Author Topic: Missing Cat Northants  (Read 3542 times)

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2007, 14:31:16 PM »
Please to report that Bruiser is now safe and well and back home with his Mummy and Daddy.   :Luv:

I am therefore locking this thread.

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Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2007, 18:42:10 PM »
OMG Amanda this is terrible.  I would definitely report this heartless women to her superiors  as if your aren't already worried enough about Bruiser going missing without hearing horror stories like this.  If you are unable to find anything on the internet then it is probably unfounded rumour ... however your local police force should be able to confirm or deny if there is any truth in  it.

Please try not to dwell on what this women has said it will only upset you more and stop you concentrating on the important job of finding your furry friend.

Take care and try to stay positive.
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Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2007, 18:02:46 PM »
OMG!!!! How awful  :hug: You must report this woman......what a terrible thing to say to some-one who has lost a cat  :hug:

ps Hope you find your kitty soon  ;)
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 18:21:54 PM by Ruth (Bazsmum) »

Offline cambsgirl

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Re: Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2007, 16:15:03 PM »
i am so angry, i just had a call from a local animal sanctury that i had emailed, the lady said a stray had been picked up and was with a fosterer, i asked when this was and she couldnt tell me, so while she is looking through her books she asks me what colour the cat is and i tell her, she then says how old is he so i tell her, she then asks me if he has a nice coat so i say yes, she says oh dear and then tells me loads of cats are going missing acrross the area, and 270 skins have been found at a fairly local travellers site, this throws me into complete panic.
she then goes on to tell me i shouldnt let my cat out at night,that this news was all over the local press,and seemed annoyed that i dont get the local paper,nor watch the local news,she lectures me on where to put my posters up,which i tell her i have all those places,she is obviously not listening because she then tells me again.  she then says she has gone back months in her book, and the cat that was a stray must be in another book so would have been months ago.  i then ask her again about the travellers site and she then tells me it was all sorts of animals, mice included, and it has been going on for months.i have looked on the internet and cannot find anything about the travellers site.

how can someone do this to me, ring without obviously checking the details i had emailed,giving me false hope,then scaring me with this story. i'm so upset that this has been done,and so unprofessionally.

i rang my local CP lady who has been great, she wasnt there so i spoke to her hubbie who said he know nothing about the travellers site story, and was as unimpressed as me.

i am absolutely gutted.

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2007, 21:13:22 PM »
Don't worry about rambling ... I'm just sorry I am so far away I can't offer more help than to listen :(

Sorry Bruiser still hasn't shown himself .. don't give up and try to stay positive hun  :hug:

Come Bruiser mummy wants you home NOW!!!!!
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Offline cambsgirl

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Re: Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2007, 21:07:03 PM »
i have been walking round banging his metal dinner tin with a fork, which is what i do at home.  mind you it is pouring with rain so havent seen a single cat tonight.

just be out again and re-leafled our road and properties in direct vacinity, when i first leafleted i didnt have a photo on it, and nothing, not a phone call, nothing.
it doesnt help that every cat in the village seems to be black and white.  next time i am getting one that is pink/green/blue or purple at least people will remember.

another lady in the village has lost her cat also, so i rang her tonight and offered help, her cat has been missing for a week tommorow, she seemed shocked that i called and said she couldnt believe that someone had rung her and offered to help like i had, but just seems sensible to me.

sorry for ramblings, i find it is helping


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Re: Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2007, 19:45:44 PM »
Does he like his biscuits? If so take a box of these with you and shake them as you walk round, it gets my lot indoors.  :shy:

Offline cambsgirl

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Re: Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2007, 17:31:54 PM »
thanks i cant believe im doing this all over again just 18 months after losing my beloved Bungle to an RTA, i posted on cat chat quite a lot around that time.

i am hand delivering a a4 photo poster to every house in the village, thankfully only 500 properties, but he has been gone 9 days now and i am seriously worried.  i started doing this on tuesday evening, i wasnt immediately concerned as he will go off for 3 days at a time.  now i could kick myself for not doing something sooner, also 2 days before he went awol i removed his collar to give him a flea treatment, but forgot to put it back on, i am so cross with myself.

when we lost bungle, we made something good out of a bad situation by adopting 2 kittens, 1 of which is Bruiser, his sister is really missing him.

on the whole response has been ok, some people have been amazing, like the 3 older ladies i overheard last night when i was out looking myself,  had been looking all over the village for him, i was so touched.  some people have been amazingly unhelpful, like the woman who must have been 93, who 'couldnt care less, and didnt want to get involved', i was so shocked by her response.

i feel like i am doing everything i can, but when i am not out there looking i feel guilty, have had 2 possible sightings in a large country park near us, i just dont even know where to begin looking for him in there.

feeling very tearful today, have been trying so hard to keep it together, but it;s just too soon after bungle and feels so unfair.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2007, 17:07:29 PM »
If people will let you, look in the sheds yourself.  :luck:

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2007, 16:34:51 PM »
Hi Amanda and  :welcome: to Purrs,

So sorry you found us a this difficult time.

