Author Topic: Is it time to let my baby go?  (Read 11546 times)

Offline Sootyca

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Re: Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2018, 18:01:20 PM »
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

It's an awful decision to have to make and one that only you will know the answer to, being guided by your vet.

Is his behaviour out of character or does he usually sleep a lot?  If he is on medication it may be that that is making him lethargic and sleepy.  Like with humans, medicine will affect cats differently.

He sounds like hates the vets - my Robbie was like that.  I knew that if he ever needed any ongoing treatment I would have to seriously consider the options available as he was always so petrified (to the extent that he would poo/pee/hyperventilate).  He had some teeth out last year and the vet said he was hard to control under anaesthetic and was diagnosed with a heart problem - they couldn't do any tests on him as he was so stressed she didn't know what was the problem with his heart and what was stress related and keeping him in would likely have killed him.   He passed away a few weeks ago - most likely to do with his heart but knowing he had a shortened life span, I couldn't have put him through the vets visits.

As Sue said, I would go with your gut.   This sounds silly, but I had to make a decision for a stray that adopted us - long story short I let him make the decision ( I told you it sounded silly!).  He had stopped eating and was miserable so i told him that if he wanted to stay longer I would get him some treatment or I would let him go but he would have to give me a sign.......literally within 5 minutes of that he had eaten the tiniest of pieces of ham, having ignored it all for days.  He lived for another few months but I kept telling him to let me know when he was ready - he did by stopping eating and vanishing for longer periods.  I knew when I saw him that he was ready to leave so I booked a vets appt fully expecting not to need it as I didn't see him much but they day before I asked him to be in the garden at a certain time and he was there, ready to go.  Nothing will convince me otherwise that he knew what was happening.

If you are struggling to see the changes in him - take pictures or keep a record of what he does.  When you are so involved with them it's hard to see the changes.


Offline lisa77

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Re: Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2018, 17:25:01 PM »
I'm so sorry you lost Bass.. It's so heart breaking.

Many that is for responding

Offline jezebel

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Re: Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2018, 17:11:12 PM »
Went through something similar with my Bass a few months ago. She was diagnosed with a brain tumour and was given a month to live. We kept her comfortable and she spent most of the time next to us on the sofa, and she survived for another two months.

But I spent a lot of that two months worrying whether I would know when to let her go. In the end, she took a turn for the worse that was far worse than any of her "bad" days. They do say you will know when the time is right, and it's true. I looked at her and realised she had already gone.

The difference is that with Bass we knew it was just a matter of time, whereas it sounds like your cat might have a chance of recovering, so you really need to be guided by your vet.

Whatever decision you make, you need to be 100% sure it's right.
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Offline lisa77

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Re: Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2018, 17:09:46 PM »
Thanks so much. I have spoken  to the vet today and she didn't seem that worried. She said he is eating and drinking ok and going to litter box. I mentioned he hasn't done a pooh in 3 days and she suggested to get some lactulose to soften his stools. I thought cats with this condition had the opposite.
I am back to work tomorrow after having the last 2 wks off with him. I'm worried sick but luckily I'm only down the road so will race back here at lunch.
Play it by ear I suppose. I've looked up signs that cat is in pain and it's really not how he is.
My gut feeling depends on what day it is. Even hour!
My partner has said once he stops eating, he has had enough. Whether or not I can even let it go that far is countable. I feel better having spoken to the vet and will just continue to monitor him closely as I am.
Thanks again

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2018, 16:20:32 PM »

Lisa, am so sorry you're in this position.  It's not a condition I'm familiar with, but I think your dilemma is one so many of us have faced, and it's one of the most difficult in the world.  It's particularly hard when you feel alone with your need to decide.  What is your absolute gut instinct?  When I'm conflicted, I tend to go with my gut instinct.  It can be gut-wrenching, but I feel you will instinctively know in your heart whether you think your gorgeous boy is comfortable in himself, or if his condition is affecting him more and more.  Don't be put off that more haven't posted.  For some of us, it's too emotive too contemplate or to advise someone what to do, and it stirs up a good deal of memories.

