Author Topic: Beanie hates being picked up  (Read 7071 times)

Offline Sassybot

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Re: Beanie hates being picked up
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2017, 19:09:06 PM »
One of my cats goes from nuzzling your neck and purring to full blow devil creature if I try and pick her up so I can move! She completely hates it and isn't ferral. I've found she is a bit calmer if I put one hand on the back of her neck and then scoop her up under the tummy. She'll stay calm long enough to get her in her carrier/in the house/away from whatever she is doing that she shouldn't do.

It's not grabbing her by her neck (never do that), but just putting your hand firmly in the area where mum would pick kittens up. Just that initial bit of pressure seems to be enough for her to question what is happening for a moment.

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Re: Beanie hates being picked up
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2017, 12:01:49 PM »
We range from absolute panic  :scared: :scared: :scared: (Billy Whiz aged 13 years) to jumping up on me without warning, climbing over my shoulder and draping over back of my neck  :shify:  (Popeye aged 6 months  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: )

It's so sad to have a cat that is just too scared to trust  :( :(  Our Billy Whiz also came to us aged just under 2 years with strict instructions to never try to collar him so expect there is a very sad tale behind his previous life. 

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Beanie hates being picked up
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2017, 04:29:14 AM »
Also how you hold or carry a cat can make quite a difference as some cats strongly object to what can feel like restraint so draping on one shoulder with one hand supporting the bum can be a good way altho best to practice this whilst seated initially as they can escape more easily.

That is how I pick mine up, the exception being Bob, who is far more like a feral than my feral and strays. She panics if held in any way shape or form. I suspect it's because she was born in a house with kids that grabbed her. She trusts me enough that I can get her into the carrier, but only just.
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Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Beanie hates being picked up
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2017, 09:46:06 AM »
I think there so very many levels of "doesn't like being picked up" from absolute panic to just squirming.

If we are talking squirming then picking up and putting down followed by a treat sounds an excellent plan. 

Also how you hold or carry a cat can make quite a difference as some cats strongly object to what can feel like restraint so draping on one shoulder with one hand supporting the bum can be a good way altho best to practice this whilst seated initially as they can escape more easily.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Beanie hates being picked up
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2017, 09:19:18 AM »
I don't have any advice I'm afraid but Jaffa hated being picked up.  He liked benign stroked, would cuddle up to me and sit on my knee, but he hated being restrained in any way or being picked up.  I just accepted that he hated it and didn't pick him up unless absolutely essential (basically when he had to be put in his carrier) and accepted he would complain and squirm and it would be horrible for everyone!

Mosi loves being picked up - absolutely loves it and nestles into my neck for cuddles whenever I pick him up.  I'm not sure whether that's just his personality or because he got used to it as a kitten.  I remember when I collected him from the breeeder's house as a baby - I was carrying him around the house and chatting to the breeder for ages and I think he got used to it and associated it with nice things right from the start.  But if you aren't in a n position to do that when they are very small, I don't know whether you can ever get pats that dislike of being picked up.  A cat isn't in control when being picked up so I think most feel a bit vulnerable and as a result can panic and lash out.

Kito is ok being picked up and enjoys it much of the time but he doesn't love it in the way Mosi does.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Beanie hates being picked up
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2017, 08:18:17 AM »
my Bengal is 12 and been with me since she was 14 weeks, she hates being picked up and always will, just the way she is made!

Offline Cloveart

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Re: Beanie hates being picked up
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2017, 22:28:09 PM »
The office cats don't like being picked up, so I only pick them up when it is essential. We learned recently that Kizzie also hates being put in the carrier basket. We had to run in all directions to catch her, in order to take her to the vet. She was as good as gold with the vet, though. They know what they are doing, those little cats.  :naughty:
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Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Beanie hates being picked up
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2017, 19:53:24 PM »
Hi Hikari,

We have very similar problems with Sky. She was an RSPCA cat and we don't know her background - other than that a member of the public complained to RSPCA and Sky was taken away. She will come and stand on my chest when we are in bed, she will rub her head around my hands, purr and treadle. However, I cannot get near enough to pick her up, she runs away if we even approach her. I did manage to gently lift her when she was on my chest, just for a moment - but I have thoroughly upset her by catching her to go to the vet so she is now keeping well out of arms reach  :(

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Beanie hates being picked up
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2017, 09:44:06 AM »
Fully appreciate your concerns Hikari and wish I could offer advice, but we still haven't got over that hurdle with our own semi ferals.  It is frustrating when you need to get them to the vet.  My OH had a very near miss with his eye on one such occasion.  Sadly one of ours has just gone missing so I guess our risk exposure has just halved, though I would it were otherwise.

Offline Hikari92

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Beanie hates being picked up
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2017, 16:25:23 PM »
Ok so in the last 2 weeks beanie and i have been practicing being picked up. He is not fond of this at all and i get that but for the purpose of getting him in his crate, picking him up and putting him on vet table etc i want him to at least tolerate it to the point no one gets hurt. He had been doing fine, started small only for a second or 2 then back down and a treat given. He has been a bit squirmy but i expected that. Today i picked him up to put in the house and his claws got me on my hand and eyebrow. Its not like he attacked me just his limbs went everywhere as he was squirming.
Today he has been in a really weird mood so that could be why he wasnt as tolerant this time but i wondered how other cat owners have dealt with this issue? He is 2 years old so you would think he would already know that picking up isnt a bad thing but until we adopted him 3 months ago he had very little human contact


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