Author Topic: Thoughts on rehoming  (Read 18553 times)

Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #48 on: September 09, 2019, 22:13:25 PM »
Thanks! Yous did say never give up hope    :)

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #47 on: September 09, 2019, 19:54:39 PM »
Wonderful news!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I cannot say how happy I am for you all. :hug: :hug: :hug:
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Offline Sootyca

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #46 on: September 09, 2019, 19:15:38 PM »
Fantastic news :) You must be so happy.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #45 on: September 09, 2019, 18:26:16 PM »

This is Brilliant!!   Can't believe it but am grinning from ear to ear  :wow:
« Last Edit: September 10, 2019, 07:13:43 AM by Sue P (Paddysmum) »

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #44 on: September 09, 2019, 17:14:24 PM »
That is fantastic news and clearly calls for dancing narnas!  :yayyy: :narna dance: :chicken:

When I saw you question about constipated cats, I hardly dared hope  . . . :briggin:

Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #43 on: September 09, 2019, 14:43:26 PM »

Cannot believe it! He'd been living in a nearby village all this time and was taken to a vets at the weekend unwell and scanned. He's had to have an enema under anaesthesia so is a bit sore but otherwise healthy. So happy! I honestly thought he was gone!

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #42 on: December 23, 2018, 02:28:29 AM »

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #41 on: December 23, 2018, 01:19:39 AM »
So sorry Honey, sorry for your losses. :hug: :hug: :hug: But very glad that you have a harmonious home. Please have a very Merry Christmas and la lovely New Year. Well done for persevering.

Paula xxx/size]
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Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #40 on: December 22, 2018, 23:46:16 PM »
Hi all
Just thought I'd update, it's nearly a year since we moved and all is still going well, Dougal seems happy and completely calm around Stuart and the kids, a big improvement. Sadly no sightings of Angus, I'm convinced he's gone and our 2 older dogs passed away earlier this year too so it's just Dougal and our younger dog Bella. They aren't quite besties yet but everyone is happy, So glad I didn't make any hasty decisions about his future!

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #39 on: January 26, 2018, 17:54:26 PM »
I haven't given up hope that  you will get Angus back  :hug:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2018, 12:10:44 PM »
The only icing on the cake would be when Angus comes home. :hug: :hug: :hug: I am pleased that we were able to help. ;D

Of course.   :)

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2018, 11:28:36 AM »
The only icing on the cake would be when Angus comes home. :hug: :hug: :hug: I am pleased that we were able to help. ;D
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #36 on: January 25, 2018, 07:53:32 AM »
Glad we were able to offer some suggestions.  If you, Stuart and Dougal all end up happy, then it's the loveliest and best of outcomes.   :)

Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2018, 07:29:48 AM »
Thank you all so much for the advice and recommendations, it's been such a huge help xxx

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2018, 07:00:22 AM »
 :evillaugh: :evillaugh:  That is so lovely to read, Turnbulll.  Well done Dougal, and well done Stuart-Dougal-Daddy.

I always think Pet Remedy smells a bit herbal, but also like old trainers or teenagers unwashed socks.   :shify:

I can't deny that it does whiff a bit to us hoomans, but if your landlord was to come round, it would be relatively easy to show him the plug ins and spray.

I can offer the reassurance that the smell doesn't linger once you stop its use.  We used it on one particular chair in our house which is a fabric armchair.  It was used for around 3 months.  The chair doesn't smell of anything now (it had been peed on repeatedly whilst the gurls were young and stressed out adjusting to life as house cats - thank Gods for enzymatic cleaners!)

Our cats don't bother with ordinary catnip, but go totally blissed out over the Yeeoow stinkee ones   And Moray loves the Catmint plant which I grow in the garden for the cats - it's Six Hills Giant.  Gets pretty blue flowers on it, and the bees like it too.  Thankfully, Moray doesn't bother the bees.  He just chomps on the stalks or rubs his face in the middle of the growth   :evillaugh:  Then he rolls round on the ground and dribbles, or wanders off to give someone a bit of friendly GBH - usually Barley, or me or Daddy P.   :rofl:

Anyroad.  I hope that this is the beginning of Dougal's transformation back into a happy cat.   :hug: :hug:

Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2018, 06:13:08 AM »
Turns out the bag of catnip I had was yeeow, and he likes it! Will definitely get the toys now too. Got some zylkene, some pet remedy spray and found some cheesy flavour cat treats he likes. Stuart sprayed some pet remedy on his hands then sprinkled them with catnip and went off to hang out with Dougal, he was rolling around on his back and purring! Rubbing his face into his hands and ate the treats too. Can't believe it, usually he'd go stiff and not move and definitely wouldn't eat anything, if that's all it takes is some catnip or pet remedy i think we'll be absolutely fine  :) Stuarts says the pet remedy smells like cat pee, I've got a blocked nose so couldn't smell it but that's a bit worrying does it fade? I've not sprayed it on anything else yet. If I get the diffuser am I going to have a stinky house? Wouldn't want my new landlord to pop round and worry im not looking after the place if it stinks 😳

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2018, 20:52:49 PM »
My two love the Yeoww stinkies but don't pay much/any attention to any other catnip.

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2018, 11:30:50 AM »
I can't really add anything more constructive than Sue, but mine love the Yeeow catnip toys more than any others and Zylkene is brilliant stuff, when Merlin first moved in he terrorised the others, particularly Emo, the Zylkene took a few weeks to work, but it did. They even sleep together now. I prefer, or my cats do, the Pet Remedy too. I also used the Beaphar (sp?) Calming Spot On drops, they seemed to help too.
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #30 on: January 23, 2018, 10:10:44 AM »
 :evillaugh:  That's cats for you!  Have you ever tried him with cheese, or primula, as a treat?  Or Cosma or Thrive?  Maybe conventional treats aren't his cup of tea.  Ours aren't that keen on anything other than chicken, but I discovered Moray loves little pieces of butter, or cheddar cheese, whilst the girls love Thrive chicken or shrimp freeze dried treats.  They look decidedly odd, but they seem to love them.  :innocent:

If he likes his wrapping ribbon, then stick with it.  :)

Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #29 on: January 23, 2018, 08:57:50 AM »
They've never bothered with catnip but it's been toys with it that were probably really weak, got him one yesterday, nothing. Ive seen those yeeow stinkees though I could give them a try, got a bag of catnip too that's maybe more potent, I could dip some toys in and sprinkle on tree. He's so fussy literally not interested in anything but wrapping ribbon, there's a few more toys in the post for him so we'll see, he's never eaten any cat treats I've bought him either

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #28 on: January 23, 2018, 08:27:21 AM »
Sometimes, we lay the best of plans but life gets in the way.  From the outset, it's been very clear that you love your dogs and cats, and want the best for them.  Events however have conspired against you.  :hug:

I've had more success with Pet Remedy plug ins than Feliway, but a couple of our members were saying there's a new form of Feliway out now which seems to be working very well.  Maybe try a mix of the two?  A lot may depend on which the cat likes, rather than the ones which we prefer (it does whiff a bit like sweaty socks, but the cats definitely responded well to it in our case - 2 semi ferals integrating with a laid back little 2 year old)

Zylkene is great.  It's tasteless, available without prescription, and can do no harm, if it does no good.

In terms of where he hangs out, I'd plump for the space where he seems most relaxed, and maybe put the tree up in that spot for him initially. 

Ah, 14.  he's definitely a "senior cat" then.  Bless his paws.  Probably all he wants is a quiet life.  If you did decide to get a companion for him, it might be wisest to think of another pensioner cat who is the quietly confident, laid back sort.  Appreciate though, as you say, that may not be an option for you in the near future.

Out of curiosity, did Angus and Dougal ever have a thing about cat nip?  They may not have - not all cats respond to it, but you can buy catnip toys called Yeeoow stinkee (not sure of the spelling) - Tan sells them in the Purrs Shop.  They're not your usual run-of-the-mill catnip toys.  they're robust, and cats who like catnip go mad for the super-strength nip they contain.  Ours adore them.  They might stimulate Dougal's interest a little.  They're around £6.00 each, but as I say, they're not any namby-pamby catnip.  Could be worth considering when you get an opportunity.

If Stuart could maybe just carry on spending some quiet time with Dougal, in the bedroom or Dougal's room, that would be great.  maybe he could watch TV on a tablet, or listen to some music or quietly read a book while Dougal is resting.  If Dougal approaches him, he could offer him a tasty cat treat, but otherwise not take too much notice - giving Dougal a chance just to get brave on his own account. 

I wouldn't ever give up completely on Angus, though I do know how it feels.  I've lost some very special cats where I never found out what became of them, and it carries its own kind of heartbreak. 

The main thing is that you're trying.  I'd say, give the plug ins a whirl, try some of the magic Zylkene in every meal, hunt out the cat tree and get it in place, and see what happens next.

