Author Topic: how have cats changed your life ?  (Read 11330 times)

Online Desley (booktigger)

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #31 on: November 18, 2006, 10:11:34 AM »
Just got my Tesco clubcard points through teh post, and my first though with the voucher was 'Ooh, that will pay for Molly's birthday tea!!!' - I think the majority of my vouchers end up on the cats!! I do end up sitting in the dark, cold and needing the loo/drink quite a bit, or having to watch junk on TV cos I can't reach the remote - I do try and plan things, but they always pick the time you haven't planned!! And I end up on here more than I should (as I am now) cos one of the girls will sit on me, and I dont like to disturb!! Although have to now.
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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2006, 10:07:32 AM »
I end up constantly drinking cold drinks and dying for the loo as Amber ALWAYS gets on my knee for a cuddle just as Im about to get and do something.
I make greeting cards complete with cat hairs
I cant have plants or flowers in the flat
I cant have ribbons on presents

Oh and Mogs saved my life. Bit of a downer here but back in 1999 when I got ill I didnt want to live and prayed I would fall asleep and never wake up. The only thing that kept me going was the worry that if I did die what would happen to Mogs and how long it would take for someone to find me. That was before Amber arrived and now thankfully although Im not well Im no longer feel like that.

Offline Gemma H (Akandra)

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2006, 10:05:51 AM »
I started thinking at 4.55 this morning whilst Frankie and Alfie were running across the bed using me as a human "speed bump" how cats have changed and enriched my life. I'd be interested in hearing how they've changed yours.

Here's a few things for starters in no particular order.

1. I get up and extra hoiur early every morning to feed them and spend more time with them before leaving for work.
2. I go out less and try and get home from work as soon as possible for the same reasons as above.
3. I spend a total of at least one hour every day playing with them all.
4. I sleep less and in some very un-comfortable positions to accommodate them on the bed.
5 I drink more cold coffee that hot as it's always out of reach when Frankie sleeps on me on the sofa.
6. I hoover up less frequently as it really spooks all of them.
7. I go to bed earlier as Suzie (Tabby lady cat of 16 years :)) been waiting for this all day.
8. I shop more frequently to ensure a steady supply of cat food etc.
9. I've learned to tell cat food appeal by its aroma :)

I' m sure that I can think of a few more and you can too :)

Best regards


Re: number 6 ... yeah, thats the reason I don't hoover very often ...
Really?  We put down a laminate floor because when they shed the carpet looks an awful mess, and it keeps the house cooler in summer (they kept laying on the kitchen floor coz it was clearly cooler).

Offline carl (billy and baggys dad)

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #28 on: November 18, 2006, 08:29:20 AM »
To be perfectly honest cats haven't so much changed my life they have become my life.

That's cool, it pretty much sums it up  :)
From out of nowhere you came strong as stone
And now I'll never have to be alone
What it is I know
You have always been my safe home

Online Desley (booktigger)

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2006, 21:55:30 PM »
To be honest, I can't think of any!! Not sure if that is a good sign or not, I sometimes think of things I used to do like being able to get drunk, give cats food at 7am and go back to bed till 11, want to further myself work wise, but they all went out the window - although since fostering rather than just having my own two. I am happy though with how things have worked out (Well, wish some of my bridge babes were still here, but everything happens for a reason, and some had to go cos I had helped them, and another needy one needed me)
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Offline Kelly

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2006, 21:40:28 PM »
I've found out I'm a cat person!

I'm more relaxed
A hand full of loving scratches from playing
Being watched like a hawk when eating my tea
Being followed into the bathroom and stared at
Trying to find the best dry food that won't break the bank but is good for my kitties
The loudest purr in the world!
My toddler learning the words 'Tail' 'Meow' 'Cat' 'Archie' and 'Molly'
Always finding my bed occupied before I get in!
Waking up to find Archie asleep with his nose touching OH's nose!
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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2006, 21:37:09 PM »
Bin laughin me socks off reading these!

I wasn't a "cat person" twenty odd years ago, 'til a little stray came our way.  She was the start of things and taught me how magical sharing with a cat can be.

