Author Topic: Dislocated toe  (Read 5038 times)

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Dislocated toe
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2017, 23:19:32 PM »
As you are getting conflicting info from various vets, is there one in particular that you trust? If so I would get an opinion from that one person. If not, you know your own cat, trust your own instincts. I would still restrict movement until you are entirely sure that she is well enough though.
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Offline nicter

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Dislocated toe
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2017, 21:00:34 PM »
We took our 3 year old tortie to the vet 10 days ago and she was diagnosed with a dislocated middle toe back leg
Leg was bandaged and bandage has been changed 3 times to date. She was initially on cage rest but now room rest
As bandage has caused sore area on her "elbow" she is now dressing free but remains on room rest
Toe is looking fine and there have been no issues since it was re-aligned
My question is how long is she likely to need to be restricted for please ?
Very little info online and what there is varies
Have seen several vets at practice and their advice varies too !
Anyone have any experience of this please ?
Thankyou   :(
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