I have just been accepted as a forum member. I am new to the UK and will be moving to Chatham in the not too distant future (ie next month). When I move my large and soppy dog will be arriving from New Zealand where he is staying with a friend who has also adopted my blue burmese girl who I miss terribly. sadly, because I was paying for the trip myself, only one animal could come, so the dog was the choice. Not because he is a dog, but because he has medical problems and needs to be kept good care of. Sofie, the burmese, has always yearned to be an only cat and so is very happy in her new home. So much so that when the dog arrived two days later she demanded to know what he was doing there.
I am hoping to find a rescue cat who can move in with us - mature age cats welcome. I have always had a cat in my adult life, and come complete with recommendations from my vets in Queensland (where I lived before going east) and New Zealand (where I lived for the last 3 years). The dog originated in New Zealand and he, together with Sofie, and Bob (now deceased, aged 19) travelled with me. The dog has been well and truly trained into believing he is bottom of the pecking order (poor boy) by my cats.
Generally have at least 2 cats, and they are sometimes indoor cats and sometimes outdoor cats who sleep inside. depends on my neighbourhood and the sort of risks a cat might be exposed to.
Hello all and will welcome any suggestions of rescue cats in need. I spent a fortune of cat psychologist for one of them so now know most of the tricks of the trade when settling someone into a new home. Pic is of dog with Bob, the 19 year old, shortly before he (bob) died.