Cat Health & Behaviour > Health & Behaviour General

WARNING - the dangers of string

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Susanne (urbantigers):
Well said, Lynn.

Please anyone with a da bird be extra careful not to leave it lying around unsupervised.  I know most of us don't leave those sort of toys lying around because of these kind of dangers, but it never occurred to me that Mosi would actually chew through the string so that he could swallow it.  Esp as I was only in the next room.  We were mid play and he was having a breather so I left it on the floor while I came onto the computer for a bit and he was (seemingly) lying in the hallway having a rest.  Now he's in surgery and it's going to cost me (or hopefully petplan) about £600.

I would just like to highlight the dangers of STRING / WOOL / ELASTIC  and such like material for our furbabes !!!!!!!

Many cats will eat string and can swallow very long lengths (please see susanne's thread re Mosi )

This is very dangerous for our cats as the string acts against the natural gut movements and can result in the intestine or part of the gut being gathered up together like a concertina effect.  This isnt myth or heresay it DOES and CAN happen, many cats suffer this foreign body and the lucky ones may pass / vomit  or  need exploratory surgery to remove the offending objects and often if the gut has been damaged they may need lengths of intestines removed also.  The less fortunate ones may not survive esp where an owner doesnt know and treatment may be sought a little too late.

Again such foreign bodies can also lead to intestinal intussuseption which again is very serious and requires immediate life saving surgery.


We all know our cats (and ourselves) greatly enjoy playing with many items / toys that have this type of material on them but please remember this warning and my advice is always hide these toys when you are not there to supervise play.


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