My brave little soldier is home

They couldn't get a proper ECG done as he was too lively so they gave him a pre-med which the vet said is one below a sedation, he was still too wriggly so they haven't really been able to get a result from the ECG. He did have his ultrasound and the good news is that the heart walls are of a normal thickness, the chambers are as they should be. His heartrate, timing, pulse, temperature and mucous memebranes are all normal so she basically said that while the panting/open mouth breathing isn't normal in cats, that it is more than likely normal for Riley.
She said that next time he does it to check what colour his gums are ie whether they change colour, also when he is neutered (and under a GA) she said they would be no harm in doing an X-ray but certainly not to worry about anything

Lukey was fine on his own, although a bit more meowy, and they are both now batting a mouse around

Riley looks a bit bedraggled and has a super new trendy fur-cut on his chest

Am just cooking him some chicken breast as she said that he might feel a bit sick from the pre-med.
I just found out that Tiggy came 3rd in the cat show so a fantastic day all round

(apart from being zapped by a speed enforcement van, I await my fixed penalty
