15th December 2007 - 2nd April 2015
Oh Bonnie, I'm in floods of tears still and I know you will be missing me as much as I am missing you

I really miss sharing my bed with you, I hope you have a nice one on The Bridge. Maybe you are sharing a nice big one with Franta Napoleon

We came in to each others lives when we really needed someone, I had lost Smudge and you had a rotten mum that didn't take you to the vet when you was ill and you had to have your tail removed.
I was so sorry when you went blind in September 2014 but you managed to find everything you needed, especially our bed and your Dreamies

BUT when you had the 2 strokes in March this year I knew I had to let you go to The Rainbow Bridge where you could be fit and healthy again. I could not be cruel to you, no matter how sad I was my little Angel.

I know you are watching over me as you guided Tan's hand to your ticket in the Purrs Draw for me, thank you Bonnie

I know you and Jaffa were always the quiet ones at Purrs Parties but you can run around and enjoy everything now.
Purrs miss you and so do I but we must live our new lives as well as we can. No doubt you are watching the new Golden Oldie in my life and laughing at her cos Kitty isn't getting as much fuss as you cos she is still a bit shy

What do you think of Mosi's new friend, Kito? So much younger than Jaffa, I don't have the energy for a young 'un

Have a fantastic time up there Bonnie and remember to send me a rainbow now and again from you and Smudge
Lots of love, kisses and belly rubs from your mum.