Author Topic: New kitten on the horizon.  (Read 7413 times)

Offline hollycat

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2015, 12:41:38 PM »

Hello again Katie.  ;D

As has been said cat litter is a tricky one. I use shredded cardboard and a bit of wood based litter. I have to shred the cardboard myself but it doesn't take long and there is a plentiful supply from Tesco across the road. Ot costs me £3 a month for litter, so I save a fortune.

Astrophe and Zoonie were fed Whiskas and Felix kitten food pouches till they were a year old, they also had Royal Canin dry kitten, James Wellbeloved dry kitten and any other dry they could get their paws on ;D

The only wet food they will eat now is Felix AGAIL and then only the fish varieties, and maybe a meaty one, once a week. They also have James Wellbeloved grain free dry turkey or Royal Canin exigent 35/30 or savour sensation.
They have 3 packets of food a day each plus dry. They get treats too.They ate indoor only cats.

They are big lads, 6kg or 13lbs 3oz each. As Sue said(thank you Sue  :hug:) they are very active, I play with them at least two hours every day, plus they charge round like idiots.

Offline Nicola (RockysMum)

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2015, 12:36:44 PM »
I use Catsan for my two as well. I went for non-clumping though as I'd read somewhere that clumping isn't good for kittens because it produces more dust that they breathe in??

The woman at the rescue told me what food they were on and I bought loads of it because changing food can upset their tummies. They haven't touched it since I got them and now I have about 18 cans of the stuff  :censored:

I always had my other three boys on dried cat food which they could nibble on freely and 3 or 4 pouches of wet food a day. But they were both diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and then Jake with kidney disease and my vet told me he thought food had a lot to do with it.
I took them off dried food after that and was more careful to try and give them the best quality wet food I could, but it's pricey. And as Sue said, they can be so fussy so at times its been a case of feeding them whatever they'll eat  ;)

I felt like we were preparing for a new baby as well. When I was getting the house ready for them my OH kept saying I was 'nesting'  and when they arrived he sent a photo of me with them to my mum and brother saying "mum and babies both doing well" :rofl:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2015, 12:20:15 PM »
 :evillaugh: :evillaugh:   Our old labrador was like that too.

When we had Tess, our Beardie, we used to feed Paddy on a designated kitchen bench.

When we moved house, we were fortunate enough to have a kitchen door which could be kept shut.

We now have a cat flap in the door from the kitchen to the living room,  and no longer have a dog (a shame, as we've had dogs our lives long, but OH feels he's too old to take on another dog now.  I was extremely disappointed initially, but I have since come round to accepting his thoughts on the matter)

I sometimes get that too with the smilies, but if I close it down and then go back to it, it normally "re-sets."   What browser are you using Katie?

Offline Dawn F

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2015, 11:04:57 AM »
I think someone else recently mentioned having a baby stair gate to help with that

Offline McKitties (Katie)

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2015, 10:40:05 AM »
Better behaved Rosella, I'm liking that! Not sure if that will last long in this crazy house though!!

Thanks for taking the time to give me yet more advice Sue , it's all very helpful and I love reading it. I will have a few doggy related hurdles to deal with, ie leaving food down for kitty to graze, it just ain't goin to happen as Staffa our mad lab with an insatiable appetite will see to that and probably any litter deposits too.
Any dog owners out there who can give me solutions?

I see there's going to be a bit of trial and error and will have to wait nearer the time to see what's what. It's like preparing for a new baby coming home isn't it?!!

On a technical note using the forum, if I press 'more' to get more emoticons, I just get an about blank page, any suggestions?

Thanks again for your input, it's really helpful knowing everyone's different ways of doing things.
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2015, 08:44:01 AM »

Agreed Rosella.  But it will feel like aaaaaages unless Katie gets caught up in the madness that is us!!   :wow: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

I prefer uncovered litter trays, as you can keep an eye on what's going on.   :shify:  But, they are undoubtedly messier.  A mat under the tray helps prevent litter tracking across the floors.    As for litter, that's a very individual preference for a cat.  most will happily use whatever they are using as kittens.