They rule the roost.  You give up your best spot on the sofa for them.  The dog gives up her best spot on the sofa too   ???

My bad back got worse due to adopting strange sleeping position so as not to disturb the cat snuggled into the back of my legs.

Most of my hols are spent worrying about whether he's okay, and just ringing up to find out.

No door is a closed door - ouvrez la port sil vous plait...   

The joy in a garden is doubled when a cat shares it with you.  Snoozin in the sun is much better when you have a furry friend curled up next to you.

Those eyes say it all.

A silent meow can be a reproach or a reward.

I will beggar myself to pay vet's fees.  I will beggar myself to buy cat food.  I will beggar myself for the honour of his company.

I pmsl watching him ambush the dog.

I  worry myself sick if he's not in when I think he should be.

It will break my heart when it's time to let go, and thank my lucky stars that I had such sunshine for so long.

But I'm not really a cat person, you know.

Offline catzluva71

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2006, 20:16:02 PM »
It's knowing that you're loved and wanted, cats don't care what you look like  :)
Knowing that there is a furry purry waiting for you when you come home, and especially, when it's cold at night, a lovely furry hot water bottle ;)
Home is where your cat is :)

Offline Littlebobo

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2006, 19:51:38 PM »
It is funny how much i love them i am out all night tomorrow night and dreading being apart from them even though i know my OH will be here ..he was actually going to go out with his mates but said that he does not want the cats on their own ..

I am sure that cats have some kind of magic powers over humans ..I think that the egyptians were onto something
Fuss me Fuss me ..Come on I have things to do like Eating and sleeping !

Offline sonya

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2006, 19:42:51 PM »
My cats have given me unconditional love, (they dont care if im having a fat day or a bad hair day),
They make me howl with laughter when they are playing tag, Ozzy is my hot water bottle for my feet, I have had my heart broken when Toffee died but had 3 wonderful years with her and am forever grateful for that. They have given me warm furry headbutts and purrs to cheer me up when I am down. They are probably the only living beings in my that dont flinch when they see me naked in the shower lol.   

My children have learnt responsibility through taking care of them.  I see the looks on my boys faces when the cats are curled up asleep on their knees or next to them in bed and I just love it lol.  What would our lives be like without them,,a lot less happy thats for sure!

Cats are like vodkas-you cant just have one

Offline Andrew

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2006, 19:33:07 PM »

It has changed mine completely since Oct... I don't want to wake them up when they are in my bed and even though I was sleepy at midnight..

They are the best morning calls... I am becoming stranger that I talk to them and I laugh as well. Even ask them silly things like 'are you cold?' 'want to watch X Factor?'

It's also an honour that I feel like I am loved by them.

Offline Liz

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2006, 18:41:57 PM »
Ours all in all including the dogs are a full time job and I wouldn't swap 18 litter trays - 22 bowls, 3 bowls of cat milk, treats, laser pen playing with ferals, 3 water fountains, 4 normal cat water bowls, dogs water bol - a.k.a the washing your feet once you have been in grit box.

The fact there are more scratching posts than furniture, they spend more time on and in our bed than we do, the whole design of each room was done with them in mind not the human angle.  Windows with more paw prints and snot marks.

Finding our vocation with ferals - we have 20 we love them even if they hate us and range from lovely to nasty - leaps of windows like a ninja all claws extended but in 15 months has discovered his kitten hood - he spent 2 years as an un-neutered boy and loves the laser pen, treats and even now will head butt my leg in the kitchen whilst preparing tea - he does love his food our dear Ace!

Golden oldies who adapted so well when we moved - Bert will be 21 at Christmas and mastered stairs and the whole house in a couple of days and still goes for walks outside.  Miss Gracie a 16.y.o. feral who now has her own chair and will come on the bed for strokes and dribbles

So many things make our devoted slavedom complete and we wouldn't swap it for all the tea in China!!!!

Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2006, 18:26:28 PM »
Thats amazing  :o  all of those things .... 

