Author Topic: Cat sick with fur balls daily/hyperthyroidism too  (Read 2903 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Cat sick with fur balls daily/hyperthyroidism too
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2016, 18:30:53 PM »
I hope the blood tests show the reason and then treatment can be sorted  :hug: :hug:

Mine are all long haired but think its quite unusual for shorthairs to gather so much fur, their must be a reason and hope your vet can find it,

One way of getting water into their bodys is to mix a little into their food everytime.

Offline heather sullivan

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Re: Cat sick with fur balls daily/hyperthyroidism too
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2016, 22:18:05 PM »
my 21 year old hyperthyroid cat is always throwing up hairballs, she is a short haired. tabby. Prob at least once to twice a week she is sick, she does spend a lot of time grooming. I gave her Katalax which she loves, makes her do huge hairy poos :rofl:, but stops her being sick for a while. Might be worth you trying some Katalax, which you get off your vet? or online.

Offline ssjcox

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Re: Cat sick with fur balls daily/hyperthyroidism too
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2016, 15:22:47 PM »
Thank you guys, she came down and played and hasn't been sick since yesterday morning, which is the longest she has gone so far..hopefully she will continue in the right direction?
Oh dear I spoke too soon, she has just vomited up a hair fur ball which is about 5inches long! This can't be normal...
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 17:15:46 PM by ssjcox, Reason: Update »

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Cat sick with fur balls daily/hyperthyroidism too
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2016, 13:59:17 PM »
Everything will depend on the results of blood tests.  It is a question of getting the medication levels just right which can change with time. 

Hopefully your vet is performing kidney, liver etc tests and not just thyroid.  Don't mean to be alarmist as I am no vet but thyroid meds can affect the liver sometimes which can make a cat feel sick.  If this happens, the meds are stopped for a while and reduced/changed.  Have you considered the thyroid op for your girl or radio iodine treatment  if you can afford it and she is otherwise suitable?

Vidalta is not the only medication.  Felimazole is also often used but is a generally a twice daily medication rather than just daily. 

I send every good wish for your precious Tortie girl  :hug: :hug:

Offline Liz

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Re: Cat sick with fur balls daily/hyperthyroidism too
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2016, 11:14:41 AM »
Sometimes Vitalda stops working in Hyper T's we have Max who is 17 and was diagnosed at 8 he had Vitalda then the op to remove thyroid and has been on Felmezole for the past 3 years and although skinny healthy and happy, our other Hyper T was feral and she was great for 3 years on Vitalda before other things took her from us last year

We never changed their food and blood test twice a year but worth having a chat with the vet as sometimes the doses need to be tweaked to keep them stable
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Cat sick with fur balls daily/hyperthyroidism too
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2016, 09:31:03 AM »
Hi there, and welcome to Purrs.   :welcome:  Sorry you've found us under such distressing circumstances.  :hug:

When we had Paddy, who was a 20 year old cat with hyperthyroidism and a heart murmur, and who had suffered from a stroke previously.  He would often bring up hairballs, and sometimes just pink tinged bile.  Our vet used to give him an injection (am sorry but I dont recall what it was) and it would generally help with the sickness element.  I know Paddy was permanently hungry in his last year, and we'd free feed him, but often he wanted to be fed by hand.

I would have a chat to your vet when the blood results come back, as it does sound like she may be dehydrated - again, cats with hyperthyroidism have a tendency to be thirsty more than usual, and the constipation could well be a side effect of that.  Try not to worry in the meantime.

Sending warmest thoughts for your little tortie lady.

Offline ssjcox

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Cat sick with fur balls daily/hyperthyroidism too
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2016, 08:59:09 AM »
Hi, I'm so worried about my cat. She is a 12 yr old shorthaired tortie.
For the last year she has been taking Vidalta. One a day. She has always been quite fit and healthy. We noticed she had a heart murmur a year ago, which was when the hyperthyroidism was diagnosed.
Six weeks ago I took her to the vet for her three monthly blood test to assess the levels and they were borderline low. 10.2. I have noticed that she was getting dry skin, but she's not over grooming, but I did mention to the vet that she keeps swallowing a lot- I notice this at night as she sleeps on my bed.
Since Monday 8th Feb she has been sick every day, the first two days she was off her food,only sick once a day, sometimes during the day when I'm at work or in the early hours of the morning. Each time the sick is full of fur balls and occasionally some undigested food. She's hungry, she wants to eat normally. Her last poo was very dry and she was constipated.
I can't believe a cat can be so full of hair. Would it be possible that she is now hypo thyroid? Anyone had any experience of this?
We took her to the vet on Thursday he took three lots of bloods but the results won't be back till Monday. I'm so worried. He mentioned it could be her pancreas.


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