Give Dougal a very gentle ear rub from me and our crew.    They said to tell him, they all know what it's like to be in a strange place, where things aren't what they were and seem scary, but it can be a really good thing, honest!  :hug: :hug:

Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2018, 08:07:14 AM »
Thanks for the advice, I was just reading some old posts here I'd never heard of that zylkene before so will give that a try, I've always been dubious about feliway too just from reading rubbish reviews on amazon but if you think it'll work I'll get some. Should have at least tried it really! I did initially put him in our room with his litter tray and food with his bed on a high unit as I've not had a chance to get the tree up yet but that was when he was running off pooping. He'll tolerate Stuart in there at night but not in the daytime for some reason. He still has a bed in there though and is hanging out there at night but seems to prefer the spare room in the day. He's 14 now.
It's been a bit overwhelming really but liking the house, the rest of us are settled. No interaction with the dogs yet, ill work on that when he's more settled. Wow i was thinking you'd be thinking this person should just not have cats so for you to suggest a companion is hugely encouraging!! I would love that but definitely a long way off. He really is more timid on his own, I don't think we'll ever see Angus again but you never know   :(

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2018, 07:08:52 AM »
A move is a big thing, for any of us.  Especially because we move for a whole host of reasons - jobs, family circumstances, more room/less room, more outside space/less outside space.

It can be exciting or nerve-wracking, and of course we know why we're moving and we fully participate in the process.  Cats don't have that luxury, and so it can be far more traumatic for them.

Given that Dougal is probably still missing Angus anyway, and doesn't have his good buddy to help bolster his confidence, and do that whole "exploring together" thing, will make a huge difference.  Everything to him will be in the wrong place.  The new house won't smell like home, and it's all a bit strange.

Have you popped the Pet remedy/Feliway plug ins back in?  If not, I'd do that straight away, and maybe buy another couple to pop in as many rooms as you can.

I suspect Dougal is spending more time hiding out in your bedroom because that will have the most intense scents of comfort for him.  It might be an idea, if you and Stuart are comfortable with doing so, to make that his "hang-out" spot, rather than the spare room.  I know it's not a great prospect, but it might even help putting him a litter tray in there too, but leaving the door open so he can explore if he wants, and then putting another litter tray in the area you'd prefer to have it.  It's great that Stuart is feeding him, and in the bedroom, as it will help to maintain the trust that was starting to build up between them.  Could you try some Zylkene on his food again?

Is he interacting with your dogs at all?  In time, and if he can take things slowly, he might feel a bit more brave about venturing out, especially if you can get everything you want to have to hand unpacked as soon as you can (no mean feat, I know, especially when you're already tired and a bit dispirited).

Has he got his cat tree out?  If there's somewhere he favours more than others - a particular window or vantage spot for example, you could try putting the tree out there, with some cat treats on it to tempt him to try it out.  Give him a few days to get interested.  If he doesn't respond, then try moving the tree to somewhere which might be more tempting.  Some cats love looking out of the window, whereas others can find it a bit too stimulating, so you might have to experiment a little to find a place that works the best.

If you do have to begin to consider rehoming again, some rescues may put your cats on a rehoming list, while the cat remains with you, and then encourage people to view the cats in their existing homes.  I know there are two rescues near us who work this way, but it can take a while to find a suitable place, so understand your fears.

I don't think you're being cruel.  You'd never have asked for advice on this subject unless you'd given it your utmost thought.  Most people who no longer want their cats simply stick them on Gumtree or similar and flog them for a few quid, or do the "free  to quick home" style of thing, never knowing where their cat/s end up.    You're not doing that.  You desperately want to make things work.

How old is Dougal?  I've had a quick glance back through the posts but I can't find it, apologies.   The older he is, the more tricky he might find it to adjust, unless he's a real golden oldie  - they often just want somewhere warm and comfy to snooze.  I think from the sounds of it, Dougal isn't at that stage yet.

The other possibility, which is not quite as mad as it will undoubtedly sound, might be to get him a cat companion (in time).  This would be a case of trying to match the potential companion to Dougal's personality, so that you got a good match.  It may help to bring him out of himself, but it's also a tad risky, because you're a busy individual, and introductions often take time to supervise and effect.

I'd say it's early days yet, but the fact Dougal is at least coming out to explore when you're around is a good thing.    You could also try spraying Feliway Spray or Pet Remedy spray around the house, on the sofa and soft furnishings, or alternatively, spray it on a towel or soft blanket, and pop that somewhere inviting for him. 

