Author Topic: Save Hedgehog Wildlife Habitat/Feral Cat Colony/Bird Sanctuary  (Read 4817 times)

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Save Hedgehog Wildlife Habitat/Feral Cat Colony/Bird Sanctuary
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2016, 10:52:12 AM »
I've nothing to do with this but it's a good cause with few signatures so far.

Stop builders bulldozing allotments in Mills Hill, Middleton which provide a wildlife corridor and home for hedge hogs, a bird sanctuary with goldfinches and many other birds and 9 feral cats who are fed and looked after by local residents. There is no need to bulldoze this area as the builders are then returning it to local residents. Mature trees, the hard work over 50 years on the allotments and the wildlife habitat will be destroyed for no reason at all.

On another forum someone wrote:

We've successfully fought several planning applications which were supported by the town council. While petitions are good for raising awareness, town councils and planning committees usually don't pay much attention to them. It's usually more effective for local people to write to every town councillor and member of the planning committee individually and present valid planning objections. They probably won't care about hedgehogs or feral cats, so you need to find valid planning objections.

Have you spoke with any town or district councillors to see if any of them are sympathetic? Is there a residents association which could help?


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