Oh dear
I ended up going around apologising to everyone, he's
really grumpy. I walked in and he was growling, grumbling, hissing, teeth showing etc. They've told me he just won't let anyone near him
He launched at Alan the vet who is now covered in Memphis claw marks
you should see the back of his right hand it looks soooooo painful
I opened the kennel door and he was as sweet as anything
He is very unhappy and everytime someone in green walks past he growls. Memphis wasn't eating anything, but I convinced him to eat it from my hand .. he devoured his food, he was so hungry. At one point he was eating from my hand whilst keeping an [evil] eye on a vet nurse who was across the room. When the room was empty he got up wandered all the way to the edge of his kennel and was having a good nosey around the room.
He has pulled the catheter tube off so he's dripping wee everywhere, my poor boy is looking very naked with a large patch of shaved fur