Author Topic: How did you come up with his/her name?  (Read 10754 times)

Offline Wildcat

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #57 on: November 02, 2007, 15:02:43 PM »
This is a great thread..

Well my Woody was named after the comedian Woody Allan.. don't ask!!  He was my Ex's favourite actor!!  but actually I love the name and it really suits her..

Fluffy was called Fluffy.. becausel, my Dad had a Tom Cat called Fluffy !! (best not to ask again, he was a huge male cat, but Dad just could not tell the difference when he was a kitten and thought he was a girl!!) and really sadly he got knocked down just before I got my Fluffy, so I named my cat Fluffy after my Dads cat who had a huge personality  :)
Woody and Fluffy

Offline LMC

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #56 on: November 02, 2007, 14:25:57 PM »
I love hearing about how people's cats got their names, good thread!

Jenny was was blessed with the name of Peachy by the RSPCA when I adopted her - she's pale ginger. I hated it, but her "tiger stripes and leopard" spots and extreme lapsitting made her my little Gumbie cat (Jennyanydots).

Snowy was Tippy (RSPCA again, no good reason for the name) - and was re-christened before my then husband and I had even got the carrier in the car to take her home. She's the blackest little cat you ever saw, confuses new vets at our practice no end.

Molly (my nortie tortie - dilute calico) was already Molly. She and her older friend lost their home when the owners split up. I never found out what happened to the older friend  :( - but Molly was rehomed and sent back to the rescue as she was a cable chewer. She still does when stressed poor baby. Two homes and a friend lost - couldn't take her name off her as well. My sister was not amused as her dilute tortie is also Molly and "had the name first", but too bad.

My youngest - dilute longhair red tortie/tabby was adopted from CPL with the name of Honey. I was darned if I was going to over-excite my single male next door neighbour by shouting "Honey come home", so she became Amber, but I was never really happy with the name. Then my boss saw a picture of her on my PC and said "OH, it's a CAT - I was wondering why you had a picture of a rug on your desktop ... " Rug stuck  :evillaugh: - she answers to it too!

Offline SpecialRed

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #55 on: November 02, 2007, 14:16:06 PM »
Well my cats full name is Barry Battlecat Nash, and when we are at the vets thats what she shouts out.

 :rofl:  :rofl:

Yeah, I can imagine every head in the waiting room turning towards you with all the curiosity and amusement... :evillaugh:

I hope you are joking about calling the next cat "Dog", especially if you are going to have another "battlecat"... unless you are feeling suicidal :rofl:

TBH when he is around me he is more like 'Cringer' than 'Battlecat', he is upstairs right now being 'Long'.

Offline queen_goth

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #54 on: November 01, 2007, 22:38:58 PM »
anyone want to help me rename sebastian? my sister named him so i feel crud to change it but im  :censored: if im keeping it when manthing shouts spast*** right after i shout sebastian, now i just iggyed it to start with but its takin the pee just a bit when i call out sebastian and he wont even look at me, i shout out spasti** and the  :censored: comes running, well im not amused i can tell you  :rofl:

Offline sylsuki

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #53 on: October 23, 2007, 13:27:17 PM »
Both my cats names where what the RSPCA originally called them, so decided to keep those names, so as not to confuse them!  :Luv:

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #52 on: October 23, 2007, 13:24:26 PM »
I know what my next cat is called and its 'Dog'! :rofl:

My OH came up with that as well when I was asking him if he could think of any male cat names beginning with D!
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Offline dolcetta46

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #51 on: October 23, 2007, 13:21:29 PM »
Well my cats full name is Barry Battlecat Nash, and when we are at the vets thats what she shouts out.

 :rofl:  :rofl:

Yeah, I can imagine every head in the waiting room turning towards you with all the curiosity and amusement... :evillaugh:

I hope you are joking about calling the next cat "Dog", especially if you are going to have another "battlecat"... unless you are feeling suicidal :rofl:

Offline carl (billy and baggys dad)

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2007, 11:29:02 AM »
Well my cats full name is Barry Battlecat Nash, and when we are at the vets thats what she shouts out.