We use Catsan.  It's pricey, but no odours, and it works out quite economical if you change the litter regularly, because it's a clumping iltter, so there's little waste.    There are other clumping litters which are cheaper, but may be worth finding out what her current people put out for them, and stick with that. 

Cat food manufacturers are definitely pushing dry food, as it's cheaper for them to produce, and quicker, and stores for longer.  Trouble is, it's not really that great for cats because it tends to be full of grains and other cr*p which can lead to long term health issues.   Far more cats and dogs have digestive disorders now than they did back in the 50's and 60's when Arthurs and Kattomeat were on the go.  (For those of us old enough to remember that far back  ;))

Plus, cats get a lot of their water from wet food, so I'd definitely stick with canned food (pouches or whatever).  Much depends on budget, too.  The pricier meats are generally lower in additives and rubbish fillers. 

Having said that, as many of us can attest, cats can and will turn their noses up at anythign and everything - usually when you've just stocked the cupboards up with their current favourite, so again, trial and error may be the order of the day.

Generally, ours get around three to four pouches a day each, and dried food is available if they want it, with plenty of fresh water.

Neither of the boys are overweight, but they're indoor/outdoor.  Indoor cats need a little more careful management with their weight, generally speaking.  Except for Astro and Zoonie perhaps, because they're amazingly athletic for indoor cats, and in superb condition.  Oh - and so are Mosi and Kito, Susanne's two.  And Gill's Lupin.....    :wow: :wow: ;D :evillaugh:
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 08:45:30 AM by Sue P (Paddysmum) »

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2015, 08:29:38 AM »
5 weeks may seem forever but so worth it to wait till 10 weeks old as momcat will be use that time to teach Indie to be better behaved  :)

Delighted for you  :wow:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2015, 02:13:59 AM »
Wet food is the best food and likely willneed kitten food but find out what theyn are having where they live cosmyou may need to wean them slowly from that to what you want them to eat.

Biscuitsare good to leave out if you want them to free feed a bit while you are out and again you can get kitten biscuits where the kibble is smaller.

So many foods and also litters, things have changed a lot in that time.

Again see what litter Indie is using now.

I think mif Indie is mixing with allthose animals and people she willbe fine but maybe will be your dogs that may need taking care of!

Afraid I dont know about this as have never had a dog.

Gosh 5 weeks is for ever  :shify: :shify:

Offline McKitties (Katie)

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2015, 22:26:49 PM »
Hi Nicola

Thanks for your input, much appreciated.

Yes we certainly will have to swap notes, your two must be about 3 weeks older than Indie so not much in it!

Will have to have another look at cat trays and maybe not rule covered ones out. What litter do you use?

Going to go and also look at food, 30 years ago it was all dried food that was recommended, it seems things have changed???

This is all a bit more complicated than I first thought!!!  :Crazy:
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Offline Nicola (RockysMum)

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New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2015, 21:25:40 PM »
I went for a covered litter tray but was worried they wouldn't use it as its pretty deep.

I took the flap bit off the front & they use it no problem. They just hop over the lip...and Beau is only 7 weeks & teeny tiny.

Glad I went for it as they're very enthusiastic about burying (they do it together ;D) & litter would be everywhere otherwise!!;D

Foodwise, my two go nuts for Nature's Menu pouches & James Wellbeloved pouches. They're both wheat & soya free with good meat content. And I got them on a deal at pets at home!

5 weeks is a long time to wait! I was desperate for mine to be here, but imagine how amazing it'll feel when you have Indie with you.

Love the name by the way! Can't wait to hear all about her when you get her.

You'll only be a few weeks behind me in your kitten adventure so we can swap notes! :)

Offline McKitties (Katie)

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2015, 20:07:45 PM »
Thank you for such a lovely welcome!

Love your comments  :rofl:

My shopping list is getting larger and I'll need to start looking for cardboard boxes to rip up and no doubt jump into (the cat, not me!)

Dare I ask about litter and food?! Oh and trays. Have decided to go for open but do I need little, not so deep ones to start? Do the ones with the rims work from a tracking point of view?

