Author Topic: New Cat Café  (Read 4581 times)

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New Cat Café
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2020, 09:34:11 AM »
Thank you to those who have taken our feline survey 'Happy Cats': and/or other surveys on our website and supporting our ongoing research (
We thought you might be interested to know about our free weekly Cat Café every Thu at 4pm (BST) via Zoom with our feline specialist, Dr Sarah Caney.  Dr Caney discusses a common feline illness each month (June is focussing on feline lower urinary tract disease, FLUTD) where she provides a short (1/2hr) presentation, giving expert advice and lots of useful information on how to manage these condition/s, followed by a 1/2hr Q&A at the end.  It's a great opportunity to ask a feline specialist any question/s you may have, i.e. it can be unrelated to the meeting topic.  If interested, visit our website: and click on our 'Cat Café ' tab. We hope to see you there!


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