Let us know how you all get on.  Other than that, is the house living up to your expectations, or is it all a bit over/underwhelming?   It can take time for everyone to adjust to a change of surroundings, so take it a day at a time.   :hug:


Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2018, 05:57:02 AM »

Yes we're in, mostly unpacked, did have my regrets the first 4-5 days. Dougal seems to have regressed with Stuart, every time he went into a room where Dougal was he'd poop run off and poop in a few more rooms before finding a hiding place he liked. We've put his things in a spare room and he now hangs out there the whole day only venturing out in the evening then goes into our room to sleep some more, he seems happier in there he hasn't pooped at the sight of Stuart for a few days, Stuart gives him food in there. Have been busy with the move so not yet been able to spare him much time so I'm still unsure this is going to work out but will see. Felt terrible for putting him through this, I just can't bear the thought of him languishing in a rescue centre for goodness knows how long, that's what holds me back rehoming him and the ones that use fosters seem to be desperate for more fosters so would probably be taking only more needy cats like strays or something. At his age too its likely he'd be overlooked. Not sure what an acceptable amount of time is to give this a chance, can't have him living in fear for weeks but he's definitely gaining a bit more confidence, hes been downstairs the last couple nights for a look about so that's a start. Am I being cruel or is this normal after an upheaval? Last time we moved he had Angus for comfort and settled in a couple of days.

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2018, 12:39:53 PM »
Just popping by to say that I hope the move has now taken place, that everything went smoothly, and that most of the boxes are unpacked with everyone settling in well.   :)

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2018, 22:34:39 PM »
I am so sorry that Angus has not made it home yet and really hope that it will still happen. I also hope that the move goes really well for you, on all counts.

Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2018, 18:01:25 PM »
Thank you!

Will do, with the address change I mean

I thought it was beneath Dougal to play with toys too not even a laser interests him but he's a sucker for some wrapping ribbon or an elastic band! I'm gona make a kind of whack a mole box for him with one of the empty boxes n see if that's a hit too


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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2018, 09:31:37 AM »
Dougal - predictive text strikes again.  I hate using phones to post!!   :innocent:

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2018, 09:30:27 AM »
Am also sad to learn Angus hasn t  made it home.   :hug:

Love that you've put a plan of action in place for Douglas and that it's looking really promising.  You must be feeling so much more positive now.   :)

The cat tree is such a great move.  Bet Dougal really appreciates it.

Hoping the move goes really smoothly and look forward to hearing from you when all of your boxes are unpacked and you're settling into your new home.

Great advice from Paula about remembering to update microchip details - always easy to overlook in the melee of a move.

Good luck!!   ;D

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2018, 05:21:03 AM »

I am sorry that Angus is still missing, I think that the cat tree for Dougal is a brilliant idea, as you say, it gives him a 'my' space where he can be undisturbed by the kids, who only want to love him after all, but it can get a bit much for the cat. It's also brilliant that Stuart is starting to feed and make a fuss of him.

My OH professes to hate cats, until we got the last addition, Merlin, who is now 'his' cat, but he if the first to grab the  laser toy and have four cats racing around after the red dot. Or play with a fishing rod toy with them. My eldest cat thinks it is beneath her to play with toys. These Husbands can be trained. ;)

I hope that your move goes well, it's hard enough, especially with young kids, remember to tell everyone your new address and contact the microchip people as well to update them so that if Angus does return you can be reunited.

Thinking of you.

Paula xxx
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Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2018, 23:24:24 PM »
Hi all
Just thought I'd update, Angus is still missing, I really suspect he's been run over. He has chronic constipation issues that by now would be making him feel quite ill so if anyone had taken him in he'd have ended up at a vet, if he was able to come home I feel like he would if he's unwell.   
Dougal is still with us, hubby (Stuart) is under orders to befriend him, he feeds and pets him and Dougal is slowly coming round and I'm making a point of spending more time with him. We move in a couple of days and I'm feeling quite positive about getting him more involved with us. When we first moved into our current house the cats really came out their shells with being shut in a few weeks, they were both fine with Stuart, slept on our bed and got alot more attention but after having my second baby, who would sleep in our room, I put a stop to that. That's when it went downhill really so I think we can turn this around. I've got him a cat tree so he can feel safe where the kids can't reach him, we use baby gates too so he can have a bedroom upstairs where the kids can't get to if he wants space which is where I'll put his litter tray and food at least initially and I'm going to make sure there are plenty high places and hidey places all around the house so he might have a few more comfy spots. I really should have got the cat tree ages ago, they stopped hanging out upstairs when my youngest became mobile and he would bother them a bit so I'd usher them back downstairs in case he got scratched.
I know it was suggested to rehome before moving, Ive been waiting to see if Angus turned up but also based on how quickly he settled last time we moved and the fact that he's been fine with Stuart in the past and is happy to be patted by the kids and has never been pestered by the dogs I thought I'd give this one last try. It's too late now to change the fact that he'll have to come with us, I'd never get him a home that quick so may as well give it a try. So we'll see. Hope no one thinks this a terrible idea
 😳 Wish us luck! I'll let you know how its going in a few weeks

