Good thread this one.... here are some of mine....
1. Have to hoover daily... racals destroy and throw litter everywhere.
2. They make me smile every time I look at them.
3. rarely get out to socialise or have time to phone friends.
4. They drive me crazy chewing wires and knocking things over... and yet I clear away more stuff to allow them to lie where THEY want.
5. Dedicated shopping trips just for cat food and litter!!
6. Going out of my way to find a 'special' food if they are ill.
7. Worrying sick about them if they are ill and spending all the time I can with them.
8. Going to bed really late just so we can have our 'play time' with the cats before bed.
9. We love our Saturday morning cuddles with the cats and wake up early to open the bedroom door to let them all in.
10. Redecorating the house because they don't like wallpaper!
11. Diving out to buy them new toys constantly because they hide all the old one's in thin air!
12. Plan any breaks away around getting my mum to cat sit at our house.
13. Out in the middle of the night hunting for cats. Yet come home with a smile when we have them safe and sound.
14. Broken sleep... waking through the night for bottle feeds! Yet, wouldn't have it any other way.
15. Its gone from being Our House... to THEIR house! lol