 :rofl:  :rofl:
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Offline SpecialRed

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2007, 11:26:05 AM »
Right well I picked the name Barry as no one has a cat called that! Then I spotted someone on here has a Baz!!! Gutted!! Well my cats full name is Barry Battlecat Nash, and when we are at the vets thats what she shouts out.

My old cat was called Rizla, and he was the cleverest cat ever full stop. When he was younger before he had a name, he would bring me rizla papers or 'skins' as we called them when I asked for them. One day I had made a cig and when I was looking around for the lighter he came over with it in his mouth. It proved a very useful trick.

I know what my next cat is called and its 'Dog'! :rofl:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #48 on: October 22, 2007, 20:04:52 PM »
Just cant keep up with it , and my braincell is on overdrive too  :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

Offline Linda (Bengalbabe)

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #47 on: October 22, 2007, 20:02:36 PM »
Its 12 Gill  :rofl:  Including my Stitchy LOL

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #46 on: October 22, 2007, 19:02:24 PM »
Well I have counted and counted and thats 13 cats and I thought you had 11 bengals?  :shify: :shify:

Offline Linda (Bengalbabe)

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2007, 18:58:53 PM »
ok here goes

Champagne Supernova (Nova) after my favourite Oasis song
Chasing Rainbows (Rainbow) after my favourite Shed 7 song
Roxanne (Roxy) after my favourite Police song
Kaiser Chief (Kaiser) after one of my favourite bands
Miss Dynamite (Missy) named by her Auntie Lynn on Purrs
Gaia named by OH after the earth goddess
Minerva named by me after Roman Goddess of War and Wisdom (and not Harry Potter contrary to belief  :rofl:)
Velvet named by a breeder friend of mine after a his v famous bengal cat Llandar National Velvet (although Velvet is also know as Lightning Strike his ped name)
Lubo named after a Celtic football player
Lennon (Lenny) named a Celtic football player
Loki named after the Norse God of Mischief
and Stitchy - already had her name at the CPL.

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #44 on: October 21, 2007, 22:00:45 PM »
Some friends called their cats with names beginning with G including Ganja, Gwigan (as in Barry Mc)...

It was about that time (1990) that Gandolf came to stay with us so I guess that's part of the reason he got his name.

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #43 on: October 21, 2007, 21:38:36 PM »
No prizes for guessing how Billy Whiz got his name. He is still pretty good at running past us and playing footie with screwed up lottery tickets. For some reason he is seeking attention tonight so this is 4th attempt at typing this.  Can't ignore the little fella as attention seeking happens so rarely with him

Freddie, well... he is just ain't a "Hugo" is he?.

Tom came with his Mom from a rescue 18 years ago with no names , we named them Tom and Kerry  :-[.

Offline Beanie

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #42 on: October 21, 2007, 21:20:34 PM »
We kept all the names of our cats as they came to us. The only exception was Barney. He came as Tigger but we already had a Tiggy.

His full name is Barney McTavish . The reason for McTavish is because he came with a tartan blanket from his previous owner and resplendent red colour. With a slight trace of ginger in his beautiful tabby coat , he looked as though he could have come out of the highlands of Scotland. The Barney bit is because we looked at him and both thought of this large mischievous puss as Barney. It seemed to fit.
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Offline Suzanavich

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #41 on: October 21, 2007, 20:19:48 PM »
Ziggy was called that when I got her. She is Ziggy Stardust as she has a big star on her face- I can sort of see what they where saying although she looks nothing like Mr Bowie!!

New kitten is Chicken!!!!! After Cow & Chicken the cartoon- it's a favorite in our house. She has no idea that is her name though- when are they supposed to learn it? She's 13 weeks old now & I could be saying anything in a nice voice & she'll come to me!

Offline bren

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #40 on: October 20, 2007, 19:36:37 PM »
Amber cos of her gorgeous big Amber eyes she is an older lady now but still  retains her spikiness from being semi feral.

Max cos chose Max and Maisie for him and his Sister who went to he bridge after a RTA but also cos he is black and white and reminds me of a gent in a Tuxedo so shortfor Maximillion which sounds posh even if I prob spelled it wrong ! fortunately he still knows his name though he suffers from a degenerative brain condition .

