Author Topic: GIZMO  (Read 2398 times)

Offline Lesley Frankie

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« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2007, 18:01:22 PM »
Hello Smudge, I'm so sorry about Gizmo and can understand why you feel as you do. However, you really need to concentrate on the good memories that you and Gizmo share. When my cat Morticia Muffin died 3 years ago I felt awful, that perhaps I should have done more for her and for 3 years, all I could think of were her last moments at the vet's. It has taken me all this time to be able to remember the great cat that she was and the wonderful times we had with her. Please, please don't make the same mistake as I did.
In April, I lost my other cat Buster Bunny to cancer and was again, devasated. I then read about Animal Thoughts on this site and, despite my misgivings, I contacted Pea and arranged for a reading. It made such a huge difference to me and I have been able to move on even in such a short time after BB's death. It's not for everyone and in my case, I did learn something upsetting about how Buster felt after we moved to France but I don't think about that , rather I think of how they are both together now and wonderfully happy. I wish you all the best Smudge, Gizmo was a very lucky cat to have had you for a friend and I know that he would not want you to feel as you do about him.


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« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2007, 12:14:23 PM »
Helen you will never know what had happened and it will only make the pain worst by racking your brain.  :shy:

Remember Gizmo how he was and thats how he will stay in your heart.


Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2007, 22:55:11 PM »
Oh SP i am sending you a cuddle, it is so hard when we loose one of our Furbabies

With your beautiful ^Gizmo^ i have to say that The fact that his legs were crossed sounds to me as if he died peacefully.

I know how hard it is when you dont know for sure what caused his death but you must try and let go of all the thoughts you are having hun.

I truly think his death was quick -
if he had been in so much pain (say after an RTA)  that he could only make it to your neighbours garden he wouldnt have laid down so comfortable and died.
I really think its as your husband says, that he was Sunbathing and suddenly crossed over

You know that we are all here for your, we will listen when you want to talk and send you hugs when you cry.
I dont think there are many of us who have not lost one of our babies.

Michelle xxxxxxx

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2007, 21:55:24 PM »
We all understand smudge and the pain is terrible. I believe that maybe Lynn said on another thread that he probably would have not felt anything no matter how he died cos the cats body is so good at masking pain and just allowing the cat to do what he needs to do.

You found him lying peacefully asleep and I reckon thats the best way to remember him, its the way he wanted you to remember him.

Try not to wonder about what happened too much, I know thats very hard and what you are going through is part of the grieving process. Time takes away some of the pain but so far for me it has not gone, just coming up to 2 yrs since Kocka went to the Bridge.

We are all here for you and understand so much what it is like, wait for his first rainbow to you and he will be sitting there saying  'I am here and have found lots of friends and will watch over you forever'  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2007, 21:48:54 PM »
I would try not to think about it, I think it will tear you apart........I know it's hard but you will never know and it can't be changed  :'(   I made myself ill when Dylan, Nobby and Oscar died and at the end of it, I couldn't change what had happened.  It's early days and all these thoughts will be going round in your head, but these will eventually subside and you'll remember him as he was.......a gorgeous cat, full of life and who was well loved, xxxxxxxxx

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2007, 21:43:09 PM »
Smudge - I had the same situation last September with Ginger - he had a slight heart murmur, but other than that,the vet had said he seemed in good condition 3 weeks previously at his weigh in, my neighbour found him at the end of the street, and as he looked peaceful, I thought that it was something like his heart (wrong end of the street to be a car, he had only been out 10 mins and the neighbour hadn't heard anything), although it was hard as I will never know how he went, but it was a nice sunny day, and he went in his own time, which was totally like him - the irony is I took him off the streets, gave him a good 4 years, and he ended up going on the streets. It does still hurt 9 months later, my neighbour thought I was lucky cos I hadn't had to make that awful decision, but for me it was one of the hardest things I had gone through (but I always knew losing him would be harder than others), because I couldn't say goodbye to him, but I try and focus on the time we had, not how and when he went. 
Please spay your cat

Offline lilycat

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« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2007, 18:11:52 PM »
I know what you're saying Lynn, but if I were Smudgpickles, I would rather think of Gizmo falling asleep peacefully....especially if I had no first-hand evidence to the contrary?

The belief that my well loved cat didn't suffer, would be a real comfort to me while I was still grieving for him  :'(.

I know it's still early days Smudgepickle, but things will get better. Think of him but try to focus on things he did that made you smile - that helped me deal with the guilt I felt at having to have my Mavey pts and it may help you to get over not knowing what really happened to Gizmo and that you weren't able to be with him, which I'm sure is a big issue for you?

Remember that you loved him and cared for him and that he'll be waiting, very patiently [there'll be plenty of Butterflies for him to chase], for you to collect him.

Offline CurlyCatz

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« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2007, 16:34:04 PM »
i would find that one hard to believe..sorry

if he was lying as though he was sunbathing then should a fox or something have been at him once he was dead for sure his body would have been moved and so he wouldnt have been found so peacefully, I'd also suspect a fox wouldnt have just eaten abit of the tail but probably carried the body off somewhere but even if it had been disturbed gizmo would be in a different position to how you found him.

if he had been hit by a car and found his own way to the garden he would have been in shock which means all the blood goes to vital organs and shuts off so much blood going to skin and the periphery which means you get less bleeding initially to extrerior wounds.

Offline lilycat

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« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2007, 14:18:41 PM »
Hi smudgepickles, thinking about it, it is possible [likely] that your husband's right.

If it had been a RTA I would imagine that there would have been signs of scuffing to his claws and/or damage to his paws as I believe that's common amongst cats who have been injured on the road.

Although no-one will ever know for sure, he sounded to be lying so peacefully that the heart problem would seem to be the obvious culprit. I know it's terribly sad to lose him, but I hope he did pass away peacefully in the sunshine, knowing that you loved him  :care:

Offline smudgepickles

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« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2007, 13:46:28 PM »
I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section please feel free to move it.

I'm finding losing Gizmo as hard as losing my Mum as I'm so totally confused about his death and miss him with all my heart. He was the best furry friend  ever.

I just wanted some views on my husbands thoughts. When I eventually found Gizmo in my neighbours grounds. I thought he was fast asleep thats how peacefull he looked. He didn't have a single mark on his body and his eyes were closed as if he was asleep and his front and back paws were crossed as he always had them when sunbathing or asleep . The only injury he had was about 4-5 inches of his tail missing but still not a drop of blood or any black marks

There was no mouth of bottom fluids at all either he was perfectly clean as always he loved to be immaculate.

My husbands theory is that he did have a heart problem like Pickles and Smudge and although it may not have been cardiomyopathy the same as they  had and died of (his brothers)  but something else. (they vet said that he had a gallop in his  heart when he was last at the vet for his crystals)

My husbands theory is Gizmo was having a beautiful sunbath and the heat had caused him to have a very quick heart attack and the foxes had bitten his tail during the night. Thats why he said there  probably wasn't any blood as he was  probably already dead when his tail was bitten off as there would have been  no circulation  so there wouldnt have been blood flow

I just wanted your views

I'm sorry I'm not answering any posts I do pop on to read but my heart isn't into anything, I just want my baby boy back :'( :'(

Thankyou to all of you that have sent me PM messages its very kind of you  :hug: :hug: :hug:

« Last Edit: June 15, 2007, 16:36:28 PM by smudgepickles »


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