Author Topic: URGENT VET HELP PLEASE cats sticthes out again and weekend  (Read 4109 times)

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: URGENT VET HELP PLEASE cats sticthes out again and weekend
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2018, 13:14:24 PM »
Hoping that the cut heals well.

I pay £42 per month to Bought By Many for my 5 cats, I tried to put money away every month, but something always came up and half the time it didn't happen. I am pleased that you have found an independent vet, they are much better. Sadly we don't have any left, just two large group practices, one of which is cheaper, but doesn't offer out of hours.

Boiled salt water seems to work very well. :hug: :hug: :hug:
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: URGENT VET HELP PLEASE cats sticthes out again and weekend
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2018, 13:05:32 PM »
Glad you spoke to someone out of hours vets are a total rip off it's terrible how they take advantage of people who love their pets

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: URGENT VET HELP PLEASE cats sticthes out again and weekend
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2018, 12:12:59 PM »
I'm glad at least that you've been able to source a possible alternative vet who isn't part of a large chain.  It can make a big difference.  There are a few of our members who don't have pet insurance and instead try to put money away each month against the inevitable, but yes, appreciate this isn't always possible.  There are so many variables in cat insurance anyway that even when you think you're doing what you can, it won't always cover your needs. 

Paws firmly crossed for you here.   :)

Offline babsiec

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Re: URGENT VET HELP PLEASE cats sticthes out again and weekend
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2018, 11:44:41 AM »
Thanks Sue. As we have 5 cats, I have looked into vet insurance, but of course you need to get the most expensive type in order that they will keep insuring the cat when it gets older. It was so much money x 5, we decided not to.

The good thing is, the vet I talked to today is a small independent, who I didn't know about. I will use him next time, even if he is 12 miles away. A neighbour also recommended him after giving up with our 2 nearest vets.

Paws crossed it's ok. Thanks for trying to help.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: URGENT VET HELP PLEASE cats sticthes out again and weekend
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2018, 11:40:00 AM »
So glad you were able to speak to someone.   :hug:

It's such a difficult call - I think we all dread it when our cats show signs of injury or illness over a weekend.   Pet insurance is one of those vexed issues - it costs a fair old bit, and there are so many exclusions and variations, yet if our pets are ill, the cost can escalate so quickly.  We love them - they're our family, and I sometimes think that certain vet chains cash in on that, but then they will justify it by pointing out they provide 24/7 care where a local vet may not, and  need to pay cover staff whether one or 21 animals are admitted for care.

I can see the arguments, but I do think that so many vets now are run mainly for profit and not for care.  We're fortunate to have a one-man band vet, who cares greatly for his clients and his staff.   He may not have all the fancy equipment and he takes pets to his own home if they need overnight observation, but he's a rare individual and it shows.  He never rips us off, and has often cared for wild animals we've taken to him, without charging us.

Anyway enough of that - let us know how you get on.  Sending soothing and healing thoughts to you all. 

Offline babsiec

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Re: URGENT VET HELP PLEASE cats sticthes out again and weekend
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2018, 11:33:44 AM »
Thanks for your reply. It has been a rather stressful morning!

No PDSA etc around here. I eventually rang another vet 12 miles away, they were very kind and I sent them a close up photo and info. They said wound can't be closed yet, just clean gently with boiled cooled salt water, as the hibiscrub can cause problems if cats licks it.

Just to keep it open and collar on, and see vet Monday. 

A few minutes later they called back and said my vet WAS open this morning. I rang mine, and they apologised and said they'd had wrong message on their phone would you believe! They then said as he kept getting at it even with a collar we should just clean it and leave it.  It is deep to see cartilage, but they said it will heal.

It has been a nightmare. We thought we were doing the right thing in taking him to vets straight away. Now feel thoroughly ripped off.  I think we could have saved ourselves £300 + and just bathed it with salt water. My main complaint is that first vet did not give any antibiotic injection or medicine. I should have queried it, but my husband took him that time.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: URGENT VET HELP PLEASE cats sticthes out again and weekend
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2018, 10:56:55 AM »
Am so sorry this has happened, and that it's proving to be so expensive.  Even with insurance, it can still incur costs that aren't covered when it comes to out of hours emergencies, so I really sympathise.  DO you have anywhere like Blue Cross or the PDSA within reasonable travelling distance?  They may even be able to offer advice over the telephone.

You could try cleaning the wound again yourselves, but the danger is that you may exacerbate matters and worsen the infection.  If the skin heals over an infected site, that can be extremely dangerous to any animal. If it continues to look angry I wouldn't hesitate to involve the vet again.  Infection can be a killer in a very short space of time. 

I wish there was something more positive I could suggest.   :hug:

Offline babsiec

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URGENT VET HELP PLEASE cats sticthes out again and weekend
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2018, 09:08:08 AM »
Any vets please help - Our 4 year old cat came in last Sunday with a cut on the top of his back foot. It was not long, but was deep, could see the bone and cartilage.

We went to first vet Monday who used 4 staples and gave injection of Meloxaid, and some liquid Meloxaid for pain. No antibiotic injection. Over £100 for that. He had a collar, but within 1 day all staples had come out, I think he still got to his foot. Took him back late next day, they bandaged it temporarily up with a very sticky bandage which stayed in place, and told us to bring him back next day for an operation to sew it up, which would cost £360 + extra for follow up visits. We have no pet insurance as we have 5 cats and prohibitivly expensive.

We contacted second vet who agreed to do same op for £190. They removed sticky bandage and said there was infection starting. They knocked him out, abraded it,  put 2 stitches in, and gave him a 2 week antibiotic injection. They sent him home with just a small plaster on, which they said would fall off in a day or so, and air needed to get to it. When it came off we were to clean it gently 3 times a day with Hibiscrub liquid diluted, and bring him back Monday.

Last night bandage was off, we cleaned it, it looked good. 2 stiches nice and clean. Now this morning he has got at it again.  Stitches are out, it looks red and angry, it is deep.

Vet is shut all weekend, emergency vet also not there this isn't a good area for good vets.

We don't have much money - to start again at a third vets now is really too much for us. Can we clean it with that Hibiscrub, and bandage it with a gauze bandage, and secure it higher up his leg to stop him getting at it again? And then see our vet Monday?

I am so worried and upset. Thanks for any advice


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