Author Topic: Cat toileting on furniture!!!!!  (Read 3827 times)

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Cat toileting on furniture!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2006, 18:37:40 PM »

Lexy loves to scratch the walls of her litter tray (hooded Magix one from PAH). She seems to think the longer the scratches the more the poo will disappear and then spends hours trying to cover it.  :rofl:

I'm thing of getting her on Worlds Best Cat Litter (a bit more expensive) but she's fussy so maybe it will make her cover it more.  I use wood pellets and Beauticat is pretty good, smaller pellets so not so tough on the feet at the mo.

I hope your little one does well with the new litter. Poor little thing, so many homes. Previous owner was a git frankly. What a silly person! Ela and others in her position can tell you horrors of people who give up cats for this reason.  They should come back as cat in their next lives...see how they like it! 

Offline tricia1470

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Re: Cat toileting on furniture!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2006, 18:21:45 PM »
Thank's i am buying new cat trays at the weekend and i agree with the wood pellets none of mine like them! At the moment i am using Catspan which although bright white they seem to all like it, the trays are definately big enough as my big tom cat has nooo problems even though he thinks that scratching the wall will bury it for him  ;D

Will keep you posted after the new trays, but in all honesty think that she needs re-training like a kitten and restrict her to the spare room.

Thanks Tricia

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cat toileting on furniture!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2006, 16:22:20 PM »
Oh the poor thing to have had that many homes in little over a year  >:(

I agree with the extra trays with different types of litter, and with the rescue remedy.  what kind of litter are you using?  Sometimes cats will tolerate a litter for weeing but find it uncomfortable for pooing as they dig their feet in a bit more for that.  when I tried wood pellet litter once mine were ok weeing in it but refused to poo in it.  Are the trays you have big enough?  A colleague of mine had to recently keep her cats indoors for a while when she moved and while they had no problem weeing in the tray it wasn't big enough for one of them to poo.

Hopefully she'll eventually feel settled with you and start using a tray for her poos.

Offline DaveD

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Re: Cat toileting on furniture!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2006, 02:36:44 AM »
You can get a pretty good enclosed tray from Argos, and it's quite deep too. £12.99

Offline Ela

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Re: Cat toileting on furniture!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2006, 15:14:48 PM »
see it seems expensive but lasts ages. I think it is also on e-bay

Offline tricia1470

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Re: Cat toileting on furniture!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2006, 15:03:05 PM »
Thanks, i know talk about inbreeding :-) although she is a lovely wee cat in everything else. She has been to a vet and is in full health neutered and jaged upto date, justs likes to poo everywhere sigh.

I have tried various cat litter but what is corn litter? never heard of it and where can i get some. i haven't tried an enclosed cat tray as yet butam looking into it but i already have 5 trays for my 3 cats.  :thanks:

Offline Ela

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Re: Cat toileting on furniture!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2006, 14:48:23 PM »
Oh! I see to posh to pee in a litter tray.  I suggest 4,5, or even 6 trays some with hoods on and others with hoods off and try different types of litter  the Danish Pink or Corn litter is  usually very good when cats are too posh to pee or poo in trays. Also I think with timid cats it best to restrict the area they are in for a while. You could also try some rescue Remedy

I assume she has been vet checked to ensure there are no underlying problems.

Offline tricia1470

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Cat toileting on furniture!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2006, 14:30:52 PM »
Hi, been away from cat chat for afew months, really sad to find it suspended :-(
I have recently taken in a posh cat!!! the owner wanted to put it down (silly git) the problem being she pees in the cat tray but poo's on, behind and well everywhere except the cat tray's. Back ground is Lulu is 14 months old and he bought her at 13 weeks from a breeder she's a very sweet abysinian (not sure on the spelling of it) so far i am the 5th home he has dumped her with, so she is very timid, scared but god so loving and gets on really well with my other cats, except for her problem. I have tried pepper, feliway, i have 5 cat trays that are cleaned daily.

I need HELP as I am beginning to to think i can't break this cycle.


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