Hiya, taking up the Strudle story.
She's currently fast asleep on her bed snuggled up to her soft doggy. She has eaten quite well and drinking, and giving tiny bits of poo (so for the moment i'm going to say she is okay in that department) She's a really pretty long haired tabby with a little white bit around her nose and under her chin and she has those adorable little whispy bit in her ears. She's a kitten and as such doesn't like being in a pen at all! I put a small ball in with her for a little bit of entertainment whch she likes but its the tops of furnature, cutains etc that are to be avoided for the next few weeks or so and longer if I can help it
She' s not having too much trouble with her pelvis at the moment, wobbles a bit then sits down. She's already sat in her food bowl once!
So we're just chillin, takling it slow. Lettuce came along earlier, muttered something about
Darn kids and went off again.
ll post pics as soon as I have
fixed found the camers.