Author Topic: Martha new kitten on the block  (Read 51514 times)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2014, 07:01:12 AM »
Yes, and look at little Marley Moo, the kitten who contracted smallpox, and was very uncertain for a period whether or not he'd pull through.  He did, and is a beautiful cat.

Having someone who loves and cares for a kitten, and who is rooting for them  is an enormous boost when their health is not of the strongest.  Not just because you'll do your damndest to give her every chance, but I also think it's to do with the bonding process, and the invisible links we forge with our babies.

If love alone can do anything, then coupled with good care, nourishing food and vigilant observation, it has to be a force to be reckoned with.

So pleased that Martha took some food from your finger yesterday and hope she continues to make giant strides.   :)

Good idea about moving her food away from her tray, and I echo Rosella's words - your kitchen and food trays/litter etcetera are stunningly clean and spotless.  I'd better not post any piccies of the chaos that is our kitchen.....    :-[

Topping up the love for little Martha and sending tons of positive vibes your way.   :Luv:

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2014, 22:18:15 PM »
Oh my goodness, what a beauty!! Kittens are so tiny and seem so frail but we have one on here who was so poorly in her early days, we really thought she wouldn't make it but has done really well.

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2014, 21:59:55 PM »
TBH MM, I think you will be the better judge of what your gorgeous gal would prefer  :)

Am a great believer in power of "mum knows best" and, by heaven, a mum that keeps trays and bowls that clean knows best in my book  :hug:

Offline Marthas Mummy

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2014, 21:55:03 PM »
Thank you mummy's and I'm totally biased  :Luv:
I was wondering whether the food should be further away - didn't bother her in the early days, but your advice is most welcome. She's been drinking her kitten milk and water from there today, but I will move the food to the far left of the picture - we're thinking by the back door ... Hopefully she'll find it after all the stress of not eating ..... So that's another metre away and round a corner ....... do we think that would be enough??
Thanks ladies, Martha's Mummy
« Last Edit: October 07, 2014, 21:56:28 PM by Marthas Mummy »

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2014, 21:16:44 PM »
Phwoar!!!!  What a little heartbreaker she is - cute or what??    :wow:   :Luv:  Sending shedloads more positive vibes xxxxx.

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2014, 20:14:49 PM »
Would ya just look at this gorgeous bundle  :blow kiss: :blow kiss: :blow kiss: :blow kiss:

Word to the wise and pleez dun't teck no offence but mite wanna fink of movin da litta tway away frum cat fud  :shy: :shy: :shy:

Offline MrsPurrfect

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2014, 20:02:02 PM »
Hi Martha's Mum

I can't really add too much to what has already been said but just wanted to send my good wishes and hope that Martha is soon back on the right track.

I am sure that it won't be long as you seem to be going in the right direction.

When she is running around getting into lots of mischief you will be wishing she was quiet  :evillaugh:

All the best from the Purrfect bunch

George, Milly and Ollie and of course me, Mrs Purrfect  :)

Offline Marthas Mummy

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2014, 18:28:12 PM »
Awwww thanks Rosella Moggy!
Good news I was starting to syringe feed her when I had a blob on my finger which she licked off, so I put it on the dish on my lap and she woofed loads down!!! So happy another hurdle over - just hope we don't take any steps backwards. Anyway, I'd love to share some pics so will mail them to you.
Thanks mummies for your support, Marthas mummy

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2014, 16:16:34 PM »
Alert alert  ;D ;D  Tiny titten pic needs posting?  I'm yer gal Martha's Mum  ;)  Feel free to email to me at and I'll be delighted to post it.

We have restrictions on size of pics that can be uploaded but I could resize for ya  :)

Am so very sorry that your young girl is under the weather and have everything crossed that she will soon start eating properly for herself  :care: :care: :care:  Martha is such a lovely name and have no doubt she will be a gorgeous young un  :Luv2:

Offline Marthas Mummy

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2014, 15:18:22 PM »
Tried a number of times to upload a pic, but still struggling.
Perhaps hubby will have better luck as he's not technically challenged like me!