Re the dogs, should I keep Indie in a large dog crate in the living room so she can get to know the dogs with a bit of a barrier or should we just go for it and have her out and well supervised? OR should we keep her in our bedroom for the first week and when the dogs come through to bed pop her in the crate overnight or even swap her through to the living room to run free?

So many questions!

I'll never manage to wait 5 weeks!  :scared:
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2015, 18:08:00 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs....we are definately the best  ;D ;D

Another kitten coming to Purrs..................great and we are having loads of fun with Nicolas kittens  ;D ;D

You might want to remove any delicate or fragile ornaments and other decorative items initially.

More like glue them down a remove until Indie is about 10yrs old  :rofl: :rofl:

My Lupin arrived at 10 months and now 6yrs and has broken every single one  :( He loves to climb and be on high and if there is not room for him on a shelf well he just pushes everything off!  Kittenhood lasys for years  :rofl: :rofl:

We're like the Hotel California here - you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.....!!   

Sue love that song and the quote you are so right  ;D ;D

Worth having a look round Purrs and starting a thread for Indie.................we will definately need pics  ;D

One other thing for you and Nicola......................just wait till they get computer savvy and start typing about you in From the cats mouths  :Crazy: :Crazy: :Crazy:

Offline hollycat

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2015, 16:34:15 PM »

Hello and welcome to Purrs Indiesmum to be ;D

I am dad to two hoolicats Astrophe and Zoonie, they are 21 month old nutters  ;D but I love em and wouldn't change a thing.

Kitten proofing is essential, and lots of toys. A flying frenzy from the purrs shop is a good start, you can fet loads of different toys to attach to it.

Offline Nicola (RockysMum)

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2015, 15:41:33 PM »
Hello!! :welcome:

You’ll love this forum, lovely cat crazy peeps on here. As Sue said, I’ve just got 2 kittens – Beau and Chester - who I had to wait 2 weeks for. The countdown to their arrival in my thread was great fun and helped the time pass. They came home on Thursday. I’m also in my forties and was like a kid waiting for Christmas. How could we not be excited!?  ;D

Definitely echo the kitten proofing advice from Sue as well. We’ve used a LOT of cardboard blocking off things like the gaps in my radiator cover, behind the fridge, the tv unit etc… get yourself some cardboard boxes asap if you want to avoid playing hunt the kitten. :rofl:
And definitely tidy cables away, we bought a cable tidy from amazon and thank goodness we did because any stray bit of cable Chester finds, he attempts to chew! :naughty:

As for things to buy your new furbaby, wand toys are a huge hit, mine also love the little round track with a ball in it.

And I would 100% wholeheartedly recommend the plastic playcube in the purrs shop. It’s a must have. All my cats have adored it, but the kittens are nuts about it - they spend most of their play time leaping around in it. And it's only a fiver

I’ve also got a scratching barrel from zooplus, which they’ve used constantly from the minute they got home. It’s got great cosy hidey holes and is also good for the little claws when they climb on it.
This is it

I bought a cat tree too and was concerned they wouldn’t use it. But, as soon as they saw it they were all over it like little monkeys and they sleep in it all the time. It’s great for kittens to have a high perch to escape to, especially with dogs.

When is she coming home? We’ll all be counting down with you now! ;)
And photos are a must :)

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2015, 14:58:08 PM »
Hello and  :welcome:,

Sue is quite right -no-one here will ever ask 'why?'   :rofl:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2015, 08:35:41 AM »
Katie, if you have a spare minute or two, perhaps you'd like to help in a piece of research another of our members is undertaking on this thread:,46278.0.html

(Hope the link works!)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2015, 08:25:43 AM »
 :welcome:  Katie!!    You can be a member of many many forums, but of course this one's "Da Best"  :evillaugh:

Cor, I'm not surprised you're excited.  We like nothing better than a kitten countdown here on purrs, and in fact another of our members Nic, has just acquired two kittens, which she also had to wait a wee while for.  We had great fun keeping her pccupied until Gotcha Day arrived.   ;D

Mweekie also just got a kitten fairly recently, so you're in very good company.   :)

You'll never hear us ask "why on earth get a kitten?" - quite the opposite in fact.  We all know why you'd get a kitten - or a cat - any day in the year.  :rofl:   And dogs and cats can rub along very well when the introductions are managed right. 