Daisy cos shes a big strong ex feral who is pure white with yellow eyes and really pink ears and nose so all the colours in a Daisy which is a hardy but pretty flower, she is completely deaf and blind in one eye but an absolute character full of mischief but so sweet and loving

Tally short for Tallulah which I believe is or American Indian origin meaning leaping water, so as her party trick as a kitten was jumping in the water bowl and out again then sliding across the laminate floor, over and over again, she loved it, so decided on Tallulah but she gets called Tally, she is also ex feral with blue/ pale green eyes and partially deaf and very petite and delicate.

Offline dolcetta46

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #39 on: October 20, 2007, 13:43:26 PM »
Jetcleo, I am with your sister and would have voted for "Miss Chief", what a kewl name!! ;D  Though Cleo is nice too, and provably when she grew up she became more of a "cleo"...

A friend of mine has two beautiful cats.  One massive adorable tortoise shell (lived with the family for years), and they brought home a gorgeous Ragdoll kitten some months ago.  This friend have also a large family with 4 children, aged 18, 15, 13, 10.  However none of them came up with a proper name for either of them and both remain nameless, they keep calling them just "micio" "micina" "gatto" etc.(kitty, or cat in Italian). :-:  I really don't know how they can manage this, but both furbabies seem to be very much loved, well cared for and happy, I guess that is the important thing despite the lack of proper name.... :innocent:

Offline jetcleo

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #38 on: October 20, 2007, 07:56:33 AM »
Jet was so called because when he was a kitten with no name someone said he's Jet black so me being unimaginative decided to call him Jet.  I'm not sure about Cleo when she was a kitten my sister wanted to call her Miss Chief as she was always getting into trouble so can't remember how Cleo came out of that.  Ralph was the name given to him at the rescue centre and as he'd been in there that long he'd got used to it, i've adapted it to Ralphie at the moment tho
Always in my heart RIP Jet, Cleo, Poppy, Oscar & Sydney x

Offline Annie

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2007, 07:33:57 AM »
I'm gonna head back in tiiime oooo... To my mums cats 20-odd years ago... When she got them they were about 6 months, and had been called tom and jerry, she didn't like that soooooo.... They got called Eric and Ernie, because Ernie had short fat hairy legs  :rofl: ... Had to share it, I find it funny...

Fluffy got called Fluffy... Because well, I was 6/7 and it was either that or Snow White, then vet said he was a boy and so then it was definatly Fluffy, but you can see that he hates it  :sneaky:

Sam and Susie, I have no idea, mum chose them, and I really havn't a clue why.

Cindy - I love Disney and everything about it wooo.. So she had to have a Disney name, so Cinderella is nicely shortened to Cindy so that's what it is, though she does sometimes get called by her full name.

Ezzy -  Again a Disney name, though no one realises it. She seemed quite mischeivious and had a sort of weird (but very cute) look about her, sooo I went for Esmerelda (Hunchback of the Notre Dame), shortened it to Ezzy, and everyone gives me the oddest look at the vet.

Offline queen_goth

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #36 on: October 20, 2007, 06:21:56 AM »
little tiger was names so because the manthing is into bruce lee and we didnt know the chinease name 4 little tiger (bruce lee- little dragon connection) felix was because she looked like the felix cat, tealc was named tealc when we got him because he has a head like the big black dude from stargate, and sits up all proud on guard like him too, i did want to call him leland though but manthing thought better leave it as tealc, and lela used to be leena but every time the kids shouted on her which was like every flipping 3 seconds it sounded like we had a flipping fire engine going off in the house nnenor neenor neenor neenor, ya gotta see how that would drive ya crazy right????  :rofl:

Offline Soxey's Mummy

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2007, 00:25:44 AM »
Sox got his name for the not very exiting reason that he is long white soxk on his hind legs, he was almost called Boxer as he loves to play fight  ;D