To be perfectly honest cats haven't so much changed my life they have become my life. Hardly a moment goes by I don't think of them or worry about them being out on the drive outside my house. As long as I have my cats I can put up with the loneilness of not sharing my life with a partner. Ahhhhh...

All of the above but especially

1. Waiting for me outside the catflap in the rain and cold for me to come home from work and feed them

2. Lying on me when I have a lie in occasionally

3. All the times they purr, nuzzle ,headbut  and sit on me to say thanks Dad

4. I never go anywhere without thinking about what special something I can bring back for them to eat

5. Actually come to think of it I never go anywhere anymore anyway.............

Offline Littlebobo

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2006, 17:32:07 PM »
Another thing is that i never go out anymore ...i used to be a party animal but have all the fun and laughter i want at home with Yumi and me boys :)

The other thing is that I dont buy new clothes ever they are always get ruined if i do !
Fuss me Fuss me ..Come on I have things to do like Eating and sleeping !

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2006, 17:03:56 PM »
Well where do I start :)

Kocka helped me through some very hard times and I do not know if I would have made it without her.

When I was taken ill in 2003 I had to get up to feed her and change water and also was forced to find a way to get her food cos I couldnt go out................although I didnt know at the time I need to stay a bit mobile and the more I moved the better it was for really she saved my life.

The current Gang of 4 take up time when I am trying to do something else
Always interrupt at the worse moment
Misa is like a soggy mop when hes been sitting out in the rain but I love them all to pieces and wouldnt swap the litter trays ,food and waterbowl avenue, toys tripping me up, fur every where all the time, cant turn over in bed  and for them to be waiting by the door when I have been out longer than normal , makes me feel loved and so happy to have em all :):)

Offline Lyn-Su

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2006, 16:48:36 PM »
I definitely laugh more now we've got Fearne.

She's always got me stitches with the funny things she does ;D

Offline Littlebobo

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2006, 12:27:05 PM »
Well what a good post..

My cats have taught me soo much ...

1) having a tidy house is not as important as having a happy cat(s)
2) That getting to work early is not as important as helping chase the mouse
3) So what if the dinners burning i want my tummy rubbed now

There are so many more i'll post some more later on
Fuss me Fuss me ..Come on I have things to do like Eating and sleeping !

Offline Beth (Mouse's Mum)

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2006, 11:41:49 AM »
My cats have shown me -

That we all respect my lovely cream sofa's, although they use them for paw paintings when they've been outside in the mud and scratching posts.
That i don't mind my furniture being ruined as they still make me smile when i find these paw paintings.
That the bed is for them, not me and hubby.
That our sex life has to be planned for when the boys are playing and not wanting to sleep, they're like a dead weight trying to move them from the middle to the bottom of the bed!

They've shown me how to love with all my heart.
They've shown me what it really feels like to have my heart truly broken when i lost one of my lovely boys last week at just 15 months old.

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2006, 10:31:44 AM »
When we relocated dur to Robins change in jobs our first thought was a house with land and woods surrounding it with no close neighbours - well we did find the dream home for them and they now have woods on 2 sides of the 5 acres, a stream at the front of the house - full of newts and frogs, a mile up a single track road from a B road and a house 3 times larger than the last one!

Ourt of this we get peace of mind, everyone has more space, no trouble from neighbours - how many cats and we got a wonderful home and a huge mortgage!

People still ask why we don't have a smaller house - standard response  its a cats paradise!  Oh and the dogs love it to!
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2006, 10:28:09 AM »
Totally agree with everyone else,

The other thing different about my life is the laughs. Don't think we laughed as much as we do now, for instance NIna jumping from the third tier of her cat tree straight into the cardboard box i had left out for them. Then just popping her head out as if to say "what?!" We were rolling on the floor laughing.

The only thing i would change is wishing that i had got them sooner ?:)

Offline J (Indoorcatsuk)

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2006, 10:26:35 AM »
His total love of cats is one of the reasons I fell for my hubbie tho, does that count  ;).

A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere. Groucho Marx.

