikely to do a great deal to it but will monitor and maybe give fluids if needed so hopefully the costs for tonight won't be too bad.

For all people reading this please keep your cat in at night else this could be you at vets now. This is what happens when you don't , cats are more prone to RTA's at night - all rescues push this for a very good reason.

fingers crossed and purrs vibes that all goes well for Mog over the next few hours and he is not too badly injured..... and I've just realised, I am going to have to work out where to put him........   (OH has a nice cat free music room for a week!.... anyone remember last year?....)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 23:04:48 PM by Angie (covcats) »


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