Hello, sorry, its been a very loooooooooooong time!
Sparecat (the very ladylike black and white girl in my Avatar!) is 12 years old and we realised a few years ago suffering from a touch of arthritis. She is on Metacam- last winter she was doing ok with a 2kg daily dose and seraquin. Over the summer she was ok without either as long as it wasnt damp for a few days in a row. We have some of the electrically heated vet mats which she loves.
This winter we've had to up the metacam to 3kg dose - some days 4kg - and we have had a few days where that hasn't been enough.On Bad days she will cry and run away if you look like you are about to pick her up. Shes also been pretty much velcro'd to the heat pad (we call her the pancake as she regularly flips over to warm the other side

However, last night we forgot to turn the heating back onto auto and it stayed on all night- the difference in her is incredible today shes been all over us demanding to be picked up and cuddled, jumping up onto things, up and down the stairs to follow us about...we honestly dont keep the house that cold normally

So- Does anyone have or has anyone seen, something that will keep her warmer than the heat pad? We thought of reptile heat lamps or maybe one of the outdoor heated cat houses? Would she get too hot under a heat lamp?
We can still put her on the 4kg dose of metacam every day but im not keen if we can avoid it for now with heat