Offline LeighK

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2006, 10:17:08 AM »
I forgot about the cat furniture/scratching posts/mats and toys everywhere, the not having more than a few friends around and also the not going on holiday things :)

My cats also make me relax after a hard day at work and all the stresses that this year has ?brought having a cat curled up on one's lap and then another two take over for the night shift sleeping on top of one does greatly help and watching their antics always makes me laugh... Priceless :)


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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2006, 10:14:53 AM »
The warm cosy feeling they give me. ? After a bad day they make me relax within seconds. ?The cold house cos we dont have central heating working at the moment but have to leave doors open for cats to come in and out. Do I care? just put on another jumper and wait for my cuddle. ;D

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2006, 10:12:39 AM »
My kitties def help me relax too. The help me be calm and help me relax. I dont know what i would do without them!

I get to the point i cant wait to get home to see them sometimes like if ihave had a bad day at work, i just want to cuddle up with them on the sofa.

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2006, 10:09:22 AM »
My cats have taught me to relax again. I experience some chronic pain and it's remarkable how much less my knees hurt when there's a kitten curled up on them.
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Offline Eve

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2006, 10:01:02 AM »
I have a house filled with cat toys and I don't mind at all? :) the scratching post takes up so much space in the lounge but I just don't notice it anymore.

Oh yes, i forgot about the big cat tree, scratching post and various cat tubes and toys everywhere!! ;D

Offline chrisleitz

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2006, 09:58:24 AM »
All of the above mentioned plus
- no longer being able to go on holidays or long week-ends unless we get a cat/house sitter sorted. ?And then spending the last few days of my well deserved holiday thinking I want to be home again to see and cuddle my babes 'cause I miss them so much.
- Very rarely do we have parties with more than 6 people now because it freaks out Buddie
- Since the arrival of Pepper having to put up with 2 snorers (OH and her)
- Sitting on the floor because all the arm chairs and sofa are taken up by the cats and we haven't got the heart to move them.
- Sharing my roast chicken with them
- the wonderful and warm feeling when I get home and they are all coming through the catflap because they heard the car and want to say Hello
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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2006, 09:51:40 AM »
I have a house filled with cat toys and I don't mind at all  :) the scratching post takes up so much space in the lounge but I just don't notice it anymore.

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2006, 09:14:40 AM »
My life is no longer my own, my 3 have me trained!

We sleep in awkward positions so we dont upset them on the bed. Lay- ins are a thing of the past, as we get moaned at by 2 or all 3 to get out of bed and give them brekkie!

But i also smile and laugh more, i love them chatting to me, i love getting in from work to kitty cuddles, as i frequently tell them, they make my life better  :)

Offline carl (billy and baggys dad)

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Re: how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2006, 08:29:39 AM »
Those are uncanny Leigh - I do exactly the same!!!  :D

The one main thing that's changed is the fact that I'm infinately happier and more content overall now. I laugh loads more, my two are a definate comedy double act.

And even though I've given them safety, security, warmth and love, they've given me so much more  :)
From out of nowhere you came strong as stone
And now I'll never have to be alone
What it is I know
You have always been my safe home

Offline LeighK

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how have cats changed your life ?
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2006, 07:57:36 AM »
I started thinking at 4.55 this morning whilst Frankie and Alfie were running across the bed using me as a human "speed bump" how cats have changed and enriched my life. I'd be interested in hearing how they've changed yours.

Here's a few things for starters in no particular order.

1. I get up and extra hoiur early every morning to feed them and spend more time with them before leaving for work.
2. I go out less and try and get home from work as soon as possible for the same reasons as above.
3. I spend a total of at least one hour every day playing with them all.
4. I sleep less and in some very un-comfortable positions to accommodate them on the bed.
5 I drink more cold coffee that hot as it's always out of reach when Frankie sleeps on me on the sofa.
6. I hoover up less frequently as it really spooks all of them.
7. I go to bed earlier as Suzie (Tabby lady cat of 16 years :)) been waiting for this all day.
8. I shop more frequently to ensure a steady supply of cat food etc.
9. I've learned to tell cat food appeal by its aroma :)

I' m sure that I can think of a few more and you can too :)

Best regards

Alfie and Frankie's dad - "Letterbox" are Rockin' the Feline World



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