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #34 on: October 19, 2007, 23:53:08 PM »
I haven't named any of mine, even the one that came nameless got named by my neighbour. I am poor at thinking of names though, so it suits me to have someone else do it!!
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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #33 on: October 08, 2007, 11:13:32 AM »
I know people who had a cat called Kick (so then you would say Kick the cat)

I must stress though, that they never ever did! Poor kitty went to rainbow bridge at 19 after a long and happy life  :)
Cheese, Gerti, Doc and Kitty Von Bizmark (Wizzles) ^Lucas^(??/97 - 21/11/07)
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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2007, 11:09:46 AM »
i had a friend whose dog was named pickle. can you imagine standing in the dog park and calling it back to you :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #31 on: October 08, 2007, 11:01:03 AM »
his sisters cat is called chlamydia - imagine being the vet that has to call that out!!

 :rofl: :rofl:

Why on earth would anyone call a cat that?  :shify:  Strange sense of humour!

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2007, 22:52:39 PM »
lucifer started as abit of a joke after his first night with me- he wouldnt allow me to close him out of the bedroom, despite having only known me for about 2 hours (in which time he'd been reasonably roughly bathed to get rid of the oily stuff he was covered in  :Crazy:) and spent the entire night driving me crazy purring like a tractor and pacing back an forth across my face! at about 3 in the morning having removed him from my head for the 'n'th time i said something about him being lucifer sent to try my patience and it sort of stuck. it does suit him though- in that hes michevious and endlessly naughty and apparently he can look quite "dark" but its ironic too 'cos hes the biggest wuss! soft and sweet and fluffy and always playing  :Luv: :Luv:

my bridge baby was called scamps. my mum named him so we cant even blame small children. think it was to do with him scampering about... tbh he was more often refered to as "the cat" by my parents and baba or scampie by my siblings and i.

one of my friends has a cat called moose. his sisters cat is called chlamydia - imagine being the vet that has to call that out!!

Offline dolcetta46

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2007, 11:41:05 AM »
Kocka is Czech for cat and I didnt like to call her cat when she turned up as a stray and Kocka (Koch-ka) sounded nicer and stuck.

When she went to the Bridge I wanted Czech names for the two from CP who were called Ben and Honey, they became Misa (Meesha)and Sasa (Sasha).

Soooooooo when the birmans arrived they were called Wellington and Napoleon and they also had pedigree names but I wanted to keep the Czech theme they became Ducha (dooka) Wellington and Franta Napoleon.

When I eventually studied the pedigree certs one of them had a Czech name and within their heritage appear quite a few Czech names, I couldnt believe it when I found out............guess it was just meant to be, thanks Kocka  :Luv:

When I took Hobbes in, I had to think hard to choose between Hobbes or "Koshka", Russian for cat.  (Almost identical to Czech, I realised there are lots of similarity between Russian and Czech.)  At that time I had a thing for all things Russian and was trying to teach myself some Russian as well (which, never went very far unfortunately... :(), and I seriously considered a Russian name for cat.  But finally I reconsidered, after all calling a cat "cat" is rather silly, so I chose Hobbes, like Ann, after Hobbes from the famous comic strip.  His colour was on the greyish side but he was my best friend and totally crazy, so the name turned out perfect!! :Luv:

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2007, 22:00:01 PM »
Dylan had his name when I adopted him but I liked it and so I kept it the same. He suits it as he is very laid back and sleeps a lot like Dylan the rabbit in the magic roundabout.

Hobbes was River when he was with our CP branch but I didn't like that and I always wanted to name a cat Hobbes after the tiger in the Calvin and Hobbes cartoons. As he is ginger and tabby he looks a bit like a tiger and he is just as mad as Hobbes in the cartoons  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline lilycat

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2007, 21:22:36 PM »
My lot came from CP called:

Humphrey - it suited him so it stayed
Missy - became Imogen because she's pretty and a bit upper class  ;)
Jess - became Lily because she was small and I know her better I call her Lilymonster  :evillaugh:
Patricia - became Mavis because she was a more mature and cuddly cat  :Luv:
Ginger - became Basil because I've always thought Basil is a good name for a cat
Tabby - became the time we thought it was funny but it actually suits his personality  :)

Offline berties mum

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2007, 19:33:43 PM »
Bertie was named after Bertie Bassett - he found a licquorice allsort under the sofa when he was a tiny kitten and proceeded to swallow it whole and almost choke to death!  Bella was an easy one - she's beautiful and I wanted another "B" name that would sound cute with Bertie!  Minnie was named by her previous owner ... their surname was Clegg so she sounds like a character from 1960's Coronation Street!