Yvonne has posted this list of advice we normally recommend for finding a lost furbabe.  I would reiterate the point about knocking on all your neighbours doors and ask them to check their sheds and garages.  With this terrible weather I would imagine your little one is lying low and will be hiding somewhere dry.

Good luck and fingers crossed your little one will be back home  :scared:
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Re: Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2007, 14:13:41 PM »
Hope you find him soon

Good luck  :)

Offline Yvonne

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Re: Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2007, 09:42:56 AM »
Good morning Amanda and a warm  :welcome: to Purrs

I am so sorry about Bruiser - I have copied and pasted Sam's advice for you because it is important that you get it as quickly as possible.  I know how heartbreaking it is when you lose a furry friend.

Here are a few things to try:

1. Posters, Posters, Posters with picture and details with contact number.....hand out to neighbours and anyone you see. Put up in local shops, pubs and supermarkets. Stick to all local lamp posts. (If it rains go and collect them and replace however it's best to put posters in plastic wallets so if it rains they don't go all soggy - the neighbours and council don’t mind you putting them up so much that way).  Also put one in your and friends cars - it amazing how many people see them this way. Make smaller flyers and push through every letterbox on your streets and the surrounding area.   It is a good idea to offer a reward … of course this doesn’t have to be money … a box of chocolates or a bunch of flowers is just as good.

2. Knock on doors and ask neighbours to check their sheds and garages WHILE YOU WAIT … it's surprising how many people say they will check but as soon as the door is closed they forget.   Knock on 10 doors either side of your house on both sides of the street.

3. Register him lost at all vets/catteries/rescue homes within a 20mile radius.  Follow the link and click on the map to find rescues in your area

4. Leave food out and a toy of his

5. Leave out an unwashed item of your clothing

6. Put the contents of your hoover bag on your garden - it’s full of smells that they will recognise and if doesn’t bring him directly to your door will at least hopefully keep him in the area. Alternatively if you have a litter tray that has used put some of the used litter on the garden as this will have familiar smells in it.

7. Contact the local fire brigade and see if they have had to rescue any stuck cats

8. Ask the local children to look - they are great for knowing all the local hidey-holes and love helping. Also have a word with your local post-person and milk man if there is one that delivers in your area.   Also try and enlist the help of people walking dogs as they tend to go “off road” in the fields and parks.

9. Ask the local radio station to announce he’s missing and give out a contact number

10. Put an advert in the local paper

11. Contact your local environmental services dept (bin men) they keep a log of all animals picked on the roadside ... I know this is not a pleasant call to make and hopefully it will come back as negative.

12. Go out after dark when it is quieter with a friend / partner and walk round the local area gently calling every so often (give him a chance to answer you). Keep talking as you walk round that way if he is in the area he will hear you.

13. When you talk to vets and rescues, ask them about any known local feral colonies and where they are based. If Kitty has been missing for more than a few days s/he might have wandered further afield and might be “hanging round” near a colony for security (safety in numbers) and company. If vets/rescues know locations of colonies, these might be useful to get some ideas of where to start looking.

Finally have a look at these sites - they are all EXCELLENT  contact Sue at mymoggy.

Good luck and stay positive.

Hopefully your little one has just got itself shut in a shed somewhere.

And finally ……. IMPORTANT NOTE: When you get your furbabe back remember to remove ALL the posters and inform all vets / rescues / websites etc that they are home.

Try and stay positive and please keep us posted  :hug:

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Offline cambsgirl

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Missing Cat Northants
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2007, 07:43:38 AM »
PLEASE HELP FIND OUR CAT “BRUISER”                              
MISSING SINCE 12TH JULY 2007                              
Missing from Dolben Avenue, Stanwick area for nearly a week now,                               
as of 19th July 2007.  He is a black and white neutered male, about 18 months old,                               
is not wearing a collar and is not chipped. He has white whiskers, white back legs,                               
white front paws, a white bib, & unusual markings on his nose (like a Battenberg cake),                              
he has 2 white patches on his underneath.                              
Despite his name he is very friendly, and could be picked up and brought home to us.

Please could you check and keep checking your houses / garages / sheds / gardens /                              
under hedges etc, even if doors are open he may be too scared to come out.                              
He is an inquisitive soul, and may also have been shut in somewhere.  It is very unusual for                              
him to be gone for so long. Please call Amanda on 07909 xxxx xxxx if you think you may                               
have seen him, or know if anything may have happened to him (even if it’s bad news,                               
it’s the not knowing that is so difficult).  Any info would be greatly appreciated.                                
Many Thanks for your help.  I WILL REMOVE POSTERS IF HE IS FOUND.                              

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« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 09:27:50 AM by Sam (Fussy_Furball) »


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