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2014, 15:14:12 PM »

Phew - for a moment I thought the lenses had fallen out of me specs.   :evillaugh:

No worries.  I'm pants at posting photos myself.   :shy:

Offline Marthas Mummy

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2014, 15:13:19 PM »
Hi Sue
thanks for your kind words!
Have tried to upload a pice but for some reason I've not been successful!
Martha's Mummy

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2014, 15:11:55 PM »
Hi Sue

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2014, 14:45:31 PM »

That shines out from your opening post, to be honest.  I can see only too well how upsetting this is, and the thought that something may happen out of your control.  She's so young, and it's natural you want to shield her from life's hard knock. 

When we got Moray last year, he was put at around 4 months old, but in fact when he was kitten checked, he was only 3 months old, and he'd been starved for a proportion of his young life and was small and underweight. 

We set about remedying that, and he now has a very credible appetite, at just over a year old, although he's remained relatively small in stature.  My sincere hope is that we'll all be wishing Martha a happy first birthday in due course.

Please give her a little ear rub from me, Tinks and Moray.    :) :hug:

(And I bet her tiny paws are just gorgeous!  Kissable?)

Do yu have any piccies of her? 

Offline Marthas Mummy

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2014, 14:38:18 PM »
Thank you Paddy's Mum!
She's so adorable and we love her so much, it's heartbreaking, I just want her to be healthy and happy.
I worry that if she's really younger, this upheaval plus sickness has been too much for her. I just hope she knows how much we love her and will do everything to get her back on her tiny paws.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2014, 14:31:15 PM »
Hello Martha's Mummy.

What difficult beginnings for you both, and I can understand just how anxious you must be feeling right now.

As you point out, if she was playing and eating well it would make such a difference, but the lethargy and the syringe feeding must be cause for concern.  I havent been in that position myself, and having quite such a young kitten, but can share in your desire to see things improve and soon.
There will be others far more experienced than me with this,and better placed to advise and I'll leave it to them to reply - if Liz is around, she has a lot of experience with young kittens and may have suggestions to make.

Until then, I'll just say I'm sending every positive thought for you both, and saying a big warm Purrs Welcome to you and to young Martha.   :welcome:

Offline Marthas Mummy

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Martha new kitten on the block
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2014, 14:25:31 PM »
I'm new to the forum and a new mum to Martha!
When we got her, we were told she was 8.5 weeks but their maths didn't add up with the alleged birth date. As her eyes changed colour in the last 4 days (they were grey when we got her) I think she's about 7-8 weeks now.
We've had her 9 days and things haven't been great. After a happy start, playing, and doing all normal kitty things, she had an upset tum on day 4. Vet said she was small for her age, (based on the age we thought she was), so needed to put weight on. That afternoon she ate loads of fresh cooked chicken! Day 5 didn't want to eat, didn't want to play, so vets again! Had high temp and antibiotic shot. Still affectionate but not playful. Friday spent day at vets so they could monitor her feeding. They seemed happy though they started syringe feeding which we adopted. Blood work in the jugular poor thing - was all OK apart from a couple of low levels. Saturday vets again didn't eat all morning, and quiet, vet said to keep going with syringe feeds/water and meads. Sunday no real improvement....vets again, this vet thought she was about 7 weeks! Now I'm so stressed and confused!! Yesterday we had a bit of break through she ate dry kibbles a couple of times and kitten milk but I kept up syringe feeds. Today for first time she's drunk from her water bowl..... She just wants to sleep or be on your lap sleeping - but purrs when you stroke her. She's using her litter tray and scratch post but not doing kitty play things. We've been advised this will just take time, and to be patient but I worry so much that she won't survive unless she starts wants to eat herself.
Interested if anyone else a similar experience and what you did.
Thanks Marthas Mummy  :


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