Author Topic: Soon to be for sale: Poppy, one careful owner...  (Read 1189 times)

Offline littleKitten_(alex)

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Re: Soon to be for sale: Poppy, one careful owner...
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2007, 20:58:03 PM »

Go with the flow, its their house anyway  :rofl: :rofl:

Haha, I try to. Sometimes it's difficult, though...  :-:

Ummmmm I think you got their names the wrong way round  :rofl: :rofl: Poppy sounds like a monkey to me  ;D

Believe me - Monkey deserves his name! He IS a monkey, and he climbs like one! Poppy climbs like a steam roller...  ;)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Soon to be for sale: Poppy, one careful owner...
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2007, 20:52:36 PM »
Poppy sounds just like a normal cat to me  :rofl: :rofl:

Mine also have to get onto the window sill in stages but I put a big and I mean big tool box there to help them, pointless fighting them and why shouldnt they watch the birds and mice from the warmth of the window sill?

The cat dishes are in utility room and only prob is when I want to go into the fridge and they are eating, well I just have to wait  ;D

Ummmmm I think you got their names the wrong way round  :rofl: :rofl: Poppy sounds like a monkey to me  ;D

Go with the flow, its their house anyway  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Team Svartalfheims

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Re: Soon to be for sale: Poppy, one careful owner...
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2007, 20:49:17 PM »
Bloomin' heck we'll have her! An NFC that is lazy and doesn't want to jump all the time sounds intriguing plus she's simply  :Luv:
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Offline littleKitten_(alex)

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Soon to be for sale: Poppy, one careful owner...
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2007, 20:44:15 PM »
... ok, not really. But Poppy is really doing her best to wear out my patience at the moment!

Until yesterday, she'd never ventured up onto the kitchen worktops. Monkey started doing it months ago, but he's an agile little boy, so it's never really been a problem. Poppy, however, could never really be bothered. She's not very interested in things that require any kind of physical activity, unless it's running when she's called for dinner... But yesterday, she discovered her new favourite hobby: jumping up & sitting in the kitchen window. But... Poppy is not a dainty little elegant cat. Wherever she goes things fall over and/or down... So now I keep running to the kitchen whenever I hear loud banging & clanging noises coming from there.

To get up onto the window sill, she first jumps up on the kitchen bin, and then to the window. That way she doesn't have to jump too far in one go.  :) But the problem is, we have one of those bins that you open by pressing the lid  down and then the lid springs open. So what happens is, Poppy jumps up on the bin, and as soon as she jumps off it, the lid opens. So she can't use the same route on her way down, 'cos then she'd end up in the open bin.  :rofl: So instead she just jumps randomly into the air and lands wherever. Most recently, in the food bowl. NOT the dried food, which would have been easy to clean up, but in the recently replenished wet food. It's rather impressive just how much floor can get covered in a pouch of cat food in jelly...  >:(

And of course, being a cat, she wouldn't dream of feeling guilty about it. At least dogs have the decency to look guilty. I'll swap Poppy for a dog soon.

I find myself mopping the kitchen floor daily at the moment, just yesterday I gave them both some kitten milk. Monkey got his in a normal little bowl, but Poppy is a messy drinker, so I poured hers into a big mixing bowl, thinking the high sides would keep her from spraying milk everywhere. Not so.  :( OH thinks it's hilarious - well, he doesn't have to clean it all up!

 >:( >:( >:( The things we have to put up with. I'm not even going to mention Monkey coming in earlier with muddy paws and walking all over the new PALE fabric I'm making a blouse out of. Ooops, I just mentioned it...  ;)


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