It helps that Indie is already growing up amnog cats and dogs and teenagers too.  What I'd suggest you start doing now, is scent swapping - getting an item of clothing, or an old towel or cloth, and rubbing at all over Indie when you go to visit her.  Then take the cloth home and let the dogs have a good old sniff - do the same in reverse, rubbing down the dogs and taking the cloths back for Indie to sniff.  That will mean that once Indie arrives in her new home with you, they'll already have had a good recognition of each other's scents.  Keep topping up the scent exchanges when you get an opportunity.   :)

Intros should always take place gradually, and always under supervision.  Your older dog may find a kitten a little overwhelming, so keep an eye on their interactions.  Equally, a young labrador can be quite heavy pawed, so just watch out for that initially - he'll love the playfulness of a kitten, but you dont want any squishing accidents   :doh:

I would also say begin now kitten proofing the house.  Kittens can get everywhere - and I mean everywhere!  The unlikeliest of places will accommodate a kitten, however narrow or small.  Tidy up cables and so far as you can, keep them out of sight.  Wsashing machine doors should always be kept closed, and check the machine before washing a load.  Keep the toilet seat down - tell everyone.  Keep it shut.  Keep threads, wool and other chewables out of reach.  You might want to remove any delicate or fragile ornaments and other decorative items initially.

Kittens love to play, and tiring them out before bedtime makes for a peaceful household.  Wand toys are the best, and laser pointers.  And interactive food treattoys where they have to work to get at the treats inside.  Check out Purrs own shop for some great ideas.    Really spend time playing with her until she's worn out.  Then you get some kitten cuddling time   :Luv:  Handle her as often as you can, even now. 

A nice comfy cat bed will be a good place for her to rest - at least at first until she claims all other items of furniture as her own, and a high-ish cat tree for her to climb on and escape from the dogs when she wants to would also be a good idea.

Gotta go now, but others will be along soon with tons of other ideas and suggestions.

Can we see more piccies please?    And when - exactly - are you getting her?   :wow:   We need to know.

We're like the Hotel California here - you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.....!!   

Offline McKitties (Katie)

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New kitten on the horizon.
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2015, 08:12:47 AM »

Hello everyone, I've not long posted on another forum when I just discovered this purrrfect one completely dedicated to cats! I know people are often members of lots of forums but I think this may be the most popular one, would that be right??  Well I hope you don't mind me posting again here, cos I need all the help I can get!!

My name is Katie and at the end of November, I'll be the proud new owner of a kitten who I've named Indie.
My avatar photo is her at 3 weeks. We had a cat when I was young and now in my forties I'm ridiculously excited at getting my own one!

I want to be as prepared as possible for when she arrives and I have been pouring through several searches here of all things kitten and through the online stores as well. I've probably read too much now and I'm left a bit overwhelmed!

Just to complicate matters we have two dogs. One old Jack russell who was super with our house rabbit and in fact any other animal we've had in the house over the years and a young and playful Labrador who is a year and a half old, has a lovely temperament and is scared of his own shadow!
So why on earth get a kitten I hear you ask? A few reasons really, firstly she was a gift, I work from home, we stay in a super area for cats and I've so wanted a cat around the house for such a long time. Oh and the house where my dog goes for his holidays has three cats and he doesn't bother with them. Is that enough justification?!

I would really appreciate any help and advice. I'll be getting her around ten weeks old from a busy home of more cats, dogs and teenagers so I think she will be well socialised and of course she will be vaccinated and checked over by my vet.

Would anyone mind telling me what they think the essentials are for getting your first kitten? Makes of products would be welcome as I don't want to waste my time spending money on rubbish alternatives. Any advice re the dog situation would be great too. I know it's asking a lot on one post but I so want to get it right.

Many thanks in advance.

'Indie's Mum to be' :)

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