I also know people who have cats called:
Oliver - after Oliver Twist because he's always asking for more food
Pasty - because she was rescued from Cornwall
Biscuit - because of her pale ginger colouring
Ono - because she was a stray who wouldn't go away - "Oh no here she comes again!"

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2007, 00:28:23 AM »
I remember a subject similar to this before somewhere.....

Here goes mine.....

Baz (Barry Manilow)  :shy:
Lola too!
Jack...i kept singing to him yakety yak...endend up as Yagger as he has half a tache...(he's my absolute big baby)
Blackie already named (my hunk of a feral who let me stroke his head tonight  :Luv:)
Maisey.....kept singing ma mooper to the tune of babooshka and has ended up mamoops (dont ask  :shy:)
Gizzy...was sister's cat and already named.....gets Gizwold alot though  :P
Pepper now Pippa....latest of them all a stray i took in....she usually gets Pippips!

Yes i definately needs to get out more  :rofl:

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2007, 23:40:03 PM »
Binky my daughter inventted from a cat called Dinky in a story. Xanthe because she wanted a fancy name - other names suggested were Nefertiti, Agatha or Isis. She went for Xanthe as from Greek for yellow and Xanthe has yellow eyes. (Thank goodness - I didn't fancy shouting Nefertiti in public)!  :rofl:

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2007, 19:21:44 PM »
Kocka is Czech for cat and I didnt like to call her cat when she turned up as a stray and Kocka (Koch-ka) sounded nicer and stuck.

When she went to the Bridge I wanted Czech names for the two from CP who were called Ben and Honey, they became Misa (Meesha)and Sasa (Sasha).

Soooooooo when the birmans arrived they were called Wellington and Napoleon and they also had pedigree names but I wanted to keep the Czech theme they became Ducha (dooka) Wellington and Franta Napoleon.

When I eventually studied the pedigree certs one of them had a Czech name and within their heritage appear quite a few Czech names, I couldnt believe it when I found out............guess it was just meant to be, thanks Kocka  :Luv:

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2007, 16:38:40 PM »
2 that went to R bridge - Tomsk picked by hubby as Tomsk was his favourite Womble. Harry who was originally Holly for Holly Golightly in my fav movie Breakfast at Tiffany's but then Harry was the closest boys name.

Those we still have Bronte because I love the Bronte sisters novels and come from the same area their family originated from. Dino was Dino in the Flinstones and Dino Ferrari (or so my italian vet likes to think), Heidi and Huxley had those names when we got them from CP but they suit them so stuck with them. Hubby especially thinks Heidi keeps her name as she runs and hides every time she sees him!

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2007, 16:37:16 PM »
Riley I chose because I wanted a 'human' name ending in the 'eee' sound so looked through a site of baby names and found Riley which I thought was cute.  Lucas was Kali for the first 10 weeks of his life as I was told he was a girl  :shy:  Found that on the baby names site, it fitted the 'eee' criteria and thought it was a very pretty name for a pretty little girl  :)  Chose Lucas in the end for his boy name, as I really like it.  Was saving it for a furless baby in the future but couldn't resist giving him it instead!  Also Karen's Jasmine had just given birth to her kittens and baby Lucas (who Mark named, stick with me...) died shortly after birth so it's a little tribute to him too.  Doesn't quite fit in with my 'eee' theme so he ends up being called Lukey most of the time  :innocent:

Tiggy, well I was 10 years old and insisted it was a good name for a cat  :evillaugh:   

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2007, 16:26:23 PM »

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: How did you come up with his/her name?
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2007, 16:05:58 PM »
Only a few manage to escape Butlins in the end :rofl:


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