Author Topic: Miss Xian of the Clan Cats  (Read 8429 times)

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Miss Xian of the Clan Cats
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2018, 14:11:01 PM »
Oh LIz, your hearts must be so sore just now! I am sorry that your little lady has left you but very glad that she did not fall asleep alone.

RIP Miss Xian, you will be greatly missed.

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Miss Xian of the Clan Cats
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2018, 19:00:23 PM »
Oh dear Liz, I am so sorry to you and Robin for yet another loss. :hug: :hug: :hug:

She went loved and comforted by Sunny BC.

Play hard on The Bridge Miss Xian. :Luv:
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Miss Xian of the Clan Cats
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2018, 17:44:06 PM »

Liz, this is such an atrocious time for you in terms of loss, but - as you say - how wonderful that Xian slipped away, secure in the warmth and companionship of her beloved Sunny as she made her final journey.  I can think of nothing better for her.

My heart goes out to you.  Please give Sunny a gentle ear rub from all at Pad Towers.   :hug: :hug:

Offline souffle

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Re: Miss Xian of the Clan Cats
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2018, 17:34:20 PM »
I am so sorry for your loss. I'm glad she went in comfort with a friend to walk a little way along the path with her.
Run free at the bridge Miss Xian xx
souf by Lynne Blair, on Flickr

Offline dawnf

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Re: Miss Xian of the Clan Cats
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2018, 14:15:18 PM »
oh Liz I am sorry, you are having a tough time at the moment  :hug:

Offline Liz

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Miss Xian of the Clan Cats
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2018, 13:57:10 PM »
Very sadly yesterday Robin found our one eyed wonder the gorgeous bridle tortie Miss Xian all curled up in her bed with Sunny Border Colliie asleep around her fast a sleep forever

We adopted Xian and her sisters Schaille and Sparkle on 16 June 2004 as 16 week old feral hellions

She adapted to inside life with gusto and soon learnt all the things kittens are supposed to apart from human handling, when this happened she ripped all her fur out so it became twice a year with vets visits to lessen the stress it caused her

She moved with us and was also one of the ones who didn't go in the great escape as our alpha ladies stayed so did she

She was our first tortie and leaves a wonderful legacy in the ones who are with us today. She was always delicate to say the least and had most things wrong with her kidneys, and her special mutant claws

She lost an eye just over 14 months ago and died on the table but our vets bought her back and she rallied as best she could and adapted very well to being one eyed and in fact had never looked better for it, but that bought the kidney issues to the fore and we fought a good fight she loved treats so was easy to tablet and was doing well.

We are grateful she went at home with no human touching involved with her big brother Sunny keeping watch over her, she passed away peacefully with all the Clan surrounding her with love

We love and miss her and she joins the Clan at the Bridge
Adopted 16 June 2004 died at home 29 October 2018
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs


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