Whatever you decide, know that we're thinking of you and sending you both gentle and soothing thoughts.  It won't change what's ahead of you but it might help to know we're with you, whatever.    :hug: :hug:


Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2018, 14:16:38 PM »
I don't think the fact he is spending his days and nights only eating, drinking and sleeping is that significant in itself, as most cats pass the majority of their time doing the same

I  have no experience of this condition, so cannot judge at all on what it means, short or long term

I do know that when my Trigger had inoperable cancer, I only realised he was suffering when I took some photos of him when he wasn't looking at me - the cat that seemed happy and painfree when interacting with me was a different creature when he thought he was alone - sad, withdrawn and clearly in pain - that's when I made that phone call we all dread making

making that final decision is always agony for us, but we do it to spare agony  for them - we have this power and must not be afraid to use it, because we love them so much :hug:
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Offline lisa77

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Re: Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2018, 12:30:02 PM »
Thanks ever so. Expected nore responses as I'm sure a lot of you have been in my position. Thanks to those that responded

Offline Frances

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Re: Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2018, 11:38:00 AM »

Offline lisa77

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Re: Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2018, 10:21:37 AM »
He has had the bloods and an ultrasound & been on 2 drips but not sure how successful they were considering he ripped them out. They know he has an enlarged liver and a blockage of bile but to investigate further, a biopsy is needed.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2018, 10:07:14 AM »
Things must have changed a lot then, mine was just picked up by a blood test, I opted not for any more tests, my cat was 13 but seemed an old cat, if that makes sense, plus she'd had liver issues for about 12 months when it developed. Glad he seems a bit brighter today.
Please spay your cat

Offline lisa77

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Re: Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2018, 10:04:55 AM »
He is due to go back to vet on Thursday.
He can't really tell me that unless he does a biopsy and I'm not keen on putting him through that to be honest. He is on Destolit
150mg, 1/2 a day and  prednisolone 1 a day.
He has now ventured out of his bed and is on the landing. Really trying not to fuss around him too much but find myself checking on him every 10 mins. He definitely looks brighter today (If that's the right word)

Thank you for responding & taking the time to read

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2018, 09:56:30 AM »
I'm sorry to hear this, I have had a cat with cholangiohepatitis, I cant remember what medication she was put on, or if they would even use the same, it was a long time ago. I do remember reading they can recover from it though, but not sure how long it takes. I think I'd have a chat with the vet and ask them about his prognosis
Please spay your cat

Offline lisa77

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Is it time to let my baby go?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2018, 08:08:14 AM »
Hi everyone

I haven't been on her for ages but I find myself now in the worst position I have ever been in.

My beautiful boy has become very poorly with
Cholangiohepatitis. He was admitted to vets for 3 days & put on a drip. Vet did some bloods and an ultrasound and he has
Cholangiohepatitis. We (alongside the vets approval) brought him home 2 wks ago. He was so very stressed in there and would only eat when I visited him. He pulled 2 separate drips out whilst he was there and it was all too stressful for him.
I have been feeding him and giving him water very regularly. He has had good and bad days and it feels a bit like we are in a rollercoaster at the mo. The past 2 days he hasn't ventured downstairs and flirts between 2 of his fave beds upstairs. Apart from when I feed him, bring him water or he uses  the litter tray, he is sleeping. He doesn't appear to be in any pain but obviously I don't know for sure. It's breaking my heart to see him like this. I long to wake up and he be bugging me for food at 5am like he used to.

He is 11 now. Has been pretty good health wise apart from a few water infections.

I'm in turmoil as if he is still eating & drinking and using litter tray, is it not the right time? I don't want him to suffer going back to the vet and being hooked up to more drips.

If I call the vet out here today, what will they do to determine if it's his time or not?

This is like losing a child to me. I cannot imagine my life without him here but at the same time I don't know if it's cruel to leave him like this.

I'm sure may of you can empathise. I'm so unsure.

I can't really speak to anyone else about this as everyone is on holiday and I need to just speak to people .who may understand.

Thank you


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