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2017, 20:09:56 PM »
I'm afraid I cannot add anything to the advice you have already been given - but I do want to say  :welcome: to Purrs, although I am sorry you have come to us in such difficult circumstances. I do hope you get good news of Angus soon, I know how painful it is to not know what has happened  :hug:

Same as that and  :welcome:.

Paula xxx
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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2017, 17:32:54 PM »
I'm afraid I cannot add anything to the advice you have already been given - but I do want to say  :welcome: to Purrs, although I am sorry you have come to us in such difficult circumstances. I do hope you get good news of Angus soon, I know how painful it is to not know what has happened  :hug:

Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2017, 16:25:10 PM »
Great thanks, he's not on that one it was and another villager put him on lost box after I'd shared it to our FB group.  Will get him on this one too 👍

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2017, 14:49:58 PM »
It's understandable.  You're going through a very distressing time of things.    :hug:  And my sense of humour is an acquired taste.   :doh:

This isn't the place I was thinking of but I can't find the old emails on my home poorer unfortunately.  Nonetheless, I did register with these and it at least felt like I was doing something.  It was the feeling I couldn't do anything useful that was the most incapacitating.

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2017, 14:04:55 PM »
I realise that now, I'm a bit bristly about the whole thing lol. I appreciate the advice from both, reading it back I could see it wasnt intended that way too I was just being oversensitive and reading too much into it 😊

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2017, 13:23:45 PM »
I'm sorry you find yourself in this situation and understand your feelings ( by the way you just misinterpreted what Sue said as you don't know her sense of humour yet - she is fab with her advice)
I do think you are taking your cats welfare as your principle concern and this is admirable. The cats seem to clash with your husband and in their best interests I would advise you to rehome them maybe to a quiet, lady only household if that can be found.
I always say that any decision made from love is the right one and yours is made from love. You will always feel guilty especially if little Angus does not come back. That is normal and shows the love. We feel guilty whatever happens to our cats be it making any decision regarding their health, welfare or mental happiness.
To me your move is the ideal time to rehome. If you move the cat /s with you first then decide it isn't working it means a double whammy for them. I would say do it before you move and let it rest easy on your heart.
Never regret a decision made from love whatever it is. You can only do your best and do what is best for everyone concerned in your family. If that means a cat changes life to a new family and settles well then so be it. I wish you luck in your decision.
Please stay and let us know how things work out.
souf by Lynne Blair, on Flickr

Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2017, 13:11:06 PM »
Brill thank you, I've got some posters up on our Lane we get a lot of dog walkers that will see them and I've got a pile of posters to put thru the letterboxes today, hadn't thought to contact insurance company. I'll keep coming back after I move to call on him but hopefully he'll be home by then

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2017, 13:07:00 PM »
Your insurance might also be able to help with posting adverts for Angus' s safe return.  I'm trying to find the info for you on the people we signed up with when our littlest girl disappeared this summer as they were very helpful too.

Offline Turnbulll

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Re: Thoughts on rehoming
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2017, 13:00:45 PM »
I definitely won't make any decisions yet, we are moving next month so I would have had to keep them indoors at least initially anyway so was hoping to have a better layout for them and maybe get them used to being in more. There's a small spare room upstairs that I thought could be their bedroom and I'll be in there alot, they might start being more social with us if they are more in our way rather than in a utility away from us. I'll look into catios that sounds good.
I've reported Angus to local vets, council, petlog and they tell rescues in a 30 mile radius, local lost pets fb page, our local village fb group, 2 lost car sites and I did email cats protection league too not sure if they would reply or just post him on their site too. He's chipped aswell. We actually had a tracker on his collar which is how we found it.


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