Any of you who have been keeping up with my determined efforts to give Sydney a home for his last few months of his life, will i know doubt be saddened by the following.
Just to let you know that Sidney died today at 2.30pm. We were both with him when he went and the vet was coming out but he died before the vet could come, so in a way it was better for him to go naturally rather than have to be put to sleep. We are very sad.
My husband has taken him to the vet to make absolutely sure as it would be awful if he was in a coma and we didn't realise, silly really, but I would like to hear the vet confirm he has died.
We did our best but in the end there was nothing anyone could do, we just tried to make him more comfortable, and our lives are richer for having known our dear Sidney.
I went to see Sydney a few weeks ago and though weak and frail certaintly seemed to be enjoying life with comforts. It makes me so sad that we were not able to give him any more time. But I know we tried our best and Karen was a angel!
However, Sydney and his story should not be forgotten, dont forget those strays out there, dont assume they are someones elses problem and pick up the phone and let someone know.
A few tears while writing this email, I didnt know Sydney that well, but what i do know was that he was a fighter to the end.